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1. Thread on Fiona Barnett... #FionaBarnett Image
2. In “Hang on for the Ride” Fiona drew pictures of her abuse and named some high level abusers.… #fionabarnett #csa #childabuse #sra
3. Hang on For the Ride was a revelation back in 2015 and still is - not just child abuse, but ritual abuse, mind control programming, armed forces, international, high level. Names, places, programmes id'd. Irrefutable and in easy to understand drawings.… ImageImage
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@ChristLayla @314Phaethon @VincentCrypt46 @30STMBot @ShannonLeto #echelon Trust, is very important--I will get the blue one to @realDonaldTrump Let's glow instead and be ourselves! This is the frequent-C to be on...I don't want to deal with John...I want to have fun with my tribe
Just got confirmation from my neighbor MACI, that her parents and herself, do support me-I told her to tell her family hello for me and that GOD has this! She wished me luck and we are now washing my hippie clothes with all my fun patterns...Ya'll wanna chill or what? ImageImageImageImage
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PA€D0PH!L€$ and RAP!$T:
Those people unfortunately exist in all walks of life, so stop saying that they are always dark skinned and/or Muslims!
#westminsterpedos #catholicpriestspedos #pedowood

Westen PA€D0PH!L€$ album:… ImageImageImageImage
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More looking into #PedoHunt #pedotube #Pedowood #PEDOGATEISREAL #pizzagatelsreal the more I realize everyone needs to look into everyone your kids watch. Hell watch with them.
Information dump

You can see how many are pedos!

Funny how if you ignore a problem it grows.
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Never ignore anyone for children abuse..
Even cartoons now
#pedogate2020 #PEDOGATEISREAL #pizzagatelsreal #Pedowood
Mental illness is not a sexually nor is it a excuse for criminal actions
But cartoon networks are promoting #mapsarevalid the same as #pedotube and #Pedowood.
#pedofliks is next..
Where is the line and children are to be i don't know...
Read 7 tweets
#MichelleObama is friends with the most vile people on the planet. And she even planted her daughter as an intern at #HarveyWeinstein's…
#MichelleObama is close friends with #Oprah, that poor black oppressed woman, who said "They just have to die"

Did MO know about the human trafficking going on in #Hollywood? #Oprah sure did. Nice friend you got there #MichelleObama ImageImage
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1/Did you follow the White Rabbit? What is the White Rabbit? What is a #redpill?

People waking up everyday. Are you one of them?

Maybe you found this because you searched #Adrenochrome #pizzagatelsreal #Pedowood or #pedogate2020 is REAL #QAnons

Read 31 tweets
To all of the @linkinpark fans. We have all suffered a great loss by losing #chesterbennington 3 years ago. I’m seeing a lot of posts of people crying for him, crying for his loss, missing him. We all miss him but
2. Wake up to the reason he’s gone. #InTheEnd he was fighting the battle of his life! He had been fighting against the evil that pushed him into his depression. Did you ever ask why he was “depressed”? He had so much to live for. The music, a beautiful wife, beautiful children.
3. Does everyone understand the evil #chesterbennington and #ChrisCornell were #Exposing ?

They were working to expose #PedophileRings of Hollywood and the music industry.

Seems like everyone who tries to expose these rings, dies.......
Read 13 tweets
I think I've cracked the #heartshapedbox music video mystery and WHY #courtneylove killed #kurtcobain over #pedogate #pizzagate and #pedowood
Based on the imagery used in the video and lyrics from the song
Here we have the upside down cross a symbol used by those involved in #pedowood and the cult for satanic rituals
Note the band are in the dark except for Kurt as the light shines on his face
The man in the bed is on a fetus drip #adrenachrome
They believe that they have made a mockery of religion and god breaking all known taboos, I believe he represents #pedowood in one shape or form, note the crows gathering around his decaying decrepit body
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Do you believe in coincidence?
How about 33k coincidences??

WAYFAIR just deleted cabinets up on their site selling for more than $12,000 with ‘ASAP shipping’ that were heavier than the rest

Selling kids right in front of our eyes?
#Pedowood #pizzagate #WWG1WGA #QArmy
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Pomona City Councilman Rubio Gonzalez was recently arrested on child p0rn and molestation charges. Let’s take a look at this predator and the signs/symbols of the network by which these demons operate. Please Share! Thread👇#pizzagate #SAVETHECHILDREN… Image
By all public accounts, Mr. Rubio was a pillar of the community. A family man who divided his time between teaching in the local school district and volunteering. He co-founded the Pomona Pride Center 🌈 with Pomona Unif School District Pres Frank Guzman, a “safe haven” for kids. Image
Mr. Rubio also serves as a board member for Tri-City Health. What a guy! This organization offers variety of services for displaced youth and troubled kids. Check out their logo. Image
Read 14 tweets
1)Muitas pessoas não sabem o que significam os "Sapatos Vermelhos" portanto eu resolvi juntar algumas coisas que irão trazer as respostas que muitos querem saber.
E se vc tbm quer...
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2)Sapatos vermelhos é um clube sat â👹nico formado por inúmeras personalidadas,tanto CEOs de grandes empresas da política,artes, muitos atores e atrizes de Holly -wood e da elite Illum -inati que fazem parte deste "clube"enfim muitas pessoas "acima"de qualquer suspeita.
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3)Os sapatos vermelhos estariam envolvidos além do sa t anis mo com a prática de P edo _fi lia e assassinato de cria n ças.

Então vc está dizendo que todos que tem e usam sapatos vermelhos são Isso???
R: Não!!!!
Read 40 tweets
1)Os Túneis Secretos do Central Park

🌪A Tempestade já paira sobre Nova York e seu alvo agora é o resgate de crianças mantidas pelo #PedoWood nos túneis subterrâneos do Central Park em Manhattan Nova York.

#Qanon #WWG1WGA #PedoWood
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2) O Central Park foi inaugurado em 1857 e fica Localizado na Ilha de Manhattan no coração de Nova York USA o parque possui 843 hectares e para vcs terem uma idéia o Parque do Ibirapuera em Sp possui 158 hectares.

#Qanon #WWG1WGA
3) Muitos de nós sabemos que NY e cheia de túneis principalmente pela sua vasta rede de metrôs mas o que poucos sabem e que existem túneis secretos por toda a cidade e que agora sabemos que tbm existem embaixo do parque.

#Qanon #WWG1WGA
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So much in this video to unpack! Spade is confirming Hanx. He makes several of their hand signs at end while he discusses hankx.
1. At very beginning he gives all seeing eye hand signal to let “them” know he’s about to drop some comms.
2.he says “hot quaranteens in your area” this is obvious joke about hot teenage girls but it gets more obvious later so remember this.
Read 28 tweets
Después de ver que el Vaticano "autorizó" la exhibición de una estatua de #Moloch en el Coliseo nos deja claros a todos que queda muy poco para que la verdad sobre la iglesia católica y su culto a baal salga a la luz, abro hilo con evidencias+
#Pizzagate #Epsteindidntkillhimself Image
#Moloch el dios cornudo, fue adorado por los cananitas, fenicios y primeros hebreos, este dios puede adoptar una forma antropomorfa y dos formas animales (Búho y Toro), su culto esta estrechamente relacionado con los sacrificios humanos, principalmente niños. Image
#Moloch también fue adorado en Roma a través del nombre de Saturno y Las Saturnalias (celebradas el 24 de Diciembre de cada año) donde realizaban bacanales, orgías y sacrificios en su nombre, el cual fue inmortalizado por varios artistas y devorando niños, como Francisco de Goya. Image
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Check out version 14 of the Epstein Network Map; The Victims, Recruiters, Hollywood & Entertainment, Florida, Models & Fashion, Politicians, Royalty, Science, Financial, Hotel & Real Estate and so much more. #EpsteinUnsealed #EpsteinFiles #EpsteinBlackBook…
The Hollywood & Entertainment connections 👇 A lot of great info and blinds provided by @entylawyer ! #EpsteinUnsealed #EpsteinFiles #EpsteinBlackBook #Pedowood #Geffen #KevinSpacey #BryanSinger #TheSimpsons #JoshLucas
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#Pedopredator🚨Bill Henderson is out on bail.
Henderson owns wine tour/transport co & also a video production co in Santa Barbara, CA - Compass Productions.
Just days after 8/7 incident, prior to his arrrest he bought a boat. Perhaps to get himself into international waters.
#Pedopredator 🚨Bill Henderson was in the middle of a divorce. He had moved out to Lake Cachuma for awhile until his wife mysteriously dead in her sleep a few months ago.
I wonder what secrets died with her...
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Ironic “Puck Bunny” thinks these CONVICTED baby killers deserve a pass.
Hey Alyssa, tell your sponsors...their days of torturing children are OVER!
Sounds like you took the @HillaryClinton “ten island challenge”?
You ever been to USVI or #Haiti?
EXHIBITS (a) & (b) pertain.…
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