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Real Data against Fakery :

#PMModi in his latest address at the India Today conclave said “that over three crore houses had been delivered under the #PMAY Urban/rural scheme and that, “These houses with basic facilities have also become a symbol of women empowerment today.”
He also claimed in his tweets 13 crore toilets have been constructed under #SwacchBharat mission & 55 crore people in 5 years have been made open defecation free #ODF.
He claimed that in 4 years since 2014, 12 crore LPG connection have been given under #UjjwalaYojna #PMUY with total household coverage increasing to 90% from 55% before 2014. The facts on ground are saying something else.
Read 12 tweets
A detailed #thread on the important #schemes launched by Sri #NarendraModi led #BJP Govt.

Sri @narendramodi ji has launched many #welfare schemes. These #schemes varies from welfare of #Farmers, #housewives, #labourers, #students to small #shopkeepers etc.
@PMOIndia @BJP4India
1. PM-KISAN: This scheme promises to pay all poor #farmers (small and marginal farmers having lands up to 2 hectares) Rs 6,000 each every year in 3 installments through Direct #Bank Transfer. It would reportedly benefit around 14.5 crore farmers all over #India.
2. Pradhan Mantri #Kisan Pension Yojana: To address the problems of farm sector distress, the Modi 2.0 Cabinet has approved a proposal to provide small and marginal #farmers with a minimum Rs 3,000 per #month fixed #pension, costing Rs 10,774.5 crore per annum to the exchequer.
Read 33 tweets
This thread will list down the 75 reasons why everyone should vote for @narendramodi and @BJP4India

Thanks to @muglikar_ and @IndiaPeCharcha for coming up with these brilliant 1 minute videos.

My effort here is to list all the 75 reasons in a single thread
#Reason1 - @BJP4India MPs work for you.

👉 #Attendance #DiscussBills
👉#PassLaw #75ReasonsToVoteForModi #PhirEkBaarModiSarkaar

#1MinuteTalk by @muglikar_ and @IndiaPeCharcha -

#Reason2 - Electricity for All

👉 100% Rural Electrification #DeendayalGramJyotiYojana
👉 Electrification of 100% households #Saubhagya

@PiyushGoyal @grameenvidyut

#75ReasonsToVoteForModi #PhirEkBaarModiSarkaar

#1MinuteTalk @muglikar_
Read 76 tweets
Let's recap
PM @narendramodi Lal Qila/RedFort speeches 2014-2017
Promises V/S delivery... #IndependenceDayIndia
Thread below..
Bank account for every citizen of the country.. #JanDhanAccounts #IndependenceDayIndia
Initiative of ensuring safety, dignity and equality for all girl students. - #CleanIndia #SwachhBharat #IndependenceDayIndia
Read 13 tweets

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