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Feb 20th 2023
#CDC Changed #VinylChloride #Toxicity Info 11 Days Before #Derailment | Feb 20
- After 17 yrs of inactivity, and just a couple weeks before the train derailment in East Palestine #Ohio, the CDC decides to update its #toxicological profile on Vinyl Chloride…
Inside Job? #CDC Changed #Toxicity Info For #VinylChloride 11 Days Before #Derailment | 4d ago
- Recently, #MarineCorps Base Camp #Lejeune in N #Carolina suffered severe #health issues after being in contact with contaminated #water at the base.…
What are the odds that East #Palenstine, #Ohio was one of the 1st cities that partnered with MyID medical bands back in October 2022?
Read 7 tweets
Feb 16th 2023
👇 🧵 What are the odds that East Palenstine, #Ohio was one of the 1st cities that partnered with #MyID medical bands back in October 2022?

And the CDC updated the Toxicological profile for Vinyl Chloride, the chemical that spread after the explosion of #OhioChemicalDisaster
Read 3 tweets
Aug 2nd 2020
1. There have been a lot of questions related to if #MyID will need the use of $ICX to pay for the transactions (tx).
First come first, let's shed some light on the concepts.
#MyID is a private blockchain and so, it does not need to use $ICX for any of its internal tx.
2. Would a company need to pay for the tx carried out in its intranet? Would that company have to pay for moving a file from one of its folders in a share drive to another folder? The answer is NO. Same applies to any internal tx in #MyID .
3. Now. Ask yourself. Will that company want to connect to others, to send emails, send files, share systems of purchasing, logistics, finance,...or attend to their customers, interact with their suppliers, services,...The answer is YES. Same applies to any company using #MyID
Read 14 tweets
Sep 8th 2018

PDP: We the Rebranded PDP under Secondus want to alert the world of the failure of Buhari and APC govt over their inability to have stop the earth tremor. We want the world to hold FG responsible should anything happens to Nigerians via tremor.
@realDonaldTrump @theresa_may @UN
APC: PDP is a drowning Party & so will want 2 drag anyone to thier mud level,but we won't join issues with them because in our party,we're progressive & Pres Buhari Integrity is enough to stop anything negative from happening 2 Nigerians.PDP propaganda & gimmicks can't deter us
Read 33 tweets

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