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Jan 23rd 2023
Meet some of India's most renowned and best-selling #NFT artists who are disrupting the perception of #art and how it should be viewed.⁠⁠

#NFTArt #IndianArt #Talent #MakingIndiaProud
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Jan 9th 2023
India has a rich legacy of folk art that has been passed down through generations. And many of them are still alive thanks to these pioneering #artists who've toiled tirelessly for their preservation >>>

#IndianArt #FolkArtists #Legends #IndianHeritage #Art #Culture #India
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Jun 16th 2022
As an aspiring #Artist , I love to Paint/Sketch my own perspective & observations of things that inspires me. I've been doing this for a decade & would love to share it on this platform.

Hence, I am starting this thread where I'll add my couple of #artwork everyday. Let's go...
"Under the same moon, Let's watch it together, tonight."

This is made with Soft Pastel on Black sheet.
Follow on #Instagram for more:

#StarryNight #moon #night #NightSky #Sketching #sketch #art #artwork #artistsontwitter #Artists #Artist #artistsupport Image
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May 16th 2020
I Dance forms of India A Thread I

The Classical dance evolved from the ancient temples of Tanjavoor across centuries a rich & Vibrant temple tradition that is continuously renewed!
@LostTemple7 @Lost_History1
#IncredibleIndia Image
Bharatanatyam derivation from the four most important aspects of dance.
In Sanskrit Bha from Bhava meaning emotion, Ra from Raaga meaning melody, Ta from Taala meaning rhythm and Natyam meaning dance that encompasses music, rhythm and expressional dance or Abhinaya!!
The oldest Indian classical dance form (2nd century)evolved as a spiritual expression of devotion, nurtured in the famous temples of Orissa at Puri, Konark and Bhubaneswar.
One of the most characteristic features of Odissi dance is the Tribhangi.
#IncredibleIndia Image
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Mar 20th 2016
The #CholaEmpire at its greatest extent, during the reign of Rajendra Chola I in 1030 CE.
The #CholaDynasty was one of the longest-ruling dynasties in the history of southern India.
300s BCE–1279 CE.…
During the period 1010–1200, the #CholaEmpire stretched from the Andaman/Sri Lanka/Maldives to territories of Malaysia,Thailand & Indonesia
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Jun 21st 2015
Hinduism expansion in Asia, from its heartland in Indian Subcontinent, to the rest of Asia, started circa 1st century
Greater India was the historical extent of the culture of Hinduism & Buddhism beyond the Indian subcontinent.
Ruins of Ayutthaya Temple in Wat Cha Wattanaram, Ayutthaya Historical Park, Thailand which was named after Ayodhya.
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May 29th 2015
Devi Mahatmya ManuScript in #Sanskrit on palm-leaf, Bhujimol script, Bihar or Nepal, 11th century.
Rigveda (padapatha) Manuscript in Devanagari on paper, early 19th century.
Indian miniature painting of Bhagwan Varaha, avatar of Bhagwan Vishnu, Chamba circa 1850.
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Apr 12th 2015
Ashoka the Great's Empire after Kalinga War C.265 BCE, was the major power at that time.
#IndianHistory Image
Location of #KalingaEmpire. c.261 BCE, Kalinga was an early republic in central East India.
#IndianHistory Image
More than 150,000 #KalingaEmpire warriors & about 100,000 Ashoka's warriors were slain in Kalinga War
#IndianHistory Image
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