1. #History of #PacificWars - e.g. the world wars and their legacies to articulate generational impact.
2. History of nuclear activity and its impact on island/er(s).
3. #Militarisation in the region and #Demilitarisation efforts over the years.
4. US military bases in the region and the risks we face as a result (Asia-Pacific).
5. #USIran conflict implications on future of #ClimateChange efforts - particularly important because the few small victories we've had as a region have been hard-won.
6. Role of #Christianity in #Fiji #Pacific influencing perception and bias toward a gospel of fear, hate and warmongering and an attitude of reduced empathy for the suffering of others + what this translates to in the region. #ProsperityGospel
We, #PacificIslanders are hungry for good, sound, balanced journalism that cuts through bias to serve us writing and stories that educate us, challenge us, inspire us, and prepares us for times such as these. #USIranConflict #ClimateChange #Nexus
We, #Fiji #PacificIslands need global news items made relevant through analytical pieces that may rid us of our ignorance. Some #PacMedia already do but it can never be enough. We're starved for #IslandContexts #LaymansLanguage
The #PacificIslands region is not ready for a war to begin anywhere in the world + make its way into our ocean. Help us prepare by educating us and talking to us - in simple, everyday language. We're already fighting in #ClimateChange spaces.
#FijiMedia #PacificIslandsMedia you have power to educate, inform + challenge us. Empower us to make informed choices and decisions. Help us be able to do that via your analytical pieces. Translated into local languages would be great!
It is shocking to see the degree of #Ignorance we have on issues of history (global/local) + extensive inability to identify #FakeNews as we brew #Hate in our #PacificIslands region.
Truly missing #DrTeresiaTeaiwa one of our finest Pacific women - poet, academic, expert in #PacificMilitarisation #Gender Yes, may we pls have our island academics work with #PacificMedia so that our hunger for urgently needed analysis may educate us?