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Jan 10th 2023
1/5 "The 2022 WMO/#UNEP #Ozone Assessment contains the most up-to-date understanding of ozone #depletion, reflecting the thinking of hundreds of international scientific experts who contribute to its preparation and review."

2/5 Does anyone with expertise in this area know why charged particles in plasma from #solar #flares, #coronal #mass ejections (#CMEs) and even #localized #thermonuclear #bursts, i.e. #micronovae, were not considered in this report?
3/5 The recommended terms of reference of the 2022 Assessment for the Scientific Assessment Panel (SAP) was supposed to include assessment of information and research related to
solar radiation management and its potential effect on
the stratospheric ozone layer.
Read 7 tweets
Sep 9th 2019

So frustrating to #know the answer to the question of how to formulate that #TheoryOfEverything #scientists say is the biggest unsolved problem in #physics, yet they don't even want to look at it:…

Wave-particle duality a #mystery?
What I've found is rather astonishing:

The #mathematics used by #Maxwell are inconsistent.

He left the magnetic vector potential field [A] undefined and decoupled from the #medium thus creating #MaxwellsHole, which introduced an unwarrented #gauge #freedom in the model...
It is this #gauge #freedom thst led to the #hack known as #Quantum #Madness.

Really, it doesn't take a PhD to figure out that when you believe particles can exist at two places at the same time, you have a mental problem.…
Read 20 tweets

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