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IMO, Pence is just as culpable for 1/6 as his Dear Leader, in several ways.

For starters, he should have followed the instructions of his USSS detail & evacuated the complex, optics be damned.

Reportedly, JFK decided against using the car's hardtop on the day he was killed.
Pence took it upon himself to risk the lives of other people for the sake of his preferred political narrative.

The right judgment call would have been to respect the superior skills, knowledge, and available intel of the USSS. I don't buy the lie that he couldn't trust them.
Undoubtedly, Pence knew full well that violence that day was likely (we all knew that, because it was discussed in plain sight for weeks. I predicted it 7 days prior, and have the receipts.)

He ALSO knew what the coup plotters had planned! They told him, repeatedly.
Read 19 tweets
Thread: International Women's Day 2022, US, & Ukraine.

Far right fascists (aka today's GQP) like chiming in to say female privilege is alive and well in the law requiring (almost) all men aged 18-25 to be registered for the draft, should one be needed.
Current US admin policy is to do all it can to avoid needing to have boots on the ground in Europe and elsewhere.

Since 1/24/22 the global security situation has worsened. If things get to a certain point, the US may need to bring back the draft.
It's mistake to exclusively think of the wars the US has been involved in since 1945, especially Vietnam. I see far greater parallels between our current crisis and 1939-45.

In both cases, none of the allied countries were sufficiently ready to defend ourselves and win the war.
Read 17 tweets
Thread: Margaret Atwood's comments on the rising threat of American Theocracy

We who are now #XGOP and #NeverTrump have a relatively unique take on issues like these. I feel I can add value to the debate, having spent years on the left and the right, and now being indy.
I had already seen the movie of The Handmaid's Tale when I saw resistors appearing in costume at political events.

I thought it was ridiculous and self-defeating for them, and maybe it was, at that time. In 2020 resistors ended up having the last word, thankfully. #YoureFired
As you know, there's still people who think even the recent absurdities expressed by TFG (& his henchmen like Bannon, Flynn, & Meadows) are no big deal & that he's adequately trustworthy, patriotic, & a true defender of the US Constitution.

Such people view me as a traitor.
Read 21 tweets
(1) We've had about a month since Hurricane #Elsa with quiet seas out in the Atlantic. That is about to change, as we approach peak season in late August/early Sept.

Some systems forming:…

Plus some E. Pacific storms.

(2) Now is not the time for states like FL to be tormented by partisan political division & the rejection of life-saving steps like #GetVaccinated & #MaskUp.

It's never the time, but especially not in peak hurricane season.

#NoPoliticsOnTheBoat #ThisIsAmerica #RightMatters
(3) That Facebook post was written by a woman in Houston, TX affected by one of the worst US hurricanes on record, #Harvey in 2017.

How I wish the level of partisan division in 2021 was lower, like it was 4 years ago.
Read 12 tweets
Lead impeachment manager, HPSCI Chairman Adam Schiff:

"Senators, we are not enemies but friends. We must not be enemies."

"It is midnight in Washington."

Somewhere in the bowels of Trump's Justice Department, Main Justice acknowledged 24 emails showing the president's thinking on Ukraine.

Schiff points out that admission released the midnight after Senate blocked witnesses.

Schiff skewers Dershowitz argument that abuse of power isn't impeachable: "Trump could offer Alaska to the Russians in exchange for support in the next elections."

He adds later: "Of course this would be absurd. More than absurd, it would be dangerous."
Read 14 tweets
According to unpublished manuscript of Bolton’s book, “Trump told his national security adviser in Aug. that he wanted to continue freezing $391m in security assistance to Ukraine until officials there helped w/ investigations into Democrats including the Bidens.” /1

On SoS Mike Pompeo:

A fair trial has documents & witnesses. #AmericansWantAFairTrial
#AllRise #TruthMatters /2
On: Attorney General William Barr:

Lawyers must hold other lawyers accountable.

#RightMatters #AllRise
#AmericansWantAFairTrial /3
Read 6 tweets
Take aways of tape:
Lev Parnas is most politically savvy person in the room during this dinner.
He and Don Jr advocate for legalization of cannabis albeit differently. Parnas talks about it in terms of banking, committee hearings.
Jr. says less men will beat their wives.
Don Jr. says Comey sounds like a whiny teenager. In an unironically whiny teenager voice.
President says cable news would be dead if there were a normal candidate, declares magazines dead.
When the discussion turns to long haul truckers, he says soon we won’t need them.
This is a large constituency and his base. They listen to talk radio more than anyone else. So casually thrown away by their president at a dinner where a man complains the money he gave his 16 year old son to invest in the stock market hasn’t yet to yield a profit. Poor kid.
Read 10 tweets
CBS News reports that GOP Senators have been warned by Trump team: "Vote against the president, and your head will be on a pike." How is this acceptable?
Since Trump’s White House seems unaware, threatening a juror with physical violence is a felony offense.
Disturbed by the fact that Trump’s goons are threatening Senators to either support his corruption or face retribution?

Take action and speak up.

Text CONVICT to 21333 to contact your Senator and let them know that it’s time to put country over party.

Read 3 tweets
My God.

@RepAdamSchiff, you make me proud to be an American but also deeply saddened at the state of our country today because of the traitor Putin installed in the White House and the damage they have done to our institutions. Bless you, sir.
@RepAdamSchiff "Lt. Col. Vindman said, 'Here, right matters.' Well, let me tell you, if right and truth don't matter, we're lost. And you know that what [TRUMP] did wasn't right."

@RepAdamSchiff full – and BRILLIANT – closing remarks in this THREAD →
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