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Feb 28th 2023
Hey $QUACK fam! Today, we're exploring the way of life of the #ninja and the valuable lessons we can learn from these legendary warriors. From their strategic thinking to their mental toughness, let's dive into the world of the ninja. #RichQUACK

🧵🥷👇 Image
The ninja lived by the principle of "ninja no michi," or the way of the ninja. This philosophy emphasized the importance of perseverance, flexibility, and adaptability in achieving success. $QUACK
The ninja were skilled in the art of #strategy, using their intelligence and knowledge of their environment to gain an advantage over their enemies. They believed that strategy was just as important as physical strength. $QUACK
Read 12 tweets
Oct 3rd 2022
No Mambo 10 😱 !? , No problem ... I got you covered! Mambo 10 niliyoyaona kwenye mchezo wa Simba Sc Vs Dodoma Jiji: 👇
1. Simba imecheza kitimu Sana , mpira umeonekana licha ya Kocha kupumzisha baadhi ya key players (Kanoute & Okrah) ...well done Mgunda 👏👏 #Uzi 👇
2. Lisha ya ushindi ,upande wa kulia palivuja sanaa...walipoteza mipira sana, Israh na Kibu hawakuwa na siku nzuri kazini licha ya Wenzao kuziba makosa yao(ndio maana ya teamwork👏)
3. Kuna wachezaji wazawa hawaimbwi Sana Ila uwepo wa Mgunda ni kama wamezaliwa upya (Kennedy na👇
Mzamiru 🙌)
4. Cha ajabu ukipitia picha za mchezo wa Jana kwenye kurasa za timu huwezi ona picha ya Mzamiru, ambae kwangu Mimi ndio Man of the match, sad ! Huwenda @RabbiHume alitingwa 😌
5. Chama anaweza akacheza hata akiwa na 40 yrs, YES! Mchezaji...👇
Read 8 tweets
May 16th 2021
Today, would like to share the thought process and inspiration behind building the South Gujarat's first #Coworking @ikoverk

Coworking Spaces are Plug and Play offices for #Startups, #Freelances, #Consultants and #SMEs but we wanted to build something more- a Community (1/n)
As you enter, you with find a Large Front desk with volunteers to guide you and onboard you for a 7 Days Free Trial amidst the aroma of Coffee and chirping of fellow coworkers discussing new ideas.

#Connect #Collaborate #Celebrate is the motto.
On the Front desk, you fill an intuitive Map of @ikoverk along with Sign which reads - "Remember, when you enter the door to the Right, you will enter the War Room" because everyone here is a hustler, an innovator and a true warrior.
Read 12 tweets
Feb 12th 2021
1-This thread will be 40-50 tweets long so please be patient. This thread is not to fish for kind words, it's to both remind my long-time followers & introduce my new followers that life can change in a flash. This incident & the aftermath happened to me. It can happen to you.
2-Today, February 12, 2021 marks the 10 year anniversary of my battle with Maksim Gelman, the #NYPD, #NYC, & the "Justice" System. Image
3-Similar to Clubber Lang, since they won't come to me, I'll bring my case to the "people" #NYPD Image
Read 53 tweets
Dec 30th 2020
Thread MOLTO LUNGO, potete guardare solo le immagini 🤭
Ho scritto che nel 2020 c'è anche chi ha fatto qualcosa di buono.
Oltre a mia sorella.
Grazie a chi ha dato una mano e soprattutto a chi ha adottato ❤
Read 29 tweets
Feb 21st 2020
Je continue d'étoffer mon répertoire d'animations de méca spa ! On va désormais se concentrer sur le problème à 3 corps, et sa forme la plus étudiée en particulier le "cr3bp" !
Mon objectif c'est de vous montrer (bientôt) la beauté des "connections hétéroclines". Mais je peux pas balancer ça comme ça, c'est assez velu comme concept. Ce thread sera donc pour partager les bases ... mais toujours en animation !
cr3bp = Circular Restricted 3-Body Problem. "Problème à 3 corps restreint circulaire". Ça a l'air compliqué mais il faut juste découper ce charabia pour le comprendre. Diviser pour mieux régner commet toujours en science.😀
Read 31 tweets

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