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Mar 20th 2023
I am thankful for the opportunity to hear from Walton County DA, Chief ADA, 3 other ADA, and investigators on the below case.…

However, it was far more important to hear and understand the needs for offices such as this one with regarding
to funding (instead of defunding) the police, training (skills) for law enforcement, awareness & mobilizing the grassroots (We the People), staffing, and legislation. There are so many different areas where the systems are broken and can be fixed.
I attended another meeting that broke my heart. The slave market is well funded and must be shut down.

The satanic rituals embedded in the slave trade has fast and vastly expanded over the last 20 years. I’ll save that topic for another post/day.
Read 11 tweets
Jan 31st 2023
See long thread (as promised)
I choose not to be a victim or even labeled as a “survivor”. I am an overcomer. There are many victims, survivors, and overcomers when it comes to human trafficking.

Trafficking is defined by the exchange of something or someone for a profit.
I find it so very interesting that Twitter accounts are banned for calling out solid facts when @elizableu was caught in multiple lies. She was propped up by the system to denounce pizzagate when our own DOJ and even recent law enforcement have shown proof that “pizza” is a code
Read 34 tweets
Dec 14th 2022
A new @PolicyPECH study on 🇨🇳's 🎣 fleet reviews its global operations, notably in 🇸🇳🇲🇷🇲🇬🇲🇺🇪🇨🇸🇧, and the challenges it poses to competing 🇪🇺 fleets.

The study sets the tone for a forthcoming @Europarl_EN report on the impacts of 🇨🇳's fleet on 🇪🇺🎣.…
.@PolicyPECH highlights that 🇨🇳's fleet - the world's biggest - operates globally and drives #overfishing, environmental destruction & human rights abuse.

The fleet profits unfairly from illegality, a lack of transparency & data gaps as our report shows:…
.@PolicyPech reports that the 🇪🇺 can encourage 🇨🇳 towards regulating its fleet.

But this is possible only if the 🇪🇺@EU_Mare can lead by example and be credible when it promotes #transparency.

#ZeroTolerance #IUUFishing #FlagsOfConvenience #BeneficialOwnership #CountEveryFish
Read 7 tweets
Nov 29th 2022
Pretty devastating how this campaign has become unrecognisable in the last 30 years. #zerotolerance #scotgov….
But unsurprising when you see their position statements @ForWomenScot @JennyMarra @K_IngalaSmith @ShonaghDillon…
And specifically their blog.…
Read 15 tweets
Aug 8th 2022
This is a recap of an article from The Atlantic regarding Trump's Zero Tolerance/Family Separation policy. I've included important excerpts here.

It should enrage you.

The article is 30,000 words and is attached at the end. It may have a paywall
This excerpt speaks for itself.
The children were ripped from. Their parents arms and crammed into "cages."

This was done by the Republican Party who insist they care about children
Read 14 tweets
Jan 20th 2022
Happening now: Live tweeting #BaltimoreConsentDecree quarterly meeting w Judge Bredar on "progress" of reform by 2022 Baltimore Police #MichaelHarrisonBPD #MosbyIndictment
Jim Shea and Lisa Walden signed in to represent Baltimore's electeds and presumably the will of the community. Judge Bredar begins with an opening statement.
BREDAR: Reform hasn't taken hold in Baltimore prior to #MichaelHarrisonBPD is to a small part due to a lack of intestinal fortitude of prior leaders and but primarily bc of the distraction of the murders (that Mayor Jack Young is NOT committing). #gunviolence #badpress #quotas
Read 27 tweets
Nov 21st 2021
Ich finde, es ist Zeit für Geschichte. Was passierte ab 1938 zB in Wien? Ich empfehle hier die Serie „Holocaust“. Jüdische Kinder wurden aus Schulklassen gezerrt. Jüdische Professoren und Ärzte verloren ebenso ihre Jobs, wie jüdische Geschäftsbesitzer ihre Unternehmen, kleine
Arbeiter und Angestellte ihre Jobs. Jüdische Österreicher mussten unter dem Gejohle von vielen die Straßen mit Zahnbürsten putzen. Sie wurden zunächst beraubt, verprügelt, eingesperrt, später in Viehwagons in NS–Vernichtungslager gebracht. Seife aus ihren Knochen wurde verkauft.
Millionen wurden vergast. Andere Minderheiten wie Roma und Sinti wurden ebenso gejagt und getötet. Menschen, die Widerstand gegen Täter & johlenden Massen – die sich zB am Heldenplatz versammelt hatten, um Hitler freudigst zu begrüßen – leisteten, wurden von der GESTAPO gefangen
Read 6 tweets
Jul 12th 2021
Reflections on last night: #eng #racism

We did an incredible job getting to the final, scenes not seen for a generation. A diverse team championing what England aspires to be, a progressive collective moving toward a shared goal. Each earning more than their keep.
I applaud each of them, but special mention must go to @BukayoSaka87 , @MarcusRashford, and @Sanchooo10 who have not only represented a community of people under duress from common people and elites alike, but shown that ascendence to greatness is individual.
Reading the words of @GarethSouthgate from earlier this year, it is clear that the @England team is very much forward-thinking in tackling #racism and he, himself, a great and empathetic leader, is forthright in tackling, against potential anger, this great cause.
Read 25 tweets
Jun 21st 2021
This weekend, for the first time in over three years, our client Luis was able to hold his son in his arms again. His son was only five years old when @CBP officers callously took him while Luis was in court. He was told his son would be there when he got back. He wasn’t.
But Luis’ story isn’t the only happy one we have to share. He’s 1 of 13 parents that were reunited with their kids over the weekend + 8 more will be reunited this week! These were parents who were separated + deported from their children during the terror of #zerotolerance.

For two years we have been fighting to reunite these parents with their children, some of whom have been separated nearly four years. But the journey is not over. It will take years to undo the damage that has been done to these families. Reunification is just the first step.
Read 8 tweets
Feb 26th 2021
“The West” will always reap what it sows in #Africa.

In the very same “IGAD region”, Salva Kiir & Riek Machar - with the help of #Uganda’s Yoweri Museveni - did exactly the same thing in #SouthSudan.

Yet, the then @BarackObama administration of the #USA, the Europeans, & the...
...other “free democracies” of the @UN, still allowed all of those #African leaderships to remain in power without any accountability for orchestrating similar massacres.

So what’s the difference with what they did; & what’s now gotten the very same “West”, so upset with...
...the leaderships of #Ethiopia & #Eritrea?

You cannot open up “The Pandora’s Box”, & then just expect to be able to just close it just like that.

Moreover, it’s all now building within all of the various “fake democracies” of the @_AfricanUnion; & all because of the...
Read 7 tweets
Sep 25th 2020
With all that is going on, it is easy to forget that families still remain separated, and we have not stopped our work to reunite them. Over 400 parents were deported without their children and every day we are getting new referrals for cases.

These parents endured an agony no parent should ever have to. Imagine thinking you’ve finally reached safety w ur child only to have them forcefully taken from you. Their screams burning in ur ears as they cry for mama + papa. America kidnapped these children then lost them. 2/4
Covid had set an unfortunate pause on our reunification work, but we continued to remain in touch and support the parents how ever we could. Now that a bit more movement is allowed we are full steam ahead! We won’t stop until we can reunite as many families as possible.

Read 4 tweets
Jul 29th 2020
1/ Delighted to see that firm actions planned following launch of national survey results… well done to all involved @PMacneela @LouiseCrowley2 @Lornafitz3 @NWCI
2/ Very happy @DCU @DaireKeogh (our new President) has already taken steps to address #Sexualharassment #Sexualviolence on campus @DCUSU @DCU_EDI @annelooney @SanHealy @ItStopsNow_EU
3/I want to share the story of one lecturer’s experiences in her involvement with getting #Consent on the agenda at 3rd level- one of the backstories behind this progressive movement
Read 45 tweets
Jul 23rd 2020
In a remarkable decision last yr, a judge ruled the gov was required to provide mental health services to families separated under zero tolerance. The ruling held the gov accountable for mental trauma as a result of its own policies. But getting those services has not been easy.
@brittny_mejia profiles the incredible work of @SenecaFOA as they attempt to locate and offer these services in the middle of a pandemic and speaks to the ongoing trauma these parents and their children experience daily even after they've been reunited.…
Our client Luisa who was separated from her 13yr old daughter on Christmas Day 2017 is profiled in this article. We know how hard it was for her even after we were able to reunite them. The trauma doesn’t magically end with reunification. The pain lives inside you forever. Image
Read 4 tweets
Jul 15th 2020
In a remarkable decision last yr, a judge ruled the gov was required to provide mental health services to families separated under zero tolerance. The ruling held the gov accountable for mental trauma as a result of its own policies. But getting those services has not been easy.
@brittny_mejia profiles the incredible work of @SenecaFOA as they attempt to locate and offer these services in the middle of a pandemic and speaks to the ongoing trauma these parents and their children experience daily even after they've been reunited.…
@brittny_mejia @SenecaFOA Our client Luisa, who was separated from her 13 yr old daughter on Christmas Day 2017 is profiled in this article. We know how hard it was for her even after she was reunited with her daughter. The trauma doesn’t magically end with reunification, it’s often just the beginning.
Read 4 tweets
Jul 12th 2020
UEFA'nın Fenerbahçe için CL'den men kararı vermesine neden olan disiplin müfettişi raporunun nasıl, hangi çıkar anlaşmaları karşılığında yazıldığını/yazdırıldığını açıklamaya çalışıyorum... bu iddiamı da, bir soruşturma dosyasından bilgi ve belgelerle destekliyorum
görünen o ki olay "klişe tekerleme"ye evrilecek...
Ergenekon kumpas mı?
Balyoz kumpas mı?
-Tabi ki
-Sormanız ayıp, suç
Askeri Casusluk
Kurgulanmış soruşturmalar yani.
Fenerbahçe'ye kumpas!!!
-Aaa o farklı. Kanıt vardı ya
UEFA'nın CL'den men kararına esas teşkil eden disiplin raporunda imzası olan Miguel Liétard Fernández-Palacios'un patronu Gorka Villar'ın ve resmi belgelere göre ona iş bağlayan babası Ángel María Villar'ın karanlık portresini belgelerle sunuyorum...
Read 208 tweets
Apr 2nd 2020
1/Just out-@MayoClinic shares approach to addressing, preventing #Sexualharassment, & developing a culture intolerant of this behavior. I hope this #Tweetorial is helpful #Medtwitter @TIMESUPHC @ChetRihal
2/ #Sexualharassment in healthcare cannot be uncoupled from issues in larger society. 60-80% of the health care workforce has experienced #sexualharassment. @TIMESUPHC @reshmajagsi @ChetRihal…
3/ #Sexualharassment in healthcare is particularly pernicious--serious & lasting psychological damage to victims & deleterious effects on teamwork & communication, affecting patient care. @drjessigold @pringlmillermd @JWestendorfPhD @TIMESUPNOW @TIMESUPHC
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Feb 6th 2020
Feb 6 is International Day of #ZeroToleranceDay for #FGM- female genital mutilation.

I was born in #Egypt, where FGM prevalence is 87.2% among all women aged 15-49.

Egypt has the greatest number of women and girls who have experienced FGM of any country in the world. A thread.
I have been obsessed with and writing about #FGM for decades. Too many women in my extended family have been subjected to this form of torture that serves no medical purpose whatsoever. FGM instead is about patriarchal control of female sexuality. #ZeroToleranceDay
Read 18 tweets
Oct 24th 2019
NEW -- @USCCRgov has released a groundbreaking report revealing the depths of cruelty of the Trump Administration’s anti-immigrant agenda, including the detention, #FamilySeparation, #ZeroTolerance, & #RemainInMexico.

#DontLookAway – read the full report:…
@USCCRgov The USCCR report found that the Trump Admin:
❌ Created a humanitarian crisis
❌ Separated families & traumatized children
❌ Discriminated against Latino migrants
❌ Inflicted inhumane, prison-like conditions
❌ Denied justice & legal rights

#DontLookAway #JusticeForOurChildren
@USCCRgov The Commission shares the accounts of migrants who suffered under the Trump Admin’s policies.

Upon arriving in the US, migrants were humiliated, shouted at, and held in horrific conditions.

They waited in ICE custody – cold, hungry, and without medical care or translators.
Read 12 tweets
Oct 9th 2019
We appeal to our customers to exercise restraint while relating with any member of our staff as there will be zero tolerance towards anyone who assaults them. Perpetrators will face the full wrath of the law.

#SayNoToAssault #Assault #EKEDC #ZeroTolerance Image
If you are unsatisfied with our services, kindly contact us.
Call us on 07080655555 or send an email to: or send us a message on any of our social media platforms:
Facebook -
Twitter -
#SayNoToAssault #EKEDC
Instagram - or visit the nearest district to you.

#SayNoToAssault #Assault #EKEDC #ZeroTolerance
Read 3 tweets
Mar 20th 2019
ALERT: You may hear reports that @CBPSouthTexas is releasing hundreds of immigrants & asylum seekers from detention in the Rio Grande Valley, including dozens of children. We are monitoring the situation. Follow along for more information as this situation develops #RGV
What we know: @CBPSouthTexas claims that their processing centers are full because ICE refuses to take any more transfers. Because of this they have no choice but to release hundreds of people to the bus station and humanitarian centers. We have reason to believe this is not true
In last year’s family separation crisis, @CBP and @DHSgov sent parents apprehended in South Texas all over the country because of alleged spacing issues. There is nothing to indicate that things are different now in terms of capacity.
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Sep 23rd 2018
@ALT_uscis @metaquest @SpicyFiles @equalandallied1 @rkfatheree @ThomasS4217 2/ Conveniently enough, Congress is "working" to keep the gov't open with "a 'continuing resolution' that would fund federal agencies through Dec. 7. ICE asked Congress to include the $1 billion increase in the continuing resolution." (more...)
@ALT_uscis @metaquest @SpicyFiles @equalandallied1 @rkfatheree @ThomasS4217 3/ "... immigration officials said they need the extra money to cover rising costs associated with arrests and deportations. Officials say this year they’ve detained an average of 43,000 immigrants a day, slightly more than Congress authorized in the current budget. (con't)
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Jul 12th 2018
@ThomasS4217 1/ This <thread> provides a timeline for what appears to be a coordinated effort by the current WH to expand pool of children available for transnational adoptions, which began at the State dept.'s Consular Affairs office on Jan 27, 2017, and by DHS on Feb 2, 2017
@ThomasS4217 2/ Fueled by evangelical fervor for transnational adoptions (receipts downthread: indebted to @rkfatherlee), current WH Adm.'s goal is to remove detained minors from federal jurisdiction (HHS/ACF/ORR/UAC) as quickly as possible by transferring detained children to 1 of 17 states
@ThomasS4217 3/ Once detained children enter a state's foster care system, they are no longer the responsibility of the federal gov't (HHS/ACF/ORR/UAC), but instead those children's welfare is the responsibility of that particular state.
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Jun 24th 2018
(1/16) #ZeroTolerance
Detention centers for adult asylum seekers and subsequent "tender care"/foster care facilities are administered at the state, not federal level. This <thread> provides a background on the process involved in awarding these contracts.
(2/16) It looks like GOP is taking steps to staunch the unrelenting flow of orphaned asylum seeking children to state-licensed "tender age"/foster care facilities:
(3/16) On Jun 21, @nytimes published this map of the states which have licensed "tender age"/foster care facilities for detained youth asylum seekers. It's vital that these minors are reunited with their parent, but that's a subject for another <thread>.
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Jun 22nd 2018
@mike_dutoit @ThomasS4217 @traciemac_Bmore 1/ I'm collecting information about federal expenditures on #ZeroTolerance and stumbled upon what appears to be an OMG about one of the 5 vendors identified by @hunterw (links to all sources will be included in this <thread>):
@mike_dutoit @ThomasS4217 @traciemac_Bmore @hunterw 2/ And it has to do with the *smallest* contract signed in Sep 2017, Dynamic Educational Systems a subsidiary of Exodyne in Phoenix AZ ($5.6 Million).

"Ralph A. Rockow founded Exodyne, Inc. in 1982 and also serves as its Chairman and CEO."…
@mike_dutoit @ThomasS4217 @traciemac_Bmore @hunterw 3/ "Exodyne, Inc., provides a variety of services to gov'tal, civic, and private orgs. Through 3 subsidiary companies, Exodyne's business interests range from... Dept. of Labor to providing aviation and technical research services for the Dept. of Defense.
Read 10 tweets

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