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Откровенно говоря, я так и не понял, почему человечеству настолько не понравились марвеловские #Eternals. Я имею ввиду, ну, это ведь хорроший фильм, по сравнению с бОльшей частью того что вышло от марвеловской студии.
В конце концов, марвел сняла Captain America: The Winter Soldier - один из самых унылых фильмов вообще за всю историю человечества. А у него метаскор 70. В то время как у вечных - 52
Как минимум у Хлои Чжао получилось сохранить свое авторское видение, а это у марвел не многим режиссерам позволено. Вон, разве что Тайку Вайтити можно отметить да Гана. И то, потому что у них фильмы бодрые и со смехуёчками, потому их авторское видение не слишком мешало боссам М.
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#ThorLoveAndThunder, a box office hit by reasonable standards, had a bigger second-weekend drop than many Marvel movies. Now critics & pundits are speculating about whether Marvel Studios is in a rough patch.

What does this mean for the future of the MCU?…
The steep decline between weekends is not surprising, considering the film scored a B+ in CinemaScore audience exit polling. To put that in perspective for a Marvel movie, that’s a little like getting a B+ in P.E. class.

Reviews were similarly middling.…
In addition, some recent Phase 4 films like #Eternals have been received less enthusiastically than earlier MCU chart-toppers, with recent films #BlackWidow and #DoctorStrangeMultiverseOfMadness getting somewhat mixed responses.…
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"Deja de decir que nos toleras [a los LGTBI]. Se tolera el calor en Florida, la humedad en Arizona y la sequedad en Texas. Toleras los lloros de un bebé. Nosotras tenemos el derecho de vivir, amar y tener". Victoria Alonso a su jefe en Disney, Bob Chapek.
Victoria Alonso es argentina, una de las presidentas de Marvel y también lesbiana. Recibió el GLAAD a la representación en el cine por producir #Eternals.…
Cuando Chapek fue elegido séptimo consejero delegado de la historia de Disney en febrero de 2020 fue cuestionado. No solo sustituía al adorado Bog Iger, sino que venía de Parques y Cruceros. En dos años ha propiciado la demanda de Scar Jo y pla mayor polémica de Disney en décadas
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Why are movies so long now?…
In an age when there’s no shortage of entertainment options, directors, producers or executives don’t need anyone to exit a movie and think: “It was good, but it was way too long.” ImageImageImage
It may not be scientifically proven, but sometimes it feels like movies are, indeed, getting longer. Many of this year’s biggest releases may as well have run forever and a day. Image
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Korang dah tengok movie #Eternals tapi masih confuse lagi? Alright guys, ini adalah BEBENANG EASTER EGGS & REFERENCE untuk movie Eternals. Dari mula sampai habis aku bedah siasat. Termasuk kenapa Thanos warna ungu sedangkan adik dia Eros seperti manusia biasa. Lessgo!
Mula je movie korg akan nmpk teks scrolling ke atas yg bermula dgn "In the beginning..." menunjukkan Arishem beritahu tentang Six Singularities. Ya betul. Ini adalah merujuk kepada Infinity Stones. Dlm GotG, The Collector pun ckp benda yg sama.
Taneleer Tivan/The Collector ckp yg batu-batu infiniti terbentuk sebelum universe dicipta & bentuk batu-batu itu digelar sbg "concentrated ingots." Kemungkinan besar, batu-batu infiniti ni dicipta oleh Celestial sendiri sbb kita tahu yg Celestial dah ada sebelum univeese dicipta.
Read 65 tweets
We've said it before, but we LOVED #Eternals! For many reasons, among them is that it's a massive, beautiful, and original Marvel story that's STACKED with Easter Eggs! Here are some that you might have missed ⬇️⬇️⬇️
First, the opening text crawl in the movie starts with "In the beginning," which is the same way The Book of Genesis begins in the Bible, making this a nod to how the Eternals were here when the MCU began.
Also, in the opening text crawl, we learn about the "six singularities," which is a nod to the Infinity Stones. In Guardians of the Galaxy, the Collector says the Infinity Stones predate the universe. Now we learn that Arishem predates them.
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La energía cósmica es un concepto recurrente en series y películas de ficción, como en la recién estrenada #Eternals de @Marvel. Pero ¿cuáles son realmente los fenómenos cósmicos más energéticos del universo?
¡Abrimos #hiloIFT con 10 de nuestros favoritos!
🔟Prácticamente “en casa” en la escala cósmica, las erupciones solares son eventos cataclísmicos debidos a los campos magnéticos en el plasma solar. Son decenas de veces el tamaño de la Tierra y alcanzan energías de 100 millones de megatones
Erupciones solares intensas como la de clase X1 el pasado 28/10/21 #Halloween provocan efectos molestos para telecomunicaciones via zonas altas de la atmósfera, o espectaculares, como las auroras boreales/australes. Maravillosas, pero inofensivas a nivel cósmico…
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THREAD: Os Deuses e Lendas representados por cada um dos 10 #Eternals
#Druig - Os Druidas

O nome do Druig indica que ele deve ser baseado no grupo de líderes religiosos chamados Druidas.

Druidas eram pessoas encarregadas das tarefas de aconselhamento e ensino, e de orientações jurídicas e filosóficas dentro da sociedade celta.
#Ajak - Ajax

Ajax foi um lendário herói cujas façanhas são descritas no poema épico de Homero, A Ilíada. Ele foi um lutador feroz na histórica Guerra de Tróia, no entanto, depois que ele irrita a deusa Atena, ela o engana para ele tirar sua própria vida.
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🆕 | Havíamos trazido para vocês que, no início, #Eternals teria 12 Eternos protagonistas. E agora, Ryan, roteirista do filme, confirma que se tratava do Zuras e Valkin:

“O papel do Zuras, e muitas de suas características, meio que foram pro Gilgamesh. Acho que nos primeiros [+]
rascunhos, Zuras foi quem cuidou de Thena e morou com ela na Austrália.” Diz Ryan Firpo. “Mas percebemos que havia muito conflito entre Zuras e Ajak porque Ajak é a líder, mas Zuras está no cânone como o líder de todo sempre. Então, colocamos partes de cada personagem no Gilga.”
“E o outro personagem era Valkin, um curandeiro, e era uma situação muito engraçada porque este era o Valkin no passado, mas hoje em dia ele era um lutador no México, e seu personagem era o Vampiro.”

Valkin nas HQ's é pai do Druig e tio do Ikaris, já Vampiro é um outro Eterno.
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The Eternals writers had to be spoiled on Infinity War and Endgame since they were writing a movie that would come after them.…
First, about three years ago, Kaz and Ryan Firpo wrote their first script together called Ruin. At the time, they had no agents or managers, then suddenly the script found its way to Kevin Feige and Nate Moore at Marvel.
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🆕 | Os Novos Vingadores, Kang e o Capitão América. Essas foram algumas das várias ideias de cena pós-créditos para #Eternals, revela os roteiristas:

“Havia cerca de, eu diria, meia dúzia de versões sólidas dessas cenas nos créditos finais que exploramos. [+] ImageImageImage
Acho que grande parte desse processo é deixar portas abertas. É disso que se trata. Por mais que todos queiram acreditar que existe um quadro branco que não é tocado há gerações e fica no escritório de Kevin [Feige] com tudo que acontecerá nos próximos 40 anos, realmente é... [+]
um processo do que as pessoas querem ver? O que será divertido naquele momento? Que porta podemos deixar aberta?” Explica Kaz Firpo.

Segundo ele, houve a ideia dos Eternos se juntarem a uma nova formação dos Vingadores, ou ter Kang “vindo conversar um pouco com esses caras.” Image
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Vu qu'on parle beaucoup du score (très bas) d'#Eternals sur Rotten Tomatoes, un petit rappel ce que veut dire le % sur R.Tomatoes : c'est le % de critiques positives.

Ce n'est pas une note qui veut dire qu'un film à 91% est meilleur qu'un avec 52%.
Un film avec 91% peut dissimuler un film que "tout le monde" trouve sympatoche, tandis qu'un film avec 52% peut être un film que la moitié des critiques ont adoré et l'autre détesté. Il peut même y avoir des effets de bords encore plus marqués.
Typiquement, même en se tenant à des blockbusters un film comme Eternals a des avis plus polarisants que Doctor Strange.
Pour celui de Zhao, il y a une proposition de cinéma, une vision du monde, des choix de casting & scénario qui font que le film sort du cadre habituel du MCU.
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While acknowledging media bosses not understanding causality vs correlation is a plague, is it wrong to hope the inevitable Monday QB'ing re: #Eternals (apparently?) being a hit "despite" reviews could AT LEAST lead to some actual introspection re: perspective/representation?
i.e. OBVIOUSLY, just as Virginia doesn't actually "mean anything" about national politics other than nobody likes Terry McAuliffe and too many people still enjoy racism; *NO,* #Eternals still making money doesn't "prove that critics were wrong" (or had "bad motives")...
...and much as I'd like it to be accurate (and I'm SURE it's a narrative you'll see touted by publicists and the studio etc) because it's a "feel good story;" it also doesn't empirically "prove that diverse audiences recognized something 'establishment' critics couldn't see"...
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Alors hier on est allés voir en famille , #Eternals , le dernier #Marvel .

Parce qu’on aime bien les Marvel ME JUGEZ PAS Y’AVAIT PLEIN DE MONDE COMME NOUS

Je ne vais pas vous spoiler le film, mais c’est un bon Marvel qui vaut le coup, voilà pourquoi⬇️
Pour situer, les Éternels sont des personnages hyper mega puissants, créés par un Dieu, qui squattent sur terre depuis 7000 ans pour protéger l’humanité.
Alors non, pas contre les guerres ou les maladies , sinon le film durerait 2 minutes et ce serait chiant.
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So, #Eternals

Lemme get my rant out of the way: the rotten score is bullshit. RT has its uses but in the end it distorts criticism by reducing every opinion to a binary good/bad and then obfuscating further by simply telling the % of each. Ok, now for the movie…
#Eternals is exactly what it is: a visionary director given a giant stack of money and a limitless toy box and told to go bananas. And it succeeds much more than it fails.

Visually it’s stunning, from the costumes to the practical sets, everything pops. The sense of scale is
what stood out to me. Previous glimpses of the celestials (shoutout @JamesGunn ) have gotten close but not nailed the bullseye on their sheer scale. Zhao does that here, managing to frame them and the characters with whom they interact so as to really give a sense that #Eternals
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#Eternals boasts the most diverse cast in Marvel history — including Lauren Ridloff, a Deaf actor who plays the franchise's first Deaf superhero.…
“Just to know that I was working with a director like Chloé [Zhao], I felt very safe,” @LaurenRidloff said. “We went through this whole new path as the first Deaf superhero in the MCU, but under her direction, I knew that she would do me justice.”…
Throughout the production process, Ridloff and Zhao engaged in many conversations about portraying her character, #Makkari, authentically in an effort to defy stereotypes surrounding the Deaf community.…
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Quem é STARFOX, qual sua importância na fase 4 da Marvel e porque tem grandes chances dele aparecer no filme dos #Eternals, a Thread:
Starfox na verdade é um pseudônimo que os vingadores deram a ele quando ele foi introduzido ao público. O nome verdadeiro dele é Eros, filho de Alars (mais conhecido como Mentor nos quadrinhos) e irmão do grande Thanos. Ele é um eterno também e tem uma gama diversa de poderes.
Nos quadrinhos, Eros (Starfox) tinha uma relação muito conturbada de brigas e eternas discussões com seu irmão, Thanos; até que ele decidiu vir à terra para procurar pessoas como ele, até que ele entrou no programa de treinamento dos vingadores.
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How Kumail Nanjiani got huge:
It all seemed simple enough: Book a Marvel movie, get ripped, feel incredible @kumailn
But, as #Eternals star @kumailn learned, growing into his new body required recalibrating his whole mindset
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Gemma Chan paying respects to Anna May Wong, the first Chinese American actor in Hollywood’s golden era, ugh her mind #MetGala #MetGala2021
I was hoping she would do this (since there was a pattern of old Hollywood that I was noticing) and she did omfg
Hi, since this is kinda popping off stream @RVsmtown’s new song queendom!
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In recent years, @awkwafina and @kumailn have already made names for themselves, and cracked the entertainment industry’s doors open for Asian American representation.

Now they’re taking another huge step in their careers: joining the MCU.…
What does the future hold now that they’re part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, helping usher in the most inclusive phase in Marvel history with back-to-back premieres of #ShangChi and The #Eternals?

The two actors sat down to talk about it:… Image
In “Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings,” Awkwafina plays Katy, a loyal best friend who gets to have some of her own stunt time on screen.

“She gets some action,” she says.… Image
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Two highbrow big-budget sci-fi blockbusters from two acclaimed, award-winning auteurs open two weeks apart this fall.

Which do you think will fare better critically? Commercially?

#Dune #Eternals ImageImage
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Check out the new @EW exclusive covers featuring Marvel Studios' #Eternals. Experience it in theaters November 5. Read the full story here:…
Check out the new @EW exclusive covers featuring Marvel Studios' #Eternals. Experience it in theaters November 5. Read the full story here:…
Check out the new @EW exclusive covers featuring Marvel Studios' #Eternals. Experience it in theaters November 5. Read the full story here:…
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Proud proud proud. In 9 part thread 👇🏼… it was only three years ago that #CrazyRichAsians was released… This weekend @henrygolding stars in his first big super hero movie #SnakeEyes as one of the most iconic heroes ever created and a ninja very close to my heart (go see it!)
Later this year @GemmaChan is the star in @MarvelStudios #Eternals in what looks to be the start of a whole new chapter in the Marvel Cinematic Universe… (2/9)
Later this summer we will be seeing @awkwafina star alongside #MichelleYeoh and @ronnychieng in @MarvelStudios #ShangChi (3/9)
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