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Apr 12th 2022
1/There are many views of the world (Brzezinski's Grand Chessboard being one). In Europe & the Anglophone world we live supposedly in liberal democracies (contestable after the last 2+ yrs) - the "developed world".
2/ Perhaps, arguably, the two dominant worldviews could be labelled 'Growthism' (globalized capitalism, i.e., corporatism) versus 'Conservationism' (i.e., arguments for a centrally-planned, steady-state economy.) The latter espousing a Malthusian worldview.
3/ Two diametrically opposing views on resource management, i.e. extraction, distribution etc. The former connotes development, arguably (perhaps idealistically) in pursuit of improved human welfare. The latter connotes constraint - "there's not enough to go around".
Read 20 tweets
Mar 2nd 2022
Over the last few days, I have seen posts advocating @RoySocChem, @AmerChemSociety to #boycott Russian scientists at conferences/from publications. Some Universities in Europe have already done so. I am very, very strongly against the boycott!
Here is a🧵with my reasons 1/11
For disclosure - I am Russian, born in the USSR, with my family currently in Russia and in Ukraine
I have been living in the UK alone since 16yo, when I went to @DurhamChemistry for my UG
*I will use male pronouns for leaders due to the gender bias in power 2/11
I'm sad to receive full face criticism for the actions of the 'president' neither I nor my family/friends ever voted. I know he still totals 146% & an absolute 'support'. I was lucky to have been in a position to 'vote with my legs out of Russia', but most people could not! 3/11
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