Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #fallofdhaka

Most recents (4)

Dec 16th 2021
50 years have passed since the #FallofDhaka on December 16, 1971.

In the tweets below, I've shared various threads I made over the past one year covering the following:

1. 1970 Elections

2. Operation Searchlight

3. Civil War & Genocide

4. Indo-Pak War 1971

Feedback welcome.
Read 5 tweets
Mar 21st 2021
1 - Mr #ImranKhan demands apology from Pakistan to #Bangladesh |… ( March 24, 2011) Fifth Columnist at #LUMS on #FallOfDhaka are being educated by Fe'reeha Idrees #Fereeha & Javed Chaudhry
2 - Mr #ImranKhan demands apology from Pakistan to #Bangladesh |… Fifth Columnist at #LUMS on #FallOfDhaka are being educated by Bob Geldof aka Ali Azmat , Ahmed Quraishi aka Cyrus Vance & Zaid Hamid aka Jean-Jacques Rousseau | on #JangGroup ‘s Fire TV
Mr #ImranKhan demands apology from Pakistan to #Bangladesh |… Fifth Columnist at #LUMS knows Zilch about #FallOfDhaka | They must watch Mr Imran Khan lecture | Indian IJA Press Conference in London : Full Segment |
Read 15 tweets
Oct 14th 2020
1 - Why Raja Sahab Mahmudabad aka Nawab Mohammad Amir Ahmed Khan (surrogate / adopted son of #Jinnah ) left Pakistan ? Explains Renowned Historian Mr Hassan Jafar Zaidi

#TwoNationTheory #Democracy #Pakistan #India via @sujagvideos
2 - Why Raja Sahab Mahmudabad aka Nawab Mohammad Amir Ahmed Khan (surrogate / adopted son of #Jinnah ) left Pakistan ? Explains Renowned Historian Mr Hassan Jafar Zaidi

#TwoNationTheory #Democracy #Pakistan #India via @sujagvideos
To say that #Jinnah & #AIML wanted to make #Secular #Liberal #Pakistan not the Theocratic State is a Half Truth ! How would you explain #Islamic Speeches of Jinnah ? Reference:… ( cc @Dr_IshtiaqAhmad @omarali50 )

#TwoNationTheory #Islam #India #Partition ImageImageImage
Read 73 tweets
Oct 4th 2020
پانی پانی کر گئی مجھ کو قلندر کی یہ بات
تو جھکا جب غیر کے آگے نہ تن تیرا نہ من
وہ بتوں نے ڈالے ہیں وسوسے کہ دلوں سے خوف خدا گیا
وہ پڑی ہیں روز قیامتیں کہ خیال روز جزا گیا
عداوتیں تھیں، تغافل تھا، رنجشیں تھیں بہت
بچھڑنے والے میں سب کچھ تھا، بے وفائی نہ تھی
#FallofDhaka #NasserTurabi
Read 5 tweets

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