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Sep 22nd 2019
If red flag gun laws ever were imposed upon the people of the United States, we have the obligation to exercise our 2nd amendment rights to protect all other rights.

Or else we might as well throw the whole Constitution away.
Red Flag Gun laws are UNCONSTITUTIONAL and would make our government tyrannical.

They are a danger to not only our 2nd amendment, but our 4th, 5th, and 14th as well.
Our 4th amendment gives us the right to be protected from unreasonable searches and seizures.

Red Flag Gun laws would deny us that right.
Read 9 tweets
Jul 3rd 2019
Here's the real story of the Declaration of Independence:
For 17 days, the thirty-three-year-old secluded himself in a rented room in Philadelphia.
On a small, portable desk, he began writing, laying the foundations of this new American government. Unlike every nation before it, this country’s heart would not beat with the blood of royal lines. This would be a nation based on ideals.
It took Thomas Jefferson seventeen days to find the right words. Seventeen days of writing and rewriting before he nervously presented his document to John Adams and Benjamin Franklin.
Read 8 tweets
Jul 3rd 2019
Here's the real story of the Declaration of Independence:
For 17 days, the thirty-three-year-old secluded himself in a rented room in Philadelphia.
On a small, portable desk, he began writing, laying the foundations of this new American government. Unlike every nation before it, this country’s heart would not beat with the blood of royal lines. This would be a nation based on ideals.
It took Thomas Jefferson seventeen days to find the right words. Seventeen days of writing and rewriting before he nervously presented his document to John Adams and Benjamin Franklin.
Read 8 tweets
Jun 2nd 2018
Nothing to look at here, folks.

Just a country losing all control.

Nobody can even articulate why.

#ThinkAgain #PeoplesVote
Any time @UKLabour want to step in & stop this Brexit wrecking ball, that’d be grand.

Change policy, Labour.
Back a #PeoplesVote
Back Remain.
Articulate why.
It’s not hard.

That other way, madness lies.
Y'know that feeling when you quickly do your homework on the back of a crisp packet on the school bus...

Brexit #WhitePaper now heavily delayed, like, well everything else except Brexit itself.
Read 5 tweets

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