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Mar 16th 2023
So hey here, I’m a person w/ an actual degree in African American studies who still works in the field.

This woman is wrong.

‘Woke’ is a decades old slang term for ‘to be awoke’ to situations amongst African Americans dating back to the 1930s but popularized in the 1960s.
She’s also using an age-old strategy of white establishment members to:

1) denigrate —a said topic/person/institution (ex: The anti-woke crusades)
2) deny the existence of and/or the validity of said subject (ex: Woke is an catch-all term for things whites don’t like)
3) destroy — either politically, socially, or economically the subject in question.


4) (re) define — removing the original connotation and replacing with a new connotation
Read 35 tweets
Feb 25th 2023
@FedUpHumanKS @richard22171773 @TommyIgoe @Logan_benson3 @ChuckCallesto That's the most brilliant evidence-based fact-filled logically-constructed fully-developed well-reasoned beautifully presented counter-arg...

Oh, wait..!😲😱🤦‍♂️😂🤣🤣

Why have you called to tell me that dressed in your "Democrat" militant-wing robes

Was it because you didn't...
@FedUpHumanKS @richard22171773 @TommyIgoe @Logan_benson3 @ChuckCallesto Why have you called to tell me that dressed in your "#Democrat" militant-wing robes?

Was it because you didn't read what I said

And had a #HystericalOvaryAction

To #VirtueSignal to your "#Progressive" Bubble in a "#Liberal" Silo in a Lefty Village on a "Democrat" Plantation!🤦‍♂️
@FedUpHumanKS @richard22171773 @TommyIgoe @Logan_benson3 @ChuckCallesto If you'd bothered to read what I Tweeted I was DEFENDING Black people🤦‍♂️

Oh wait😲

What #Triggered you was that I was defending them against #VirtueSignalling racists & bigots like you in the "#Democrat" Party who want to keep your Black brethren down on the #DemocratPlantation! ...gimme more coffee @FedUpHumanKS #KlanStaffer down on the ...gimme more coffee @FedUpHumanKS #KlanStaffer down on the ...gimme more coffee @FedUpHumanKS #KlanStaffer down on the ...gimme more coffee @FedUpHumanKS #KlanStaffer down on the
Read 16 tweets
Dec 9th 2022
@Percolator_HNJ Het knettert in mijn hoofd. 40.000 euro per nakomeling. Er wonen ongeveer 180 nationaliteiten in Nederland, waaronder ongeveer 360.000 Nederlanders met Surinaamse afkomst. Willen deze activisten dan dat al deze mensen gaan bijdragen aan deze 'herstelbetalingen'? Want het gaat
@Percolator_HNJ hier over belastinggeld. Of is het de bedoeling, net als met die excuses, dat alleen 'witte' mensen hieraan bijdragen. Dan moet de overheid eerst de witheid bepalen van iedere belastingbetaler om vast te stellen of hij in aanmerking komt voor deze boetedoening.

En dan de
@Percolator_HNJ kwestie van de uitbetaling; hoe zwart is zwart genoeg om geld te ontvangen? Wat doen we met zeer lichtgetinte mensen? Welke kleurenstaal van de Gamma levert geld op en welke niet? Hoe verschilt dit eigenlijk van het koloniale schedelmeten?

Zien deze mensen niet in dat wat zij
Read 6 tweets

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