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May 25th 2018
1. Dear financial journalists. If you’ve been here a while and know the difference between crispy chicken rendang and its proper form, my apologies - please skip this thread. For those who sit in offices in Spore, HK, Beijing or London panic googling M’sia, please read on...
2. The events that led up to and since #GE14 have few parallels in history. A kleptocracy was peacefully voted out of power against all odds. Msians overcame electoral fraud, restricted media, abuse of power, murders, etc to get here. It isn’t possible without fortitude.
3. So this is the first thing to understand, i.e., Msians are angry and motivated. An 82% voter turnout on a weekday shows this. We’ve been outraged and are now motivated by the opportunity to rebuild. We understand the historic importance of this moment for our children.
Read 14 tweets
May 23rd 2018
1MDB update from MOF:
1. The Directors of 1MDB confirmed that 1MDB was “insolvent”
2. 1MDB is unable to repay its debts
3. Arul Kanda says he is on garden leave therefore Arul says doesn't know what's happening in the company

4. Arul Kanda says all financial matters were handled strictly by the company CFO
5. Arul Kanda says he is absolutely uncertain as to what the value of these ‘investments’ are
6. Arul Kanda says he doesn't know whether they even exist in the first place
7. LGE FinMin has instructed PwC to conduct a special position audit on 1MDB
8. LGE FinMin says "Arul Kanda’s response was utterly shocking and preposterous because prior to the change of government, he toured the country preaching the financial viability of 1MDB"
Read 7 tweets
May 18th 2018

@msiadecides interviewed Anwar Ibrahim yesterday at his home.

These are excerpts and views from @anwaribrahim interview

Pix by @acinoseth
On Malaysians future:

“There will a new dawn for Malaysia. There will be a new breed of Malaysians who think Malaysian.” -@anwaribrahim
On why Malaysians voted for Pakatan Harapan:

“This has got to sink in mindset of all leaders of PH. They don’t support because of leaders, they support because they want a change” - @anwaribrahim
Read 21 tweets
May 13th 2018
I'm going to start a thread on #PRU14 analysis. Feel free to join in on the conversation.

Let's start with voters themselves, before we jump into results....

Malaysians over 21 = 18,359,670
Registered voters = 14,940,624
#GE14 turnout = 12,299,514 (82.32%)
Even though turnout for 2018GE > 2013GE, the absolute people coming out to vote is the highest in Malaysia's history. This is remarkable because voting day is mid-week.

Until today, SPR/EC do not provide explanation why they made voting day on Wednesday
Now on to the results....

UMNO is the biggest loser. GE13= 88 seats (+9) GE18= 54 (-34)
BN 2nd biggest losre. GE13= 133 seats (-7) GE18= 79 (-54)

Losses on BN is across the board. PBB (-1), PRS (-3), MCA (-6), MIC (-2).... you get the idea
Read 11 tweets
May 11th 2018
Regarding some of the complaints we have gotten about this article from @coconutskl… #GE14 (1)
When we wrote that the former Tourism and Culture Minister Nazri had called Robert Kuok a“tranny” we were aiming to translate his remarks as accurately as possible. To use the politically correct word “transgender” would not have been accurate. (2)
In order to convey this to our readers, we translated it as such, and included the context by adding a screencap of the incident that was recorded. We admit the language is strong, but we wanted to convey the crudeness and disrespect that the former Minister was speaking with (3)
Read 9 tweets
May 11th 2018
DAY 2 of new Pakatan Harapan government: "There is no senior party, no junior party here. We are all equal... it is decided for the moment we are only going to create a small cabinet of important ministers. Not a full cabinet," says Dr Mahathir. #GE14
Dr Mahathir says core ministries will be:
2. Home affairs
3. Defense
4. Education
5. Rural development
6. Economy
7. Public works
8. Transport
9. Multimedia, Science and Technology
10. Foreign Affairs
"If any money is paid to ministers or anyone to cross over, we will regard that as corruption. Just like paying money to get votes. MACC seems to have ignored this throughout the election...we will properly investigate all of this. Because we want to follow the rule of law..."
Read 12 tweets
May 11th 2018
Don’t worry about #Malaysia ’s #GST repeal, higher #Oil and sales tax will help. #ge14. The BN lost control of government. Dr. #MahathirMohamad stated that he will repeal the goods and services tax (GST) and replace it with the sales and services tax (SST). Why? @chedetofficial
#Najib passed the #GST to offset declining revenue as dependence on #oil backfired when oil prices collapsed. It's a tax on the final consumer & generates more tax revenue than the SST. In 2017, GST was 25% of the total tax revenue and 3.3% of GDP - key reason people are negative
But what's key is the rise of oil, which raises oil tax. So #GST becomes less key! Look at the relationship b/n oil and oil tax. Very strong! We assume oil rises to 73 (basically now) & 10% increase of subsidy, & SST revenue (less than GST). Let's look at what happens to fiscal
Read 8 tweets
May 10th 2018
More than 7.3 million Tweets were sent during the 1.5 weeks of the historic #MalaysiaElection, as politics and #GE14 occupied the nation's attention.
Election Day discussions overtook all other conversations in Malaysia yesterday, with over 4.2 million #GE14 Tweets coming through in the past 24 hours alone from across Malaysia and around the world. @Trendsmap
Between the two political coalitions, @pakatanharapan_ narrowly held the edge against @barisanasional with share of mentions in the Twitter #GE14 conversation.
Read 4 tweets
May 10th 2018
Madius of UPKO nego a better deal than Jeffrey of STAR (a well known 🐸)
UPKO ada 4 seat dan 1 parlimen (?) tidak silap saya. Kalau UPKO join Warisan, Tun M akan jadi PM Malaysia.
Read 59 tweets
May 10th 2018
The morning after #GE14: Police block the main entrance to the National Palace. "The government has not been formed. Nothing is happening here," - one officer tells me. Dr Mahathir told us he would be sworn in today.
Palace confirms swearing in won't be taking place today, with heightened security at each entrance. When will Dr Mahathir be sworn in? #GE14
This photo is circulating but this is not the outfit that PM candidates wear when being sworn in. Stay tuned for updates on what's actually happening with Dr Mahathir's swearing in. #GE14
Read 54 tweets
May 7th 2018
At Lucky Garden in Bangsar for Arul Kanda’s talk with Lembah Pantai folk #GE14 #PRU14 @msiadecides
Crowd boos a BN volunteer that is comparing Raja Nong Chik’s social media account and @n_izzah #GE14 #PRU14 @msiadecides
1MDB’s Arul Kanda giving a overview of the scandal ridden fund #GE14 #PRU14 @msiadecides
Read 16 tweets
May 7th 2018
Pada 9hb Mei ini, isi rumah ayah saya insyaAllah solid 6 undi untuk PH di Parlimen Pasir Gudang dan DUN Johor Jaya. Dari 6 undi ini, hanya saya seorang bukan tinggal di Johor dan Parlimen yang disebut di atas.
Kenapa saya masih mahu balik mengundi dan mengapa memilih untuk tidak mengundi di tempat saya bermastautin sekarang?
Jawapan mudahnya kerana undi adalah hak setiap rakyat Malaysia yang termaktub dalam perlembagaan.

Jawapan teknikalnya pula:
Read 10 tweets
May 7th 2018
Waiting for @rafiziramli to reveal Invoke’s prediction for #GE14. Research was done from April 28 to May 3 @msiadecides
Terengganu and Kelantan Malays are the most diligent to answer surveys - @rafiziramli #GE14 #PRU14 @msiadecides
The survey for 2 weeks had 11,991 respondents and found that Malay votes in Selangor, W. Persekutuan and Penang to be higher than BN #GE14 #PRU14 @msiadecides
Read 17 tweets
May 7th 2018
Don't let BN & the EC steal #GE14 - every vote counts. They are doing the best they can to discourage voting, and so the only appropriate response is to come out early & vote in droves.
In case you missed the dirty tricks that the incumbent government has utilised, here are the most important points, and why they matter:
1. Gerrymandering and Malapportionment by the Election Commission

This GE is gerrymandering & malapportionment on steroids. Despite the 13th Schedule of FC to ensure that the number of voters in constituencies are “approximately equal”, they have done the opposite blatantly.
Read 7 tweets
May 6th 2018
1/ Salah satu daripada 10 penyelewengan SPR adalah kerana tidak memberi akreditasi kepada pihak2 yang layak.

#bersih #KeluarMengundi #KalahkanPencuri
2/ BERSIH 2.0 meminta semua warganegara Malaysia membantah pilihan raya yang TIDAK BERSIH dan TIDAK ADIL dengan berpakaian kuning.
3/ Kesemua pemantau pilihan raya yang telah dijemput oleh SPR tidak boleh dikategorikan sebagai PEMANTAU PILIHAN RAYA kerana mereka hanya datang ke Malaysia 3 hari sebelum hari mengundi.

Itu seakan-akan program lawatan dan bukan pemantauan pilihan raya.
Read 17 tweets
May 3rd 2018
Sebenarnya Pilihan Raya Umum (PRU) ni adalah sesuatu perkara yg TEKNIKAL.
Cara untuk mengundi ialah berfikir secara TEKNIKAL bukan sekadar mengikut HATI & AGAMA semata-mata.

Sbb tu tagline nya:


Kita kene faham mcm mana keadaan mengundi nanti. So , kertas undi terbahagi kpd 2 kertas;

-Kertas Undi DUN
-Kertas Undi PARLIMEN

ialah untuk menentukan siapa yg akan memerintah kawasan DUN dan secara overall menyumbang kpd KERUSI DUN yg akan memerintah NEGERI. Dan kertas undian DUN TIDAK akan memberi KESAN kpd KERUSI Parlimen pemerintahan NEGARA.
Read 21 tweets
May 3rd 2018
What century do we live in?: In Malaysia, a pregnant parliamentary candidate receives sexist and misogynist insults, slutshaming remarks, and insinuations that she is a bad mother for competing in the elections. #GE14 1/3
More sexist, misogynist remarks thrown at a pregnant Malaysian parliamentary candidate #GE14 2/3
More sexist, misogynist remarks thrown at a pregnant Malaysian parliamentary candidate #GE14 3/3
Read 5 tweets
May 2nd 2018
Been a week since I watched #InfinityWar and another week till it’s #GE14, so here’s a thread on which Malaysian #PRU14 calon is which #InfinityWar character.

Spoilers warning ⚠️
Thanos: Najib. The power stone is GST; space stone is redelineation; reality stone is 1MDB; soul stone is Altantuuya; time stone is UndiRabu; and mind stone is cybertroopers. (1/10)
Iron Man: Mahathir. Was supposed to retire but none of us can actually remember him retiring. Everyone thinks he’s gonna die soon. (2/10)
Read 12 tweets
May 1st 2018
-Voters and a frog-

Frogs are ectothermic amphibians which means they use surrounding temperature to regulate their body temperature.

If we place a frog in a container of water and slowly heat the water, the frog will stay put while regulates their body temperature.
Just when the water about to reach the boiling point, the frog decides to jump out of the container.

Unfortunately, its legs give out and it can't jump out and died in the container.

Now, what kills the frog?
Many of us would say the boiling water. But the truth is, what killed the frog was its own inability to decide when to jump out.

Now try to see the situation in real lives. We get accustomed to terrible situations and dont realize how hot the water is getting.
Read 7 tweets
Apr 10th 2018
BREAKING: Malaysia's 14th General Election will be held on Wednesday, May 9. Nomination day will be on Saturday, April 28.
The minimum period of 11 days has been set for campaigning. Unlike past polls, these elections will be held on a weekday. #GE14
Will a mid-week polling day and a short campaigning period work to Barisan Nasional or Pakatan Harapan's favour? #GE14
Read 100 tweets

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