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Jul 30th 2021

πŸš¨πŸ‰πŸš¨#TH3D3N is highlighting all of the Missing Kids that are out there but get little to no attention, hashtagged by State. Please DO SUBSCRIBE, CHECK OFTEN & SHARE Missing kids posters on other channels & platforms

#OpWhereAreTheKids ~ IT MATTERS

Rafael Martinez
Fatima Martinez

Kishe Banks-Jones

Usmaan Nawaz

πŸš¨πŸ‰πŸš¨If you have seen any of these children~ please call 911,
1-800-THE-LOST or visit :… for more information on each poster

Arden Pepion

Jonathan Blevins

Samantha Johns

Ryan Larsen

πŸš¨πŸ‰πŸš¨If you have seen any of these children~ please call 911,
1-800-THE-LOST or visit :… for more information on each poster
Read 9 tweets
Feb 10th 2021
#OpWhereAreTheKids Part 6
#PedoJoe & Illegal immigration are going to cause a YUGE rise in #ChildSexTrafficking cases as well as #CSA cases all over the country. We need to talk about what is going to happen to these #UAC as they pour into America…
Read 9 tweets
Feb 3rd 2021
#TH3D3N #OpWhereAreTheKids Part 5

This section will be on how the CIA & #PedoElite ship #ChildSexSlaves in & out of America.It will also contain the connections between underground tunnel systems #JamesAlefantis & more.⚠️ EXTREMELY GRAPHIC…
#TH3D3N #OpWhereAreTheKids Pt 5

πŸ”₯Human Trafficking in Shipping Containers

This is a huge issue for the shipping industry. Although we do not see these types of stories often, there are many people attempting to move people this way-even #ChildSexSlaves
#TH3D3N #OpWhereAreTheKids Pt 5

Most assume that all ships coming into a harbor are logged in & registered-NOT TRUE

There is a whole system set up for smugglers & regardless of what they are smuggling its the same-To them, a product…
Read 9 tweets
Jan 29th 2021
#TH3D3N #OpWhereAreTheKids Part 4

#ChildSexTrafficking by the CIA and #NCMEC is real. In this part I will show you the technology they use, who the other donors are & what they are involved in.
#OpWhereAreTheKids Pt 4
πŸ”₯Hiding in Plain Sight–NCMEC

ICMEC & NCMEC BoD. R full of Wa.insiders,political elite,royalty,heads of multi-ntnl corps, high powered lawyers &consultants +extensive partnerships w/ ntwks of NGOs, industry leaders & gov. agencies…
#TH3D3N #OpWhereAreTheKids Part 4

Palantir's backers include the CIA's In-Q-Tel venture fund and Thiel's Founders Fund. Its customers include government intelligence agencies such as the National Security Agency.…
Read 6 tweets

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