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Mar 4th 2023
1/15 Recently, I came across a r/cc thread that stated "97.7% of tokens launched on Uniswap were rugpulls according to a finding." The situation on BSC (pancakeswap) is even worse.
Another educational 🧵
#Radix #EVM #rugpulls #liquiditylocks #smartcontracts #cryptoinvesting $xrd
2/15 This particular sentence has caught my eye:

"More precisely, we show that 90% of tokens using locking contracts tend to become a #rugpull or a malicious token eventually."
3/15 Sometimes liquidity locks on #EVM chains are only a few minutes long to trick the bots. Other times, they are legitimate-looking 1+ year locks.
Read 15 tweets
Mar 2nd 2023
Hey Twitter fam! Are you looking for ways to improve your crypto investment or trading strategy? In this thread, we'll be sharing tips and tricks we learned that you can apply to your strategy this month. Let's dive in! #crypto #investmenttips $QUACK #CryptoTwitter
Thread 🧵👇
1. Don't chase the hype. While it may be tempting to invest in the latest buzzworthy coin, it's important to do your research and make informed decisions based on the coin's fundamentals and long-term potential. #DYOR #investmentstrategy $QUACK
2. Consider dollar-cost averaging. This is a strategy where you invest a fixed amount of money at regular intervals, regardless of the coin's price. This can help reduce the impact of market volatility and potentially lead to better returns over time. #DCA $QUACK
Read 12 tweets
Dec 8th 2021
As Bradford pears remain a nuisance in South Carolina, methods of attack range from bounties to bans…

#InvasiveSpecies #landscaping #BradfordPearTrees #EcosystemDamage #mitigation
Build Back Better’s Insulin Pricing Benefit Isn't Enough…

#pharmaceuticals #insulin #PriceCaps #legislation #consequences
Read 13 tweets

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