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The U.N. is a happy organization?

This happynwo site is now the forwarding address for: (which was a blank site in 2020 with only "Ⓒ Copyright New World Order Project 2020" at the bottom.)

Hmm.🤔 #NewWorldOrder Image
Ha! Found it. Image
Read 72 tweets
Non-Hungarian folks likely missed what
@PM_ViktorOrban posted 2 days ago on his FB:

"Advent Military Operation" - Peculiar wording ...

Not even his assault-rifle-loving #MAGA #Republican #USA friends would use such phrasing to describe going shopping for a wreath

1/7 Read👇
He didn't visit #Kyiv, he sent the loyal party member @KatalinNovakMP to #Ukraine, but that's another story
No, he was just shopping in #Budapest
This may be a surprise for some, but despite the Christian tarpaulin, Orbán is actually an #Atheist

Pastor Gábor Iványi, known for charity work, head of the Hungarian Evangelical Brotherhood - who called Orbán a symbol of #Fascism, an insolent who will be damned, a leader at the height of madness - is one of the rare spiritual leaders, to dare to openly criticize Orbán

Read 7 tweets
Hi #world this is a picture of Soviet-Denmark. We had an election yesterday. The red areas are now socialist. Never mind that our socialist Prime Minister broke our constitution, deleted the evidence, and even used the army against farmers. #UkraineRussiaWar Image
Since the socialist government owns the media, so it doesn't really matter, that the socialists break the law. The socialists control the media via funding schemes. Most journalists are also socialist, so are schools and universities. This is our socialist PM Mette Frederiksen. Image
When the "media" interview Mette, they only ask easy questions. She replies without even having to think #softball. Also, she even have a safe phrase. She can just say: "I will not address that", and the socialist journalists will automatically change the subject! #dictatorship
Read 5 tweets
In pochi in 🇮🇹 conoscono cosa accade in #Kazakhstan tra il 1928 e il 1934. L’Asharshylyk la carestia artificiale in 🇰🇿 che portò alla morte di + di 4 milioni di persone, perpetrata dalla #Russia. È stato un genocidio 1/10 #RussiaIsATerroristState #Tread
Fase 1: carestia del 1919-1922

Con la guerra civile 🇷🇺 infuriata e il fallimento dei raccolti in 🇷🇺, le autorità di Mosca hanno cercato diversi modi per risolvere la crisi alimentare. Hanno trovato una soluzione nel 🇰🇿 2/10 #Asharshylyk #Genocide
I russi iniziarono a sequestrare forzosamente i capi di bestiame ai contadini kazaki per portarli in 🇷🇺. Si stima che l’80% circa della carne mangiata nelle grandi città russe fosse kazaka 3/10 #Russia
Read 11 tweets
Since your malicious cyberattack timelines matched cybersecurity’s research to strengthen security for years and now, you hack alone but with a cooperative goal to damage national security. Which Advanced Persistent Threats group/s #APTs are you in, #Animez_UK? Image
Converting traditional crime to cyber-enabled crime and becomes a malicious attacker against the UK, for

1- financial income,
2- #sexual desire and #harassment with #pornography sent to #women,
3- attacks for #politics against the UKGOV.

#Animez_UK ImageImage
1st stage- early life:
-Experienced #exclusion/#discrimination.
-Didn’t learn to communicate with #women.
-favours #authoritarianism.
-enjoys #control targeted women & whom against his will.
- Expresses hidden #hatred & #violence on through cyberattacks.

#Animez_UK ImageImage
Read 214 tweets
Read 27 tweets
🚨Removing the right to peacefully protest.

🚨Media propaganda.

🚨Advocating to remove human rights (these laws protect us all).

Be warned: This government aren’t just incompetent, they are slowly eroding out freedoms and basic human rights. #Fascism #Dictatorship 🧵
We are fortunate to live in a democratic society. But this is not guaranteed; it is subject to change, and should *never* be taken for granted.

Before my very eyes, I see our democracy being eroded. Fight for it. Vote to keep it.
Wake up to what this government are doing. This is not an ordinary Conservative government.

It is an issue beyond the difference of political opinion. Never let them take our #democracy #FreedomOfSpeech #HumanRights.
Read 4 tweets

The European Court of Human Rights has **absolutely nothing** to do with borders, or whether we remain or exit Europe.

These are protections written in law which protect us all.

Never - I repeat never - let them take them away from you. 🧵 #HumanRights #dictatorship
To everyone in the UK, please tell me which one of these **legal protections** you would not like to apply to you?
This is how dictatorships start.

It doesn’t matter whether you are a Brexiter or Remainer, the European Court of Human Rights have absolutely nothing to do borders, or whether we remain or exit Europe.
Read 5 tweets
Having fun with cyberstalking #UKGOV, attacking organisations, universities & individuals connected to the justice system, UK #military against #NCSC, treating #intelligence & #GCHQ as jokes to your 15- 20 yrs malicious #hacking for #China & #Russia inside #Britain, @Animez_UK?01
Converting #traditional crime to cyber-enabled crime and becomes a malicious #cyberattacker against the UK, for

1- #financial income,
2- #sexual desire and #harassment with #pornography sent to #women,
3- attacks for #politics against the #UKGOV.

@Animez_UK @NCSC

02 Image
1st stage- early life:
-Experienced #exclusion/#discrimination.
-Didn’t learned to communicate with #women.
-favours #authoritarianism.
-enjoys to #control targeted women & whom against his will.
- Expresses hidden #hatred & #violence on through cyberattacks.

@Animez_UK @NCSC Image
Read 188 tweets
❄️❄️❄️Sierra Nevada, Granada, South Spain🇪🇸
22nd April 2022.- 0º C
❄️❄️❄️ Valdezcaray, La Rioja, North Spain🇪🇸
23rd April 2022.- 0º C
❄️❄️❄️Casi en mayo, Maraña, León, North Spain 0º C
Read 4 tweets
🇪🇸Y serás Feliz 🇬🇧And you will be happy 🇫🇷Et tu seras heureux🤔
Recoge las últimas migas de Libertad y derechos
#NewParadigm #Dictatorship #Transhumanism
@ERafaela6 Atrévete a descubrir en mi perfil el Libro👁️ futurista con tintes orwellianos del Siglo 21 #Vuelo_2085, escrito en 2019. Todo se está cumpliendo🔥🔥
Encontrarás la Solución👍
#NewParadigm #ChinaStyle #Dictatorship #AI #Robotics #Transhumanism #dissidence
@chafuldifornio1 Te invito a descubrir en mi perfil el Libro👁️ orwelliano del Siglo 21 #Vuelo_2085, escrito en 2019 y en el que todo se está haciendo realidad🔥🔥
Encontrarás la Solución👍
#NewParadigm #ChinaStyle #Dictatorship #AI #Robotics #Transhumanism #dissidence
Read 5 tweets
🇪🇸La Futura Reina Leonor rodeada de su pueblo #multicultural.
En 2085 cambiará mucho esta coyuntura
@qantino17 Atrévete a descubrir en mi perfil el Libro👁️ futurista con tintes orwellianos del Siglo 21 #Vuelo_2085, escrito en 2019. Todo se está cumpliendo🔥🔥
Encontrarás la Solución👍
#NewParadigm #ChinaStyle #Dictatorship #AI #Robotics #Transhumanism #dissidence
@Guerrero_1492 🇪🇸Te invito a descubrir en mi perfil el Libro👁️ orwelliano del Siglo 21 #Vuelo_2085, escrito en 2019 y en el que todo se está haciendo realidad🔥🔥
Encontrarás la Solución👍
#NewParadigm #ChinaStyle #Dictatorship #AI #Robotics #Transhumanism #dissidence
Read 7 tweets
کسی نے سچ کہا ہے کہ "سیاست کے سینے میں دل نہیں ہوتا"

ایم کیوایم کا پیپلزپارٹی کیساتھ معاہدہ پر اپوزیشن کی حمایت کا فیصلہ۔ تحریکِ عدم اعتماد کے ضمن میں اپوزیشن کا پلڑا بھاری ہوگیا۔
#MQMP #GameOverIK #UsmanBuzdar #PMLQ #عدم_اعتماد_بیرونی_سازش #AUSvPAK…
اور اگر متحدہ قومی موومنٹ اس کا اعلان کر دیتی ہے تو میرے خیال میں عمران خان صاحب کو باعزت طریقے سے استعفیٰ دے دینا چاہیے۔
کیونکہ جمہوریت میں سادہ اکثریت کھو دینے کے بعد قائد ایوان کے پاس سیاسی اور آئینی طور پر کچھ نہیں رہ جاتا۔
#MQM #MQMP #PDMMafiaExposed #عدم_اعتماد_بیرونی_سازش
آنے والی حکومت عارضی ہو گی جو جلد انتخابات کا اعلان کرے گی۔ جس میں پاکستان تحریک انصاف سمیت تمام سیاسی جماعتیں دوبارہ میدان عمل میں ہوں گی۔

@PTIofficial @pmln_org @PPP_Org @MQMPKOfficial @JIPOfficial @ANPMarkaz @BAwamiParty @juipakofficial @BNP_Official_ @Rehbar_Taraqi #PMLQ
Read 16 tweets
1/ Viewed from the perspective of #EU & #NATO members only, I fear that a strict policy of non-intervention is demoralising for us and emboldening for #Russia and #China. What do our governments think the world will look like in the next few years if Russia ultimately prevails?
2/ We should not underestimate the demoralising effects on the West of the suffering of the Ukrainian nation and of the brazen and massive violations of International Law and of every principle of civilised behaviour now pursued by the #fascist #dictatorship in #Moscow.
3/ Our nations and governments must be fully mobilised in the service of what we hold most dear, not only in the defence of our territories, but also in the defence of the freedom of #Ukraine. Stepping behind the triple red line of #NATO is not enough.
Read 6 tweets
Over the last few days, I have seen posts advocating @RoySocChem, @AmerChemSociety to #boycott Russian scientists at conferences/from publications. Some Universities in Europe have already done so. I am very, very strongly against the boycott!
Here is a🧵with my reasons 1/11
For disclosure - I am Russian, born in the USSR, with my family currently in Russia and in Ukraine
I have been living in the UK alone since 16yo, when I went to @DurhamChemistry for my UG
*I will use male pronouns for leaders due to the gender bias in power 2/11
I'm sad to receive full face criticism for the actions of the 'president' neither I nor my family/friends ever voted. I know he still totals 146% & an absolute 'support'. I was lucky to have been in a position to 'vote with my legs out of Russia', but most people could not! 3/11
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1/ This incident have to do with the global context. The West...has thrown its entire #propaganda machine into agitation work and has given a lot of encouragement and assistance to the so-called democrats or opposition in China — people who are in fact are the scum [of 17]
2/ Some Western countries use things like #HumanRights or like saying the socialist system is irrational or #illegal, to criticize us, but what they're really after is our sovereignty...
3/ Two conditions are indispensable for our development goals: a #stable environment at home and a peaceful environment abroad...
Read 18 tweets
🇪🇸Cuando la Corbata te delata una vez más.
Del mismo Club*
@Pepeppon Te invito a descubrir en mi perfil el Libro orwelliano del Siglo 21 #Vuelo_2085, escrito en 2019 y en el que todo se está haciendo realidad. Y la Solución.
#NewParadigm #ChinaStyle #Dictatorship #AI #Robotics #Transhumanism #dissidence
Read 12 tweets
🟦¿Os suena de algo?
@goodooganing I invite you to discover in my profile the Orwellian Book of the 21st Century #Flight_2085, written in 2019 and in which everything is coming true. And the Solution.
#NewParadigm #ChinaStyle #Dictatorship #AI #Robotics #Transhumanism #dissidence
Read 14 tweets
🟥⬛️Speechless/ Sin Palabras
@thedogonthemoon Te invito a descubrir en mi perfil el Libro orwelliano del Siglo 21 #Vuelo_2085, escrito en 2019 y en el que todo se está haciendo realidad. Y la Solución.
#NewParadigm #ChinaStyle #Dictatorship #AI #Robotics #Transhumanism #dissidence
@_Skadarlija_ I invite you to discover in my profile the Orwellian Book of the 21st Century #Flight_2085, written in 2019 and in which everything is coming true.
And the Solution.
#NewParadigm #ChinaStyle #Dictatorship #AI #Robotics #Transhumanism #dissidence
Read 6 tweets
I am terrified of what this country has become. #Religious #dictatorship of far-right government (or rather ruling party's chairman) has destroyed the tripartite system.
An almost 100% ban on #abortion has been already introduced ([1],[2]) under the label of "being pro-life", without providing any actual support for disabled children and families in need.
Yesterday the parliament approved an anti-#LGBT bill in first step of legislation ([3]). Racism and homophobia are on the agenda ([4]), especially in the givernment-run tv stations.
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Sadly men & women supporting Dems, GOP, Green Party, Libertarian party & other political parties all share the same Party....that is Totalitarian Party!

Totalitarian party United States Code, Title 8 § 1101 (37) (a)(b).
....(37) The term "totalitarian party" means an organization which advocates 👉the establishment in the United States of a totalitarian #dictatorship or totalitarianism👈.
The terms "totalitarian dictatorship" and 👉"totalitarianism" mean and refer to systems of government 👈  not representative in fact, characterized by (A) 👉the existence of a SINGLE POLITICAL PARTY,👈 organized on a dictatorial basis, with so close an identity between...
Read 11 tweets
#USA is a free democracy, #India is a "partly free" democracy
#FOE Japan is a free democracy, India is a partly free democracy: Compare the ratio of critical/unfavorable articles, to favorable articles, in the top 3 news sources in Japan & India respectively, to find which press is freer! #SciMe 1st data, 2nd Analysis, 3rd Policy/views!🧐🤔
3/demo #Majoritarianism & freedom: Compare treatment of minorities in USA(non-christian), Japan(Korean etc) & India (Muslims): In particular plot over 70yrs th % of minority pop on same graph & compare decadal changes[summarizes it's discrimination(in cntry) & opportunities(ROW)]
Read 93 tweets
Negar Mortazavi, one of the main members of NIAC; despite attending seminars, interviews, & workshops as a guest member, @NegarMortazavi has been very influential & decisive in the @NIACouncil in the U.S. in the past years.
@Forbes @ForbesWomen @MessageFromLen @TommyASC91 1/13
Negar Mortazavi Born in 1981 in Tehran, left Iran at the age of 20 & started working in several Persian channels. In the United States, she has infiltrated many media outlets, including the @VOAIran Persian Service and performed the role of the so-called “journalist”! 2/13
.@NegarMortazavi was fired from VOA-Persian Service for forging viewers' phone conversations and supporting the Islamic RipPublic of #Iran.
She officially joined @NIACouncil in February 2014, having previously served as the NIAC media consultant. 3/13
Read 13 tweets

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