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Jun 8th 2021

Wow! Big news!!

With this operation, #Encrochat #Sky #MPC & other encrypted networks being infiltrated, does this mean the end of #Drugs #Corruption #OrganisedCrime ?🤔


It's a brilliant operation BUT may have unintended consequences

A #Thread
I got sucked into doing some amateur study of the economy of drug trafficking because of brilliant TV shows.

When you study the numbers, understand the geo-politics, social, criminal & financial elements behind the global industry... you realise just how powerful it really is!🎬
If you trace the industry from;
- Areas of production
- Transit routes
- End Markets

Then look at the money flows;
-Peso exchange
-Hawala networks
-Trade based money laundering

Then the operational groups🧐

It's mind blowing in scale & influence @InSightCrime 🤯
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