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Mar 30th 2022
JOIN US as we mark 31 days of continuous People’s Protest, at Kohuwela junction on Thurs March 31st!💪🏾

It’s heartening to see so many people’s protests not affiliated to political parties over the weekend! It’s time the people realised their power!

#takebackourpower✊🏾 #lka ImageImageImage
Some captures from the Kandy People’s Protest yesterday (Wed)!

#takebackourpower✊🏾 #lka ImageImageImageImage
Kollupitiya Peoples Protest continues - some captures from yesterday💪🏾

#takebackourpower✊🏾 #lka ImageImageImageImage
Read 944 tweets
Oct 18th 2021
While Srilanka faces a food crisis, the Srilankan government announced the appropriation Bill for 2022 where the highest budget of 12.3% is being allocated to the Ministry of Defence. The expenses are mainly used to continue the heavy militarization of the Tamil homeland. (1/9)
Regarding this, it was today announced a new ‘’1 corps’’ unit that will have its base in Kilinochchi. This unit will combine both RSF and SOF under one command, making this a force multiplier never seen in the Srilankan army before. (2/9)
What is the need for having this type of high tactical fighting formation based in the Tamil homeland, despite already having militarized and occupied the Tamil homeland since 2009? In total there are 20 military divisions in SL and among them, (3/9)
Read 9 tweets
Apr 5th 2021
Attempt to acquire 40 acres of land in Mirusuvil for army camp foiled! The land survey attempt to survey land (to use it in the future for an army camp) in Mirusuvil foiled: Protesters blockading the A9 road.

#landgrabbing #illegalcolonization #militarisation #sinhalisation
There was an attempt to survey 40 acres of public land in Mirusuvil, Asaipillai (which falls under the grama sevakar division of Thenmaradchi-Eluthumattuval) starting at 9 am today in order to seize the land later and establish a training camp for the 52nd Army Brigade.
The land surveying process was initiated by the Land Survey Department.

The landowners, politicians and social activists who went to the area earlier than 9 am expected this acquisition attempted to protest against this.
Read 8 tweets
Jun 1st 2020
Some excellent research has been published over the past few years on #policing and #militarisation that, given the recent events in the #US (and beyond), and subsequent debates on policing, deserves to be curated. A thread on some relevant scholarship from around the world. 1/n
Let's begin with the #US, where @Peterkraska has guided much of the contemporary research on the militarisation of civilian policing. Here's an article by Kapeller & Kraska on normalising police militarisation (a response to Garth den Heyer’s critique)… 2/n
den Heyer had challenged the works of Kraska and others who showed how policing was becoming more militarised in the #US. den Heyer argued instead that the establishment of SWAT/PPUs was ‘a natural progression’ in the evolution of American policing:…) 3/n
Read 24 tweets
Jan 8th 2020
1/10 In this #USIran conflict, we need #FijiMedia #PacificMedia to run analysis pieces dissecting what it means for us in the islands. Our ignorance is frightening. Analysis on the following in layman's language for all people would be greatly appreciated:

1. #History of #PacificWars - e.g. the world wars and their legacies to articulate generational impact.

2. History of nuclear activity and its impact on island/er(s).

3. #Militarisation in the region and #Demilitarisation efforts over the years.

4. US military bases in the region and the risks we face as a result (Asia-Pacific).

5. #USIran conflict implications on future of #ClimateChange efforts - particularly important because the few small victories we've had as a region have been hard-won.
Read 10 tweets

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