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1/10 Có rất nhiều bạn ib cho mình vì mất tiền và thất bại và mất niềm tin. Cái mình có thể chia sẻ cho các bạn ở tweet này như sau:
Năm 2019:
Bài này cũng cố lòng tin và #btc cho mình…
#btc #crypto #eth Image
2/10 Tại sao bạn thua lỗ trong thị trường tài chính và crypto?
Sau năm 2018 đau thương mất mát quá nhiều thì năm 2019 Đức đã đúng kết và chia sẻ lại cảm giác và trải nhiệm lên mạng xã hội facebook cá nhân, mọi người có thể đọc dưới theo link: Image
3/10 bài này mình đăng để các bạn đã và đang mất tiền xem lại và nên biết phải làm gì?…
#btc #ETH #crypto Image
Read 11 tweets
Over the past 30 days, @cai_index - $CAI outperformed both $AVAX & the biggest DeFi crypto index #DeFiPulse $DPI by several points!


A thread 🧵
📊 PERFORMANCE (30 days period)

vs $DPI:
$CAI gained a whopping +66% while $DPI only managed +31%.

vs $AVAX:
$CAI outperformed $AVAX by 8 percentage points. 🤯🔥
..Talk about diversification & its ability to influence overall portfolio performance! 👌

Every month, we make sure $CAI adheres to its methodology & that funds are efficiently allocated.

This month, no new assets that fit $CAI's criteria have been added. The current allocation of assets is as follows:

$AVAX: 20%
$sAVAX: 30%
$JOE: 35%
$QI: 15%
Read 5 tweets
#vieprofessionnelle : le défi de la juste intégration des #jeunes et des #personnesâgées
Alors que @Halpern_G évoque dans cet article de @OuestFrance la nécessité pour les #RH des entreprises et administrations publiques, de réussir l'hybridation générationnelle je doute,
si fortement. Non pas du bien fondé de cette réflexion & piste, au contraire.
Mais de la capacité de beaucoup à se saisir du problème.
Pourquoi notre monde du travail et notre société, déjà largement si inhospitaliers à la #neurodiversité (e.g. 5 % seulement des pers. autistes
travaillent selon les données de ce reportage de 2021 -…, qui sont celles d'un rapport de la Cour des comptes, dont seulement 0,5% en #milieuordinaire -…) parviendrait il à faire mieux pour que les compétences et connaissances des
Read 8 tweets
@franceinter Logique bande de crétins "bien diplômés" sans COMPRENDRE car sans SAVOIRS #Tekhne...
TOUT est relatif! 1er SAVOIR philosophique!
Encourager le communautarisme dit "positif" entraine AUSSI TOUJOURS son opposé!
Voilà pourquoi la France était UNIVERSALISTE!

@franceinter Combattre le racisme par la discrimination dite positive ne fait que amplifier le racisme (surtout de la part des "bien discrimnés" oubliant qu'ils l'ont été)!
@franceinter Prétendre combattre le masculanisme par le féminisme (en embauchant de femmes car femme plutôt que des GENS COMPETENTS (et vice-versa)) ne fait qu'amplifier les deux!
Read 6 tweets
Kicking off #QMC2022- @arifkamalmd with Top 10 Pearls in #hapc #quality! #pedpc
Speaking of @PalliativeQual - do you do palliative care?
Do you follow the Palliative Care Quality Collaborative? No time like the present! Twitter is still here!
@arifkamalmd on palliative care as a field: "We're kinda badass!"
Wish I felt this way more often! Always good to be reminded! #hapc #pedpc
Read 8 tweets
1/ Starting now #UCSFMGR with @UCSFGIfellows @kpthrive Dr. Doug Corley on Updates on Colorectal Cancer Screening, esp w/ the latest controversial @NEJM NordICC trial:…

Dr. @Bob_Wachter opens w/ humorous Dave Barry quote re:colo:…
@UCSFGIfellows @kpthrive @NEJM @Bob_Wachter 2/ Dr. @DouglasCorley notes that there are many CRC deaths even w/ effective CRC screening - it's the 2nd leading cause of cancer death. Current screening modalities have different types of supporting evidence: FOBT, FIT test, septin-9 blood testing, sigmoidoscopy & colonoscopy.
@UCSFGIfellows @kpthrive @NEJM @Bob_Wachter @DouglasCorley 3/ Digging into NordICC Methods: this was really an EFFECTIVENESS trial of INVITATION to a real-world implementation program. CRC screening is not only diagnostic, but also preventative & long lag time b/w dx & mortality. The study showed moderate uptake of colo - like US.
Read 8 tweets
Today marks the start of #WHA75!

This week, @WHO, Ministries of Health, civil society, & more will discuss #GlobalHealth priorities.

Missing on agenda? #GlobalSurgery & 🫀 care.

Hence, I'll be sharing key points, papers, & developments in #GlobalCardiacSurgery in 75 tweets 👇 Image
(1/75) To start, what *is* #GlobalCardiacSurgery?

GCS extends far beyond OR, from community-based disease detection & efficient referral networks to timely care, long-term follow-up, robust supply chains & adequate financial risk protection. #WHA75

Read:… Image
(2/75) Why does #GlobalCardiacSurgery matter?

⚠️ Every year, 18 million people die from #CVD

🫀 500 million live with CVD; 100s of millions more to come.

🏥 Up to 1/3 will require #CTSurgery or interventional care in lifetime

Data @IHME_UW:…

#WHA75 ImageImageImage
Read 77 tweets
Let's talk about Bundled Care of Pediatric Critical Care Patients: Guidelines and Implementation Part 2! We start with Dr. John Berkenbosch talking about choosing the right analgesic/sedation/NMB agent

#SCCM2022 #PedsICU
Underlying disease may cause pain that we cannot well appreciate.

✅Enhancement of sleep should be a goal for its restoration and reduction of delirium.
✅IV opiates strong recommendation to manage moderate to severe pain
❓Need studies comparing opiates
#SCCM2022 #PedsICU
Non-opioid adjunct
Consider use of non opioids both NSAIDS and APAP
Reduced pain scores, and opiate use
#SCCM2022 #PedsICU
Read 14 tweets
Happy Monday to all my new/existing follows! So excited many people are willing to share their experiences with racism and are READY to dismantle it! I’m a nurse, speaker @NSB_Speakers, writer @ByBlacks, medical contributor @CBCNews @globalnews @CP24 and podcaster @GrittyNurse! Image
I discuss & advocate for #mentalhealth #healthequity #poverty.
I am mom of neurodivergent twins and a little girl. I am a #autism & #disability advocate and anti-racism educator who specializes in anti-racism in healthcare. I’m also an intersectional feminist! #Speaker
I have also advocated for #nursing as a profession, discussed the intersection of policy and healthcare and openly advocate for healthy and safe work environments free from bullying and harassment (got no time for bullies!) #NurseTwitter
Read 5 tweets
Real cost of borrowing stablecoins.
This is part 1 of the series, I will go through different chains in the next parts.
1/ Today we'll talk about minimizing the cost of borrowing stablecoins on #Polygon chain. #Fantom and #Terra are in the drafts already.
2/ The most popular loan in crypto is stablecoin loans. If you fill that market is trending upwards you can leverage position by collateralizing your assets and borrowing stablecoins against it. It is not the most actual topic at the moment, but you'll be prepared for later.
Read 12 tweets
[#Thread] Comment générer environ 30/35% d'intérêt avec ses #stablecoins sur la #blockchain @avalancheavax.

Une stratégie possible grâce au programme Avalanche Rush, @StakeDAOHQ (@bneiluj) ainsi que d'autres protocoles.

A consommer sans modération et bien reposé ⬇️
Cette stratégie de #YieldFarming utilise différents protocoles #DeFi.

Elle a été présentée par @lemiscate lors de différents lives sur la chaîne de @CryptoMatrix2 et @LeJournalDuCoin .

Un grand merci à lui car il œuvre chaque jour pour un écosystème #crypto meilleur.
Disclaimer : Ceci n'est pas un conseil en investissement.

Ce genre de méthode comporte des risques liés aux cryptomonnaies, stablecoins, #smartcontract, #liquidation, faille et hack.

Faites vos propres recherches (#DYOR) et n’investissez que de l’argent que vous pouvez perdre.
Read 22 tweets
I'm pleased to share our newest article ( in @JournalASEcho led by @BIDPlymouth lead sonographer @FostelloS who spearheaded a weekly #EchoFirst #QI sonographer performance feedback program. @ASE360 @GWhalleyPhD @MerriBremer @BonitaEcho @IACaccred @TheSDMS
1/ Increasing imaging volume has put a unique strain on sonographers who are asked to acquire more complex studies and perform detailed analysis in the same or less time. This may contribute to misdiagnosis or errors in data entry that may prolong time needed to analyze studies.
2/ We evaluated a system of weekly sonographer performance feedback on rates of errors. Physicians were mandated to evaluate sonographer performance on 26 technical errors and 17 scan omissions, 2018-2020 using the customizable @EncaptureMD #EchoFirst reporting software.
Read 16 tweets
In the 1st multi-centre study from England, we identified factors that increase the likelihood of children needing #CPR in #PedsICU. Children from Black & Asian ethnic backgrounds were more likely to require CPR
@Picstato @rgfeltbower @RameshK49951542 @BarneyUoB
Cardiopulmonary arrests are a major contributor to mortality and morbidity in #PedsICU. Understanding the epidemiology and risk factors for #CPR may inform quality improvement #QI initiatives.…
We aimed to identify incidence and factors associated with variability of incidence of #CPR in #PedsICU by performing a retrospective cohort analysis on data from #PICANet with @PICSTato @rgfeltbower @RameshK49951542 @BarneyUoB
Read 11 tweets
🧵 “How can I improve #PICC safety in my hospital?”

I’ve received many questions like this following the recent publication of our @BMJ_Qual_Saf paper showing how we did this in 50+ hospitals.…

Today, we released the formula (Thread)
@BMJ_Qual_Saf First, head over to and click on “Implementation” in the top menu - this will take you to the Roadmap for Quality Improvement. Image
@BMJ_Qual_Saf Then, pause for a moment.

You’re about to go on a journey - a #qualityimprovement journey.

Look for your markers, prepare yourself for change! Image
Read 13 tweets
Just joining this @NHSElect webinar on Systems Thinking in QI with @RobinD100 and @GarethCorser

#SystemsThinking #QI #QITwitter
I want to share some of the fabulous stuff I picked up in today's Systems Thinking in QI webinar with the wonderful presenting duo, @RobinD100 & @GarethCorser

What is a system? And how can we apply systems thinking to Quality Improvement?


Traditional analysis focusses on linear processes & breaking down problems into component parts. But there are also relational influences within a system where variation in a systems part influences other parts of the system which may influence each other in turn.
Read 19 tweets
1. Measurement is a fundamental part of quality improvement in healthcare.
2. Here’s a #tweetorial on measurement for improvement, mostly addressing common pitfalls and how to avoid them

🌿Inspired by this excellent paper from @MaryDixonWoods and team…

#QI #quality #meded @TheQCommunity @MedTweetorials
3. Measurement IS an essential part of any improvement project because:

The only way to know if a change in an improvement is by measuring the impact of it
Read 18 tweets
Dr. Cook begins her #CCC50 Lifetime Achievement Award talk with reflection on her own 1st presentation ever as an #ICU fellow- at an @SCCM Congress! She was struck by the interprofessional group of attendees.(Thread)

#NationalWomenPhysiciansDay #WomenInMedicine #clinicalresearch
Her first lesson learned to impart to us.


An early senior researcher said to her early in career:
"I just don't think research is in your future"

Imagine what #CriticalCare world would have lost if she had listened.

#CCC50 #pulmcc #PedsICU
Dr. Cook: Sometimes dialogue is more important than consensus. You have the TRUST YOUR GUT. #CCC50

You're not growing until you're changing. Defining moments for bravery may come along when you least expect them. Be brave. #WomensPhysicianDay #PedsICU #pulmcc #ICU
Read 14 tweets
🚨 Brand new QI tonight at 9pm on @BBCTwo 🚨

Sandi and Alan are joined by @BillBailey, @fatjacko and @rocknrolga to discuss all kinds of ROGUES. Sandi and the panellists in the studio
But before then, let's have a criminally fiendish pre-QI quiz.


By law, buskers in Dublin ‘must have a sufficient repertoire to play without repetition for at least 20 minutes’. 🪕
A whopping 90.5% said True but actually the law stipulates that they must have a repertoire of least 30 minutes
Read 10 tweets
1⃣ Awareness. Most policymakers are challenged to understand how many #health workers they have, their locations, status & latest qualifications when making #health decisions. These challenges are exacerbated during crises like #COVID19 where real-time data are essential.
2⃣ Self-regulation. Effective human resource information systems are not built overnight. Most resulted through #healthpolicy mandates & required #multisectoral governance & buy-in, including health, IT, education, labor, finance, private sectors, as done in the #Philippines.
Read 7 tweets
I often hear people say that we should apply what we know from #QI to the #COVID19 response -- the concerns around COVID testing and trying to increase our testing capacity serve as a good example where knowledge of systems can be helpful. A thread.
I often teach #QI with @kgshojania.

He uses this analogy of a Rube Goldberg machine to describe complex systems in healthcare.

Rube Goldberg machines are intentionally designed to perform a simple task in an indirect and overly complicated way

E.g., a pencil sharpener
A: Open window
B: Fly kite
C: Pull pulley
D: Lift cage door
E: Release Moths
F: Eat coat
G: Raise boot
H: Flip switch
I: Turn on iron
J: Burn shirt
K/L: Smoke out opossum
M: Jump out of tree
N: Land in basket
O/P: Lift cage
Q: Reveal woodpecker
R: Sharpen pencil
Read 9 tweets
Tonight at 9pm on BBC Two there's a brand new episode of QI starring Sandi, Alan, @sarapascoe, @BZephaniah and @joshwiddicombe! #QI Sandi and Alan in the studi...
But before then it's time for our pre-QI quiz!


Ostriches have four kneecaps.
67% said True and... it is!
Read 11 tweets
Let's answer this for Alan #QI Image
Is it more relaxing to be in a locked room or an unlocked room? 🔒
One minute left and it's 49.5% vs 50.5%...
Read 3 tweets
Tonight at 9pm our brand new RADIOACTIVE episode goes out on BBC Two. Starring Sandi, Alan, Joe Lycett, Shazia Mirza and Josh Widdicombe! #QI ☢️☢️☢️☢️ Image
But before then it's time for our pre-QI quiz!


The Marianas Trench in the Pacific is so deep that a pebble dropped from the surface will take over an hour to reach the bottom.
77.9% said True and... it is True!
Read 10 tweets
There's brand new QI tonight at 9pm on @BBCTwo and it's all about REFLECTIONS! Starring Sandi, Alan, @joelycett, @zoelyons and Liza Tarbuck.
Now there's something not right with this picture, but we can't quite put our finger on it... the QI studio but Alan is s...
But before then it's time for our pre-QI quiz!


The 1882 eruption of Krakatoa could be heard over 100 miles away in Jakarta. 🌋
83% said True but it's False!
The eruption was in 1883. 🤭
Read 11 tweets

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