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Jun 9th 2020
One week ago MPD lured, trapped, roughed up and arrested 194 nonviolent protesters on #SwannStreet – while pepper-spraying and besieging protesters who were given shelter in a private home.

This is a thread with details and new footage of what went down to hold MPD accountable. Image
Two things to keep in mind:

1️⃣ The only thing the protesters are accused of is violating the Mayor's curfew – a curfew MPD didn't enforce for others, even those across the street that same night!

The curfew was used to crack down on a First Amendment #BlackLivesMatter assembly.
2️⃣ By all witness accounts, the #SwannStreet protesters were nonviolent. They constantly deescalated, stayed calm while being kettled for hours, and pulled back anyone who acted up. And this despite many being assaulted hours earlier at #LafayetteSquare.…
Read 24 tweets
Jun 2nd 2020
Curfews are giving the police MORE license to do the same shit that spurred the protests. There is no excuse for a homeowner like Rahul (bless him) to need to offer refuge to people like a scene from The Purge. Free the protestors! #savejenny #dchouseraid
Literally posted earlier my comments from Sunday on #RolandMartinUnfiltered that the curfews don't change the police's violent behavior. As I said, rather than curfews, these mayors & governors need to be addressing the police abuse of power. #protests2020
#RahulDubey is a hero for protecting protestors who were being hunted by the police by providing them shelter. The experience was undoubtedly terrifying and traumatic for the protestors, but thanks to Rahul they left after curfew with no arrrets. #savejenny #SwannStreet
Read 3 tweets
Jun 2nd 2020
Just spoke to 1 of the more than 40 people seeking refuge inside of a strangers house on 15th & swann. He says he @DCPoliceDept chased the group w tear gas. He doesn’t know when he’ll be able to go 🏠. @wusa9 #blacklivesmatter @DMVBlackLives #MartialLaw #amplifymelanatedvoices
Here are pictures he sent me from inside the house he is trapped in. @wusa9 @DMVBlackLives #AllLivesMatter
. @MekaFromThe703 told me that protesters are on gathered inside three floors in this house. @wusa9 #AllLivesMatter #protests2020
Read 13 tweets
Jun 2nd 2020
DC, tonight MPD cops under the authority of @ChiefNewsham and @MayorBowser unleashed tear gas into a private home that took in dozens of protesters after they were cornered off for arrests in a neighborhood.

This is an absolutely disgusting abuse of power by @DCPoliceDept.
Here's how to help:
1️⃣ Call @MayorBowser and demand that she cancel the curfew and let every single person go
2️⃣ Fight like hell to get DC to #DivestFromMPD
3️⃣ Demand the resignation of every cop and politician who had anything to do with this
Folks in the house are saying that MPD is now trying to get into the house through the back gate! Straight up fascism in DC tonight.

One person relayed that it was his third night protesting and the most peaceful by far.

Photo from earlier before they were let into the home:
Read 11 tweets

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