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Aug 16th 2022
"She cited the cases of two authors, Rachel Rooney and Gillian Philip, who had suffered “severe personal and professional harm” because they dared to “challenge a fashionable ideology..""
Thank you @jk_rowling for standing up for your fellow authors.…
JK Rowling said "I’ve received no communication whatsoever from Harris expressing sympathy for the death and rape threats I’ve received.”
Gillian Philip said “I had no trust whatsoever in the society and thought it more likely to condemn me than my publisher or the mob who got me fired."
Read 9 tweets
Mar 19th 2022
I've tuned into the webinar from @MerchedCymru, @LGBAllies_Cymru and @WomensRightsNet on #RSE #RSEWales

Scene being set... Huge challenges with sexual harassment in schools as per @EstynHMI report and @WelshGovernment's RSE code fails to tackle these.
Stephanie Davies Arai @cwknews speaking first.
Children being exposed to porn and gender identity ideology online and in life.
Link being made between toxic messages girls receiving and deciding to opt-out of becoming women.
Change of language has happened. GIRES presenting gender identity as innate.
Now looking at resources for teens eg. Gender Identity Workbook for Teens, 'Gender Quest' Workbook, all encouraging kids to interpret their lives through gender lens (likes, hobbies etc).
Good grief.
Read 47 tweets
Jun 14th 2020
Good news today that plans for self-ID of sex have been rejected. However this system is already in place in schools. This must end as a matter of urgency for the welfare and safeguarding of all children. Our school guide shows how this can be done.… Image
Our work addresses the issues raised in the government's plans revealed by @thesundaytimes, including Equality law protections such as single-sex toilets, and evidence-based information to support concerns about children being encouraged towards irreversible medical intervention. Image
All our schools packs can be found on our Schools Resources page. Here you will also find our simple guide to Equality law which is free to download, and our first book for primary age children, the wonderful #MyBodyisMe by @RooneyRachel.…
Read 4 tweets
Dec 16th 2019
"Authors Aloud said: “Rachel Rooney works with us in her capacity as a poet. We’ve had nothing but praise and compliments for the sessions she runs in schools so we’ve got absolutely no plans to stop working with her.”" #MyBodyisMe…
Read 5 tweets
Dec 12th 2019
A very kind supporter has bought 10 COPIES of My Body is Me! to give away FREE to anyone who is struggling financially this Christmas. The first 10 people who email us with their address to will receive a free copy in the post. #MyBodyisMe Image
To get your copy of #mybodyisme by Christmas please order in the next 7 days…
“Paid along copies” now flying out to the US, Ireland, Scotland, Wales & England.

Get yours here:… Image
Read 3 tweets
Dec 12th 2019
JUST ONE WEEK LEFT! To order your book #mybodyisme in time for Christmas 🎄
don't forget to place your order this week 📖
We are working very hard to get all books sent out on time, so don't leave it to the last minute, order NOW!… Image
A very kind supporter has bought 10 copies of My Body is Me! to give away FREE to anyone who is struggling financially this Christmas. The first 10 people who email us with their address to will receive a free copy in the post. #MyBodyisMe Image
To order a copy to arrive before Christmas you have 7 days!!… Image
Read 3 tweets

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