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Mar 16th 2023
I'm very excited to say my book "How #Kant Matters for #Biology" will soon be published! The thread below explains some of the key issues dealt with. I'm essentially resituating Kant in relation to biology, especially with key figures in the develop of biology in the in Britain. Image
Please get in touch if you want to review, I can help get the book out to journals relevant for you.
Links for the book:
University of Wales Press:
Chicago University Press:
Chapter 1 focuses on debates about Kant's influence on biology. I push back against how #influence tends to be understood in #philosophyofscience and argue that we need to recognise the importance of #misunderstanding - especially for Kant's philosophy. 1/10
Read 12 tweets
Oct 7th 2021
Inga Clendinnen "Dancing with Strangers"

In this thread students @MQLinguistics read Clendinnen's historical #ethnography based on the diaries of the officers of the 1st fleet to learn about #InterculturalCommunication between British colonizers and Sydney's Indigenous people
#DancingWithStrangers is a story of confusion and ignorance of #culture #language, aspirations, traditions and #law
One of the most tragic figures is Baneelon, an Australian kidnapped by Governor Phillip and taught English in a desperate attempt to create an intermediary.
The detailed musings of the white men in #DancingWithStrangers contrast with the deafening silence of any women's voices - what did the Indigenous and colonising #women think of each other? Of the men they encountered? How different would history be if women had been in charge?
Read 19 tweets
Jul 29th 2020
1/ Delighted to see that firm actions planned following launch of national survey results… well done to all involved @PMacneela @LouiseCrowley2 @Lornafitz3 @NWCI
2/ Very happy @DCU @DaireKeogh (our new President) has already taken steps to address #Sexualharassment #Sexualviolence on campus @DCUSU @DCU_EDI @annelooney @SanHealy @ItStopsNow_EU
3/I want to share the story of one lecturer’s experiences in her involvement with getting #Consent on the agenda at 3rd level- one of the backstories behind this progressive movement
Read 45 tweets

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