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Sep 24th 2020
We're LIVE to collaborate and learn how to create a #DEI ecosystem in your organization! @JohnsonCarolynn @KenBouyer @kimariewhy @CalvinHJr @supt4kids @EquitySupt1 @davyno #BringPeopleTogether #Crowdsourcing #DEI
@davyno welcomes us all and recognizes that there are more CEO's named "Dave"' than there are female CEO's in Fortune 500 companies.💜 Irreversible and sustainable change is what we are here for, thank you for showing up! #TeVirtualEvents #DEI
We are now participating in our 1st of 5 exchanges. Let's make the most of our time together by #crowdsourcing! First question - "Why are you here and why is that important?" Image
Read 40 tweets
Aug 26th 2020
#K12Leaders sharing #BacktoSchoolPlanning to collaborate and work together! @Robert_Avossa is with us! Follow this thread and our hashtags #TeVE & #TeVirtualEvents (and the replay at the end!)💥
Today is PART 1 - This is a 2 part series. (Part 2 - Sept 10th!! - @TahiraDChase will be with us!) #BringPeopleTogether #TeVirtualEvents #Leadership
We are now #crowdsourcing the most important and relevant topics from our attendees to make the most of our time together. Sharing, starring, and discovering deep insights in under 4 minutes! #TeVirtualEvents
Read 22 tweets

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