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Apr 7th 2020
He @hqaWhuut is gonna do the #COVIDRAP

Trapped in his Notts house, he decided to make himself useful!

Don’t play2 he is a #RebelScum

He ain’t gonna take those #MCO busters lying down

He tweaked my pantuns giler2

He teased his sedara #Amanra #Aliff

Eat your hearts out :)
Ini perang, kita belum menang
tak kesah apa agama bangsa semua mangsa, kena serang
#COVID19 musuh bukan calang-calang
kalau tak gerak pantas takkan boleh halang
Jaga jarak, jaga diri, jaga semua, tak susah
duduk rumah, diri rumah, lari semua kat rumah
kan mudah, santai, tapi menyumbang
sampai covid sifar, baris depan kan berjuang
Read 10 tweets
Jan 7th 2018
I've been part of the Twitter resistance for a year now. I'm going to share some thoughts about why & how I resist.

Some people may not like some things I say here. I’m sorry for that, but they need to be said. 1 #WhyIResist #HowIResist #RebelScum #TheResistance
Some things in the first year were fun: meeting like-minded people, the #scifi characters, learning how to take effective action. Celebrating #victories like beating the #ACA repeal bills.

A lot of it wasn't fun - the threats of nuclear war, the daily stress of bad news. 2
Follow parties were fun, and a good way to promote a message and raise awareness, connect with other resistors and grow our followings. They had themes and served a purpose and there was about about one a month.  3 #PartyWithAPurpose #trending #amplify #effective
Read 20 tweets

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