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Jun 1st 2023
🔺 Real Estate Giant Defaults on over $1.1B in Debt 🔺

Brookfield, a major real estate firm, is facing huge losses in its Downtown L.A. office portfolio, defaulting on over $1.1B in related debt. #RealEstate #LosAngeles A photo illustration of Bro...
🏢 The company has lost two prominent assets, the Gas Company Tower and EY Plaza, to court-appointed receivers as the pandemic continues to challenge the office real estate market. #Pandemic #RemoteWork
📉 #Brookfield's Downtown L.A. office portfolio saw occupancy drop to 77.2% at the end of 2021, and around 30% of all office space in the area is now vacant. #OfficeSpace
Read 6 tweets
Nov 21st 2022
Thread on office vacancy

The pandemic changed the way we live and work. No longer must we all be in the same physical location to collaborate. This radical shift (or, as we economists like to say, "exogenous shock") has fundamentally changed the way we use office space. 1/n
The sharp drop in demand for office space has resulted in more underutilized office space across the country than is fully captured by traditional metrics such as vacancy or availability rates. 2/n
How best, then, to capture the extent of this emptiness? To help with this, First American's econ team developed a new metric, called "Underutilized Shadow Vacancy" (or U-Shadow vacancy) ... 3/n
Read 6 tweets
Oct 14th 2022
Thread on #office buildings:

Office remains the asset class with the least certain future. However, not all office space is created equal. For example, life science office is in a steadier position since lab work generally can't be performed remotely. 1/n
Given persistent demand to lease life science office space, occupancy rates in this specialized asset class remain quite high. As one data point, Alexandria Real Estate, a publicly traded REIT that specializes in life science office space, reported... 2/n
...occupancy rates of 95% in their North American properties in 2Q of this year:…

Another way to compare subcategories of office assets urban or central business district (CBD) vs suburban locations. Historically... 3/n
Read 14 tweets
Dec 10th 2020
The Truth About #OpenOffices
”When the firms switched to open offices, face-to-face interactions fell by 70%.”

#HRM #WorkplaceDesign…
But ”hybrid #openoffice designs are not a panacea. If you are going to let people choose the spaces that best meet their individual needs, your workers might as well be remote.”
And #remotework hinders #communication: ”we found that remote workers communicated nearly 80% less about their assignments than colocated team members did; in 17% of projects they didn’t communicate at all.”
Read 13 tweets
Aug 23rd 2020
The #CPCleadership announcement is delayed 90 min.

What are they hiding?
We demand an investigation.
Call the RCMP.
So many questions unanswered.
We all "know" what they are up to.
Connect the dots people, it's so obvious.
I'm so angry I threw my phone on the ground.
This meme says it all.
#ballotgate continues. Now 7:40 and all we have gotten is lies and a possible cover-up. Can we really trust the result?…
Read 12 tweets

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