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1/ ... " Das #ICTY in Den Haag hat den verstorbenen serbischen Präsidenten Slobodan #Milošević in aller Stille von #Kriegsverbrechen freigesprochen, die während des bosnischen Krieges von 1992 bis 1995 begangen wurden, einschließlich des Massakers von Srebrenica. Image
2/ Weit entfernt davon, sich mit dem verurteilten Führer der bosnischen Serben, Radovan Karadzic, zu verschwören, opponierte demnach Milosevic gegen ihn und „verurteilte ethnisches Säubern“. Er versuchte, den Krieg zu stoppen, der Jugoslawien auflöste.
3/ Diese Wahrheit, die am Ende von 2590 Seiten des Urteils über Karadzic vom vergangenen Februar begraben wurde, zertrümmert einmal mehr die Propaganda, mit der die #NATO ihren illegalen Angriff auf #Serbien 1999 rechtfertigte.(...)
John Pilger…
Read 19 tweets
This is an updated thread from November 2020
Many Accounts Suspended
H/T to those that are still left:

OTPOR -----> Dominion
Interesting titles, locations, and names below this fellow:…
Read 215 tweets
In queste ore si tornano a leggere tweet del tipo "anche noi abbiamo bombardato le città!" in riferimento all'attacco NATO sulla #Serbia del 1999.

Un🧵di impressioni personali sulle interpretazioni delle 2 guerre, sul rossobrunismo e sull'equidistanza impossibile. Image
Non mi addentro sulle - tante, troppe - differenze specifiche e di contesto, che meriterebbero un'analisi a sé stante, né sugli aspetti tecnici militari. Questo thread vuole analizzare per lo più l'impatto pubblico dei 2 eventi e i pensieri che hanno generato.
C'è una questione di "coerenza". Se all'epoca fu un'ingiustizia - e concordo che lo fu - perché non dovrebbe esserlo anche oggi? Perché non dovremmo indignarci anche oggi? Se fu sbagliato allora, perché ripetere l'errore oggi chiamando in causa una presunta incoerenza?
Read 23 tweets
Today it is Mariupol, Kharkiv or #Bucha, at the time it was #Sarajevo30, Višegrad or Srebrenica. 30 years ago from today the Bosnian Serbs, with support from Belgrade, began the siege of the Bosnian capital that was to last 1425 days. A 🧵 on this sad anniversary and... 1/20
also on parallels and differences: Unlike #Ukraine today, at the time the international community treated the siege of Sarajevo almost until the end as a "humanitarian problem”. So the UN supplied the residents of Sarajevo for 3 years with food via an airlift, often interrupted..
... because Serbian forces shelled the airport. Like the Russian troops in Ukraine today, the Serbian besiegers shot from the surrounding mountains at residential buildings and civilians, for example when they had to queue for water supply or search for wood to heat their homes..
Read 20 tweets
The multipolar spin: how fascists operationalize left-wing resentment. Read what the @splcenter & @MaxBlumenthal don't want you to read here:
And download it here:…

"​During his recent tour of Europe, disgraced former Trump strategist Steve Bannon declared “Italy is in the lead.” /1 #antifa #Fascism
Amid the historic resurgence of the Italian far right that returned right-wing populist Silvio Berlusconi to prominence, Bannon fantasized about “the ultimate dream” of unifying the anti-establishment Five Star Movement with the far-right League (formerly the Northern League)- /2
Read 49 tweets

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