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Apr 11th 2022
"I simply cannot bear to look at Ba's face, the expression is often like that of a meek cow and that in her own dump manner she is saying something" –

To keep the brand, “Mahatma” popular, they never told the miserable story of his wife.
On her 153rd birth anniversary, let
us revisit a tragedy called #KasturbaGandhi.

Born on April 11, 1869 at Porbander, Kasturba was elder to Gandhi by 6 months, she married Mohandas with whom she played since her childhood.

Gandhi’s rejection of Kasturba came to the extent of his remarking, ‘Her staying in the
Ashram is in vain’.
MKG’s dissatisfaction with Kasturba surfaced off & on whenever Kasturba asserted her own individuality & resisted his arbitrary demands.
He had resisted her on the question of the education of her sons, untouchability, khadi & the harsh life in the ashrams.
Read 20 tweets
Apr 11th 2021
On her 152nd birth anniversary, let us revisit a tragedy called #KasturbaGandhi.
The First Image is Kasturba Washing Gandhi’s Feet.
Bharatiya History witnessed two Over Hyped characters; both of them treated their wives with utmost contempt not acceptable to humanity.
They were
Gandhi and Nehru.
The Real Gandhi MISTREATED his family, Once he wrote a letter and I quote
"I simply cannot bear to look at Ba's face, the expression is often like that of a meek cow and that in her own dump manner she is saying something".
Born on April 11, 1869 at Porbander,
Kasturba was elder to Gandhi by 6 months, she married Mohandas with whom she played since her childhood.
The person whom she married was a SEXUALLY OVERDRIVEN husband who later took celibacy without her consent.
Infact, MK Gandhi left Kasturba in 1908 for Hermann Kallenbach,
Read 20 tweets
Jul 9th 2020
Not sure how on the radar this is for you but the #Chinaflooding season starts in 13 days and it’s already a catastrophe.

An interesting analysis of the situation.

#msm not covering this.

@paul_furber @paulmuaddib61

Read 145 tweets
Feb 22nd 2020

Bharatiya History witnessed two Over Hyped characters, both of them treated their wives with utmost contempt not acceptable to humanity.
They were Gandhi and Nehru.
On this day in 1944 at AgaKhan Palace, Poona, so called Mahatma was Directly Responsible for his wife Kasturba's Death.

Born on April 11, 1869 at Porbander, Kasturba was elder to Gandhi by 6 months, she married Mohandas with whom she played since her childhood.
The person whom she married was a SEXUALLY OVERFRIVEN husband who later took celibacy without her consent.
What Is Kasturba for Gandhi, Sex Doll. For Mohandas she was a bonded slave, who was not allowed to think or protest.
Once Mohandas Gandhi had accused Kasturba of Infedility
Read 10 tweets

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