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Sep 6th 2022

It’s been a whirlwind day here in Parliament. We have a new PM now the Queen has invited @trussliz to form a government. A cabinet reshuffle is taking place.

🧵 #SaveDSA #Doncasterisgreat 1/14
My job in Parliament is to promote Doncaster so I have made it my mission to get to know as many MPs as I can. So I’m confident that our City & @DSA_Airport is known to every Cabinet appointee.

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This is particularly helpful in times of need. @DSA_Airport is in that category. I have written to our new PM on that front.

I have asked her to meet with or write to @olivercoppard to remind him he has devolved powers and he can and should use them to save DSA

🧵 3/14
Read 15 tweets
Aug 27th 2022
Happening in Basel SWITZERLAND this weekend…

The Swiss army will be flying drones over the large crowd of protesters who are expected.. just saying..
☝️Timing is everything #Rotherham

"Airspace closure and army deployment - state of emergency due to Zionist Congress..

125 years ago, at the first Zionist Congress in Basel, the cornerstone for the founding of the state of Israel was laid. Israeli President Yitzchak Herzog is also expected to attend
Read 9 tweets
Dec 10th 2021
Kerala film director Ali Akbar reveals he was victim of sexual abuse at madrasa. After 40 years he opened his mouth to narrate the horrible abuse he had to suffer at the Madrassa after he confided in one Kerala journalist Rajeena. Both being threatened now.
All this he revealed about five years back and when asked about speaking now, he said because of the fear from his religion, he could not muster courage to speak earlier. He also revealed that many of his friends spoke to him to have suffered similar abuses in Madrasas.
Ali Akbar had spoken all this in a
conversation on @CNNnews18 with Shreya Dondiyal. Here is the story - "Kerala film director Ali Akbar reveals he was victim of sexual abuse at Madrasa, when he was 8 years old in class 4 only.":…
Read 17 tweets
Oct 30th 2020
Finding #writing opportunities and development jobs has never been easy. So, I’m starting this thread of jobs & script calls out in the hopes it helps level the playing field and may open doors for everyone.

#writingcommunity #scriptchat #writers
First up, the BBC has several script editor & story roles going on Eastenders. More info available here:
The @MotherTongues Award opens on 1st Nov. They’re offering a £10k development for films set in the UK, and a different language. Run by @ShudderFilms, @ManonArdisson & @ColdAsIceCream – three of the most exciting UK indie film producers. Deets at:
Read 87 tweets
Oct 19th 2018
BREAKING: Huddersfield grooming gang jailed for total of 221 years. A THREAD.
The town joins at least a dozen towns and cities across England where hundreds – if not thousands – of girls and young people have been sexually exploited by #groominggangs over the last few decades. #CSE #CSA
20 men were convicted during three trials at #LeedsCrownCourt throughout 2018.
Read 28 tweets
Mar 30th 2018
1) You can't understand . . .


until you understand that this is a part of Pakistani culture. Pakistan is one giant Rotherham, except boys are the victims since females are kept from the public square.
2) Of course not everyone in an ethnic group shares the same personality, but if enough people share a personality type or trait beyond a certain threshold, it tilts the culture in that direction.
3) There are court documents from ancient Greece suggesting they had this same nonchalant attitude.

That changed.

You couldn't re-institute this cultural practice among Euros - likely because European psychology has changed over past few thousand years.
Read 8 tweets

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