1. Establish the credibility and scale of the story.
2. Challenge the propaganda and framing of the story.
3, Raise awareness beyond the initial small circle.
4. Create a database tool for researchers & use it to map relationships & scale. See @GetGee_
5. Clearly define possible independent inquiry options for each country & build support for them. *In progress & scheduled for completion late next yr
7. Work with human rights lawyers to receive affidavits to help push for inquiries or for ongoing inquiries to investigate.
#OpDeathEaters #goals
How is LAW used to enable the rape and trafficking of children? I think #Epstein gave (& will continue to give) us a great example for the USA. #OpdeLegal #OpDeathEaters
Immigration, border controls and refugee policies which allowed and/or encouraged vast amounts of child trafficking internationally.
#OpDeathEaters #AbolishICE #InternationalInquiryNow #Genocide
The role of NGOs and others standing between the vulnerable and the public who frequently feed the industry.
Can you say "Catholic Church" "Boy Scouts" and others too numerous to list. #OpDeathEaters #goals
The focus of media on spokespersons (such as NGOs) for the vulnerable. The need for the right of all to communicate directly.
This. We need to enable victims to speak - safely - and to have non-intrusive, appropriate support. #OpDeathEaters
The role of academia, media and entertainment in creating propaganda entirely from the point of view of the predator.
#PIE #NAMBLA #B4UACT #MeToo #MMIWG #OpDeathEaters #goals
The cover-ups after the 80s, worldwide. (Especially organizations created to ‘protect’ which were part of the industry.)
This still needs work #OpDeathEaters, but a great example of how NOT to do it is the #UK #CSAInquiry
The gendered bias against male rape victims and the anti-victim bias in media, courts and general society.
There is no such thing as a "child prostitute" - only rape victims. Children cannot consent, nor seduce. #OpDeathEaters
The idea of a powerful man in a suit as automatically more credible than a child, prisoner, etc.
#OpDeathEaters #BelieveVictims
The idea of 'paedophilia’ as a sexual orientation.
The idea of both paedosadism and sociopathy as incurable and natural when we know both are environmental and growing.

We need nothing less than a complete examination of who we are.
#OpDeathEaters #Models #opdeHollywood #OpdeLegal #opdegod