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Dec 20th 2022
NEW: Criminal Intel Files Show Facial Recognition, Warrantless Surveillance in Minnesota
A little-known multi-agency drug war group runs thousands of facial recognition scans and other surveillance operations… Documents show capabilities of North Central HIDTA Investiga
We found over 37,000 requests for support, connecting at least 233 law enforcement organizations in MN and beyond. Documents obtained via a series of public records requests from the Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) provide rare insight into police intelligence gathering.
Many drug and other task forces as well as more routine law enforcement operations within the region receive intelligence from investigators within the Criminal Intelligence Division (CID) and Criminal Information Sharing and Analysis (CISA) units.
Read 44 tweets
Feb 12th 2022
"Larger circuits can be constructed out of smaller circuits in three ways.
•..‘in parallel’[:] inputs and outputs are..placed side-by-side
•[‘inseries’][:] outputs of one circuit can be fed into the inputs of the next circuit[:] the resulting circuit
>has the inputs of the first circuit and the outputs of the second
•[‘#feedback’]: some of the outputs of a circuit can be fed back as its own input.

Using these three forms of #composition, circuits of billions of elementary components can be created using a very small number>
>of basic gates; circuits that control our #computers, mobile #phones, or #car[-]engines.
And yet ,surprisingly, the semantics of such circuits is not perfectly understood, in a sense which will be made clear immediately.

Read 4 tweets
Mar 30th 2021
11 common ways men damage their #sperm without knowing

1. Tight underwears
2. Hot baths
3. Infections
4. Varicoceles
5. Laptops
6. Drugs
7. Mobile phones
8. Smoking
9. Marijuana
10. Heavy drinking
11. Steroids

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Wear boxers instead of tight pants, & go to bed naked if you want to become a father!

Wearing tight #underwears like pants or shorts keep your testicles closer to the body, leading to warmer temperatures that may kill sperm & lower your sperm count.
Bathing with #hotwater frequently exposes your testicles to heat, which can reduce your sperm count.

Same thing happens to men who use saunas often.

In fact, if you're worried about infertility, it's best to bath with normal or lukewarm water.

Avoid hot water baths!
Read 15 tweets
Aug 13th 2020
So not so much a #ContactTracing app as a feature-creeping Christmas tree?

One thing about tech that's successful is that it is ultimately successful because it performs the core function it (cl)aims to provide well.

In case you're wondering, "Detection rate" refers to detecting other #phones with the app installed, not the #virus:

The #FalseNegative rate is the amount of times the app incorrectly reports a contact as 'non-infectious' when in fact it is / could be...
...and the #FalsePositive rate is how often the app incorrectly reports a contact as 'infectious' when it's not, i.e. a #FalseAlarm.

Basically, what these #ErrorRates tell us is that #Bluetooth ranging is HARD!

Would you trust a #SmokeAlarm that went off wrongly nearly half...
Read 5 tweets
Aug 13th 2020
10 common ways men damage their sperm without knowing

1. Tight underwears
2. Hot baths
3. Infections
4. Varicoceles
5. Laptops
6. Drugs
7. Mobile phones
8. Smoking
9. Marijuana
10. Steroids

A thread 🧵

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Wear boxers instead of tight pants, & go to bed naked if you want to become a father.

Wearing tight #underwears like pants or shorts keep your testicles closer to the body, leading to warmer temperatures that may kill sperm & lower sperm count.
Bathing with #hotwater frequently exposes your testicles to heat, which reduces your sperm count.

Same thing happens to men who use saunas often.

In fact, if you're worried about infertility, it's best to bath with cold water.

Avoid hot water baths!
Read 15 tweets

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