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Aug 28th 2022
Die #Ostsee (englisch: #BalticSea) hat als Meer, aus Sicht des Militärs, ganz andere und spezielle Eigenschaften als z.B. die Nordsee oder der Atlantik.
Hier geht es um die geographisch relevanten Eigenschaften der Ostsee, welche ich grob eingeteilt darstelle. 1/x
Dieses dient der Verdeutlichung der verschiedenen Bereiche und ist geographisch teilweise inkorrekt.
Die Ostsee ist insgesamt ein sehr flaches Meer mit einer maximalen Wassertiefe von ca. 450 Metern und einer durchschnittlichen Tiefe von ca. 50 Meter.
Es gibt viele Flachwasserbereiche und der Salzgehalt ist in großen Teilen sehr niedrig, teilweise aber mit abrupten Änderungen.
Die Ostsee ist in 4 Bereiche zu unterteilen:
1. #Kattegat (lila)
2. Zentrale Ostsee (grün)
3. Bottnischer Meerbusen (orange)
Read 23 tweets
May 2nd 2021
#AMC #GME #TSLA #KOSS #NOK welcome to sundays looking forward statements. We have so much going on right now but we must not lose site of the goal, the battle remains outside against the HF and MM and we need all hands on deck. This week is a big week and we have a busy schedule
Monday morning will come in like a wrecking ball in a good way. I’m hoping it’ll work in our favor as I suspect HF and MM will try to deal with other areas of the market. Tuesday is AMCs shareholder meeting bigs ups to the team their at AMC & @CEOAdam I know your team
Is working tirelessly to help us all even when folks don’t realize it. Two days later we have the SEC (@SEC_News) closed door meeting to discuss different topics but I surmise and I’m hoping it’s about our rules followed by the House financial committee meeting witnesses on deck:
Read 15 tweets
Apr 5th 2021
#AMC #GME #TSLA #KOSS #NAKD #SNDL #NOK #BB #BBBY #CALLINGALLMEMES #MOON #SEATBELTS #HOLDERS #STONKS #STOCKS #SLAPTHEASK Part 3 of the time to come home piece.... I told ya'll this was long ...I probably will do a video to explain it on YouTube but wanted to essentially get this
out to you. So what is next....part of my conclusion if you will The DTC knows the plays that are being made within the ATS network they may not be able to tell us how much, but we know that most of them have overleveraged assets that they do not have nor owned just to be able to
combat retails buying power. The DTC knows that at some point they will have to be margin called for these deals. The stuff is already hitting the fan. I predict that more and more HF and MM and banks will still bite the dust in the coming week. Do not think for a second that
Read 14 tweets
Apr 5th 2021
#AMC #GME #TSLA #KOSS #NAKD #SNDL #NOK #BB #BBBY #CALLINGALLMEMES #MOON #SEATBELTS #HOLDERS #STONKS #STOCKS #SLAPTHEASK Part 2 of the Recap tonight "Time to Come Home" - They have now made the rules to indicate three things. 1) We will charge you the difference between your
short position and the volatility of the market. You will need to pay up immediately. 2) The NSCC showed us that we have a liquidity issue when it comes to these stocks. Liquidity in accounting means that you don’t have enough current assets to cover short term obligations and
the other assets you do have are not that is translatable into cash. It’s like if I have 2M dollars between cash and investments but I have a huge Fixed Asset that wont be sold immediately to cover whatever short term obligation should I get called out on it aka margin.
Read 26 tweets
Apr 5th 2021
message out far and wide folks. Tonights recap message it’s time to come on home. Why? We got some official things to discuss and I may be late to the party but I’m about to break down the SR-DTC-2021-005. Why am I saying it’s time to come on home?
Because this all affects us the same way we are one family in this struggle. No matter what happens we got each others backs just like family. So lets break this rule down and I’ll tell you how it effects you and why this matters. Lets Recap what we know and what has occurred in
Read 26 tweets
Jan 28th 2021
A tale of 2 apps

A very quick look at the very different customer strategy of Public vs Robinhood

So after trading was temporarily halted on #GME #AMC #NOK and the like, stock trading apps Public and Robinhood both started getting slammed with 1-star reviews from angry users who disagreed with the block
However, whereas Robin hood appears to not be directly responding, Public immediately began responding to all reviews - and worked to release trading again via the app before end of day
Read 5 tweets
Jul 30th 2020
The #Nok culture gave the world a glimpse of ancient Africa through their terracotta sculptures, which survived, buried in central #Nigeria, for 2,500 years. In return, we looted their sites and made a bunch of fakes, making it impossible to understand them. A thread. Image
Distinct and stylized, Nok sculptures came to the attention of Western art lovers at almost the same moment Nigeria banned their export. But that didn't stop the art market. ImageImageImageImage
By the mid-'90s, two dealers employed 1,000 diggers to dig ancient sites, searching for Nok sculpture to sell. For more details, see:…
Read 10 tweets

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