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Welcome to Night One of our legislative focus week on common sense gun laws here in Missouri. Tonight’s topic will focus on why we need common sense gun legislation here in Missouri.

Please join in and share your opinions as well. Let’s go!
Tonight I will be referencing the following article -…
In my opinion, common sense gun laws go towards making our communities, schools, and our state safer, all while respecting the 2nd Amendment and encouraging responsible gun ownership. We Missourians need these for many reasons.
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Welcome to Night 4 of our Legislative Focus Week on Infrastructure in Missouri. Tonight’s topic will cover reinvesting in our roads and bridges.

This is a crucial issue in my opinion for our state, and one that has been hard to solve over the years. Please join in the convo!
To start, here’s an article that highlights the needs and attempts to rebuild and improve our roads and highways. It’s time we finally come together to find the best solutions for our roads.…
At the moment, we have two bridge projects in KCMO, the Buck O’Neil Bridge and the I-435 Bridge over the Missouri River.

These projects are great, but there are many more bridges that need repair and improvements across our state.
Read 5 tweets
Welcome to night two of our Legislative Focus Week on Infrastructure in Missouri! Tonight’s topic, one of my personal faves, will be all about Missouri leading with renewable energy.

Renewable energy is the future, and the sooner we can make it the present, the better.
I love Missouri, and I am a firm believer that Missouri will be able to be a leader in renewable energy.

I’m so glad we have groups here like the @MOsierraclub and @sunrisemvmtkc to be strong advocates for climate change and environmental justice.
Here’s an article that outlines a few possibilities in Missouri over advancing our renewable energy initiatives.…
Read 4 tweets
Welcome to night 2 of our Legislative Focus week over Health Care. Tonights topic will cover different ways our #MoLeg can implement Medicaid expansion once we (hopefully) pass it on August 4th.

Reminder- we can expand Medicaid in Missouri on August 4th by voting @YesOn2MO
Strategy 1: Automatically enroll people from family planning programs.

Many non-expansion states provide low-income adults with limited Medicaid coverage for family-planning services. These states have the information needed to determine eligibility for expansion...
...and to seamlessly enroll them into full Medicaid coverage. Louisiana used this strategy in 2016 and they were able to automatically enroll over 197,000 people.
Read 11 tweets
Welcome to night 4 of our Legislative Focus week over Fighting Corruption here in Missouri. Tonight’s topic will cover a few ways we can strengthen @CleanMissouri beyond protecting it this November 3rd.

I’d love to hear your thoughts as well, so feel free to comment!
The first way we can strengthen @CleanMissouri is by keeping it the law of the land.

For whatever reason, the @MOHouseGOP & @MoSenateGOP want to overturn the will of you the people, by stripping it of its power with their Amendment 3.

We must vote #NoOn3 this Nov. 3rd.
Another way we can strengthen @CleanMissouri is by ending the @MOHouseGOP supermajority that is trying so hard to overturn it.

We need just 8 GOP-held House districts to flip blue this November 3rd to do just that.
Read 8 tweets
Welcome to our second Legislative Focus week of the campaign! This week we will covering five topics that go towards fighting corruption here in Missouri.

Tonight’s topic will cover preventing our state government from overturning the will of the people. Sound familiar?
It should. Here’s why.

In 2018, we Missourians voted and passed @CleanMissouri by over 62%. This cleaned up our politics, changed lobbyists gifts, and created a redrawing process so our state could have fair district maps. Pretty cool right?
Usually that would be the end of it. However, here in Missouri we have a supermajority in our legislature that’s controlled by the @MOHouseGOP and they’ve had this control for the past decade.

In a supermajority, you can pass anything, block anything, and overturn anything.
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🚨So excited to share the news with you!🚨

Q2 of 2020 is in the books, and we saw such incredible support from all around. Thank you to everyone who donated, volunteered, shared our message, and joined #Team16 to show our District and MO that we are ready to #Flip16 blue! Image
We have now raised over $25,000 and have over 415 individual contributions. I am so appreciate and grateful for each and every one of you!

Our work is not done, and we are more energized and motivated as ever with all of your support.
If able, please help us start our Q3 strong with a contribution today. We have so many plans this month leading up to the Primary election, your donation will help in so many ways.

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Night 3 of our Racial Equity legislative focus week! Tonight’s topic will be all about addressing the poverty crisis.

All opinions and perspectives are welcomed.

I will be referencing the following article in this thread. #RacialEquity…
1. Create Jobs - “The best pathway out of poverty is a well-paying job.”

“To kick-start job growth, the federal government should invest in job-creation strategies such as rebuilding our infrastructure; developing renewable energy sources; renovating abandoned housing...”
“and making other common-sense investments that create jobs, revitalize neighborhoods, and boost our national economy.

In addition, the extension of federal unemployment insurance. Every $1 in benefits that flows to jobless workers yields more than $1.50 in economic activity.”
Read 11 tweets
We are striving to #Flip16 and bring a fair and balanced democracy to Missouri, and we need your help!

Calling all volunteers to join #Team16

Make phone calls, send texts, and write postcards from the comfort of your home. Email us today and help send #JamesforMO to Jeff City Image
Learn more about our campaign and other ways to get involved by visiting our website at
Don’t have time to volunteer but want to help out financially? Great! Send your donation in today -…
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@GovParsonMO like his @MissouriGOP counterparts are continuing to put the economy before everyday people, those people being us Missourians.
His words show more concern for jobs then the public health. And now all sessions are closed for 2 weeks in Jeff City.
I agree, jobs and the economy are important, and should always be considered. But what good are jobs if there are no healthy people to fill them.
He doesn’t want people to lose their jobs. So many people have already lost their jobs.
The public’s health and safety come first.
The @MoDemParty did everything they could to put upwards of $86 million in @GovParsonMO hands to do whatever he saw fit.
The @MissouriGOP said no to all of that.
When session resumes in two weeks, they will see the need for more funding, and will try to say it was their idea.
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@GovParsonMO When in April?
This is nearly two weeks away. The number of cases nationwide have jumped daily.

This is good news and will be much needed, but this is two more weeks away. Does this include the entire state or certain areas only?

It’s past time to overreact. Image
In the mean time, what measures are we taking to provide more than enough resources to our health care organizations and professionals?

@GovParsonMO have we planned for this?

Now’s the time to lead, not to react.
Please share these concerns.…
As your State Rep. I will put people first, whether we are in a pandemic or not. I will join our @MoDemParty @MO_HouseDems members in Jeff City to progress our state forward.

First up, improving our health care system dramatically, so next time, we are prepared. Join us #Team16
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I encourage all of you to tune into the #DemocraticDebate this evening. We are in a pivotal moment for this election and for our country. At a time like this we all need the direction of real leaders. Tonight on stage, there are two of the best. Will be sharing thoughts below! 🇺🇸
No matter which candidate you prefer or whose health care plan might be better, I’d take either one of these candidates over our current leadership. It’s time we had competence and compassion back in the White House. #VoteBlue
This has been the most informative and educational conversation about the #COVID19 pandemic by any candidate for President to date. Words matter, messaging matters, leadership matters. We can’t just say, “It’ll pass.” We must provide the details as to how we’ll get through it.
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Kc Metro Area,

For all citizens who are 60+ years old, immunocompromised, or who do not feel safe leaving their home, @be_ty_le and I are here to help!

If you need groceries, medical supplies, gas in your car, or anything else, please message me directly here or... THREAD
at so that we can make sure you receive the necessities needed.

Or if you want to volunteer with us to help others with their errands and necessities during this pandemic, please message me directly and we will add you to our volunteer list.
Thank you all, be preventive, be safe, and be well!

-James and Bety #JamesforMO #Team16 #TeamKC #COVID19
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Sunday canvassing results! It was sunny and gorgeous outside but there were also very strong winds! No campaign lit was lost in the process. Our new totals:
-522 doors knocked
- 15.5 miles walked
- 760 #16ers reached
-7 coffee pots consumed @EricWoods
- 2 yard sign commits!
I met Mark. He grew up in a Republican household and voted that way most of his life, until the past few years.

He wants our MO public schools fully funded, he wants something to be done about health care in our state, and he wants a working government who puts people first.
After Scott answered the door, I asked what his ideas were for our district and our state. He replied with wanting good jobs for all and good schools for our kids.

These are necessities that should always be a priority for our officials in Jeff City. Enjoyed meeting you Scott!
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Big shout out to @BigElad for joining in on the canvassing efforts today! You will make an exceptional Attorney General!

- 510 doors knocked
- 15 miles walked
- 739 neighbors reached

We had so many real conversations with #16ers today from all sides. Will be back tomorrow! Image
Today I spoke with Gary and asked what his ideas were for Missouri. He wants to see safer gun laws, he wants to support public education, he is concerned about charter schools and how they take funding from public schools, and he wants MO to stand for reproductive rights for all.
I met Mike. He also wants Missouri to be as safe as possible with passing safer gun laws. He mentioned his wife is very active in our local @MomsDemand chapter after seeing my Moms pin on my vest.

Mike, your wife is amazing, and we can/will make our state safe!
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We set a new door knocking daily best yesterday with 120 doors! My feet were moving! Here’s our new totals:

-444 doors knocked
-13.5 miles walked
-6.0 coffee pots consumed

With a new month beginning, we will be ramping up our efforts. Want to knock doors? Let me know!
Yesterday in District 16 I met Russ. He is a Democrat, a father of young children, and a responsible gun owner. He wants to see Clean Missouri upheld, childcare improved, and common-sense gun legislation passed. He supports @MomsDemand and I’m proud to be his neighbor
#JamesforMO Image
So many #Team16 neighbors are ready for a government that works for people and not themselves. We need to celebrate commonalities and put differences aside.

If you’re ready for a fair democracy, please consider pitching in a small donation so we can spread our message. #Flip16
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Clay County Democrats Winterfest ✅

Knocking on HD16 doors ✅

Hit the pavement today here in the Northland, meeting more neighbors and talking about everyday issues. Our totals:

-324 doors knocked
-11.5 miles walked
-5.5 coffee pots consumed

#JamesforMO #Flip16 🌊 Image
Enjoyed meeting my neighbor Hannah. She recently moved here from Branson, Missouri and has been volunteering locally for the presidential primary.

Hannah wants to elect a new president and a new governor this year. She is ready for a #NewWay w/ @nicolergalloway
I also spoke with Stefan. He is from Sweden and participated in the Teach for America program.

After telling him I’m a @MoDemParty candidate, I believe his initial response was “sweet!” Thanks for the support and enthusiasm Stefan!
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Still soaking in all the #FilingDay events from Tuesday. It’s surreal knowing #JamesforMO will be on the ballot on 8/4/2020. It’s an honor being a candidate for my hometown community. Love you KC, love you Northland. Let’s #Flip16 together!
Always a treat to see @Emily4Mo I’m so glad to be running with other amazing first-time candidates! Image
@BigElad and I ran into @Patty4MO on her way up to file. She is running to represent KCMO’s 25th House District. Image
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Another door bites the dust! Walked all over the Northland today meeting more neighbors and supporters. Totals:

- 304 doors knocked
- 11 miles walked
- 5 coffee pots consumed

My feet hurt but I couldn’t be happier after a day full of conversation in District 16! THREAD
I met Barbara. She is from Michigan originally and is a union supporter through and through. Her son Paul worked at the Ford Plant here in town also.

You’ve a home in our campaign! We are all about unions, union employees, and supporting them however we can! #JamesforMO
I had the pleasure of meeting Joe. He told me his top Missouri concerns are public education and gun control. We spoke for over five minutes about our strong public schools here in the Northland. We also agreed that gun legislation needs to be passed to keep our communities safe.
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Meeting neighbors and talking about every day issues is simply the best. Another successful canvassing Saturday in the books. After being sick last weekend it felt great being back out on the doors. Totals:
- 242 doors knocked
- 9.5 miles walked
- 4 coffee pots consumed THREAD Image
I met Oscar. He works for the city of KCMO and is a part of the Hispanic community here. Oscar feels there hasn’t been a voice who’ll represent him in Jeff City.

That’s why I’m here, Oscar! I would love to champion the issues important to you and your family #JamesforMO
I also met Phillip. His daughter is a teacher in KC and they care a lot about public education. We have great schools in the Northland and we need to do all we can to keep them top notch.

Let’s start by fully funding them and paying our teachers what they deserve. #Flip16 🌊
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Doors doors doors! Met more of our Northland neighbors today, despite being cold and windy! Here’s our numbers now:

- 191 doors knocked
- Over 8 miles walked
- 3.5 coffee pots consumed

I. Love. This. Work. Can’t wait to meet all of District 16! #JamesforMO #Flip16 THREAD👇🏼
I met Randy today. He is retired after working in public education. He really wants #moleg to fully fund public education every single year.

Me too! I’m a product of MO public schools. We must fully fund them and pay our teachers fairly. This is doable! #JamesforMO #Flip16 🌊
I also met Timothy and Beck. They invited me in while they were watching after their granddaughter. Their top issue is climate change and renewable energy.

I believe Missouri can lead the nation in renewable energy if we can commit to it. #WhyNotMissouri #ClimateChange
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Hey Missouri! Happy Thursday.

Just a reminder that it’s fully possible to make/keep our great state safe by passing common-sense gun legislation that not only respects responsible gun ownership but also the 2nd Amendment. It’s beyond doable.
#JamesforMO #Flip16
Also, I highly encourage you to attend your local @MomsDemand meeting to learn all the ways we can make our communities safer.

We’ve seen how the @MissouriGOP has catered to the NRA for too long. With their supermajority they’ve the power make us safe, but they haven’t. #Flip16
I don’t believe a political party should control a state legislature and its agenda. Elected officials should put people first, period. Luckily Missouri, we’ve the power to do just that, by voting in 2020 for your @MoDemParty candidates. The time is now.
#JamesforMO #PeopleFirst
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Day 2 of canvassing done! What a fun time meeting our neighbors on Super Bowl Sunday! Here’s our numbers after today.

- Doors knocked: 60
- Miles walked: 3.5
- 7 neighbors who pledged their vote
- 1.5 coffee pots consumed

So much Chiefs pride today! Love you @KCMO THREAD👇🏼
I met Brad. He works with the kcpd. He is concerned, due to his first-hand experience, about the homicide rates across our state. We have three of the top then most violent cities.

I’m with you Brad. We need to do everything possible to make/keep our state safe. #Flip16🌊
I met Doris. Her daughter teaches at a local public school and her grandchildren attend them as well. She is concerned with funding and curriculum in MO public schools.

Me too Doris! I’m a product of MO public schools. We must fully fund them, each and every year. #JamesforMO
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Day 1 of canvassing is in the books!

- 37 doors knocked
- just over 2 miles walked
- 4 neighbors who pledged their vote
- 1 pot of coffee consumed

I had a blast meeting our neighbors here in HD16 today and can’t wait to get back out tomorrow!

This is Brandon. He is not registered to vote (yet). He doesn’t fully keep up with state/local issues and politics but is very concerned over our infrastructure.

Me too Brandon! Pleasure meeting you today. #JamesforMO #HD16 #Infrastructure 1st #JamesforMO canvassing ...
This is Devin. He is a firefighter and a union member. He and his wife have two children in the public school system. He stands in solidarity and truly cares about MO public education.

Me too! I was raised in public schools and worked in a union for nearly 7 years. #Flip16 🌊 Image
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