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May 27th 2022
This day 58 years ago on 27 May 1964 India was cast into a dark pall of gloom and shock when All India Radio (as #Doordarshan then was) announced the death of the first Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru. "The light is out" said The Times of India
In the 16 years or so as Prime Minister of a country that was born amidst the cauldron of a bloody #Partition, he succeeded in weaving a diverse nation of many languages, religions, groupings, political views and opinions into a functioning modern State
He was the ultimate modernist, technophile, scientifically-minded, internationalist leader any post-colonial country could have hoped for. Did he have flaws? Hell, yes! He was a human after all not a God, and thank goodness for that.
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Sep 25th 2021
I&B Minister @ianuragthakur: #HambotingLa site is one of the most difficult locations considering the hostile weather conditions and geographical terrain
@MIB_India @PIB_India @airnewsalerts #Doordarshan
@ianuragthakur @MIB_India @PIB_India @airnewsalerts @Mayank23Agrawal I&B Minister @ianuragthakur: The number may look small compared to other parts of the country, but it demonstrates the commitment of Government of India to reach each and every citizen in the border areas
@ianuragthakur @MIB_India @PIB_India @airnewsalerts @Mayank23Agrawal I&B Minister @ianuragthakur: Border coverage by strong signals of Radio & Television is an important aspect of broadcasting policies of the Government
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Jun 4th 2021
Thread: For my weekly cinema column in Mirror/TOI Plus, I've been writing a series of pieces on #trainsinIndiancinema. First came this column, which opens with the Lumiere Brothers but zooms quickly into Avtar Kaul's strange and vivid award-winner #27Down:…
For the second piece in the series, I looked back at what the railways meant to British colonial India - and Anglo Indians - through the Ava-Gardner-starrer #BhowaniJunction:…
Third column in my #trainsinIndiancinema series suggested that in the #1950s work of filmmaker #BimalRoy, trains were a lifeline -- but simultaneously harbingers of doom.…
Read 7 tweets
Apr 22nd 2020
Under #RajivPM’s leadership India saw television kranti - #Doordarshan made many memorable serials.

#Ramayan was made on Rajivji’s suggestion

Followed by mega epic #Mahabharata

Timeless classics like #MileSurMeraTumhara #EkChidiya and several serials like #Tamas #Buniyaad #Humlog and many others were created under Rajivs Premiership 🙏🏻

India was young, smart, vibrant and united under #RajivGandhi 🙏🏻

@threadreaderapp unroll please 🙏🏻
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Mar 31st 2020
The Success of Ramayana & What it meant for all Indians.
(A Thread)

Ramanand Sagar's serial Ramayana comes in the 1st category in the history of television. It was telecast in Doordarshan on 25 Jan 1987. When it first came on TV, no one imagined that it would get so much fame. Image
Ramayana became the 1st serial of TV world, which got the first place in Limca Book Records.
For millions of Indians, life came to a standstill for 45 minutes every Sunday morning.
At 9.30 am, people settled down to watch this epic serial, the greatest hit in Indian TV history. Image
During that sacred three-quarters of an hour it is said the CM of UP, the largest Indian state, refused to take telephone calls.
In Jammu and Kashmir, angry viewers attacked a power station when electricity cuts disrupted the telecast. Image
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Mar 20th 2020
This thread is documentation of #viral, #PseudoScience & #irrational information circulating around in the midst of #CoronavirusOutbreakindia.
Starting from @AltNews report debunking uniform latitudes of places where #Corona came.…

Coronavirus: Is drinking cow urine any help?
By Reality Check team @BBCNEWSIndia1…
China culled around 18,000 chickens in Shaoyang city in the southern province of Hunan as a result of a flu outbreak. Rumours in India started circulating, that broiler chicken has been infected with Coronavirus and people should avoid consuming it.…
Read 39 tweets

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