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May 20th 2020
We're LIVE for our latest #TeVE! Join us to discuss how sales leaders can evolve their strategies in a tough economic crisis: #TeVirtualEvents #BringPeopleTogether #KeepPeopleConnected #SuddenlyRemote #WorkFromHome #WFH
Introductions are done now (WOW what a huge amount of experience in this panel!) and we are jumping right into it... Amad asks Liz Cain about "Establishing the right culture" #TeVE #TeVirtualEvents #SalesLeadership
A slightly competitive environment can help sales leaders. They feed off each other. Feeling How do people make up for this loss of physical proximity?

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#TeVE #TeVirtualEvents
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May 15th 2020
COVID-19 has presented us with economic challenges that we need to face head-on. So how can we make our sales infrastructure and approach better than it was before? #BringPeopleTogether #TeVirtualEvents #Sales 1/4
Join this us for a virtual event on Wednesday, May 20th at 10 am PT/1 pm ET to talk about post-COVID-19 sales with host Asad Zaman, and panel members Rob Tomchick, Liz Cain and Jayme Smithers. 2/4 Image
They'll discuss productive strategies for our current and future circumstances and you'll discover how this crisis can be an opportunity for inspiration and innovation! 🚀 3/4
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