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Not only that. Facing ignominious defeat with our soldiers abandoned and starving and without ammunition, he begged then PM @NawazSharifMNS to travel to Washington D.C. DURING the July 4th holidays to get Clinton to pull the Army's chestnuts out of the Kargil fire. Clinton 2/
2/ describes his discussions with MNS as the most 'ferocious' ever with NS not yielding. And what does the ungrateful wretch Musharraf do? Mount a coup against his benefactor who forced his way into Washington D.C. against Clinton's advice not to come. THIS is the way our 3/
3/ rogue Army treated the country's PM. Cc @MarianaBaabar @JehangirJm @NasimZehra
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Chief, PM Benazir Bhutto visited all the OIC member countries in 1989 to garner support for the Kashmir Cause in which she succeeded. It was as we were flying over the beautiful Nile to land in Cairo that a phone call came from the American NSA who was also flying in his 2/
2/ aircraft. How is it that Pir Sahib @SMQureshiPTI of @ForeignOfficePk is not able to speak to Secretary Blinken 33 years and many technological advances later🙄🤔. So, this is the state of our foreign relations: #Selected @ImranKhanPTI complains that PM Modi of India will 2/
2/ not answer his telephone call; H.E. @YusufMoeed whines during an interview at his own @USIP that President Biden has not called #Selected; and now ShahJi whinges that Secretary Blinken will not speak to him. 'Good, well done' as our drill staff at the PMA used to shout 3/
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It is shocking to see that seasoned journalists and academics give no marks to the cruelty of our Institutions such as NAB which can throw innocent people into jail cells and throw away the keys. For God's sake Ladies, have a heart. Show me ONE 'democratic' country that would 2/
2/ deal with the opposition in the vile manner that our military dictators and this awful so-called #RIGGED government does. Show me ONE country who seeks to kick out a Supreme Court judge just because he admonishes an Intelligence Agency to stop playing politics. Show me ONE 3/
3/ country who's dictator (Yes, you guessed it, @P_Musharraf!) tells a most popular leader (Yes, you guessed it, The late lamented Bibi) 'you are as safe as your closeness to me' and when she goes her own way she is shot in the head and the scene of the crime washed with power 4/
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Hear Hear! If any of those who dragged My Lord Isa AND his good wife through the mud for little reason but that they were ORDERED by GHQ/ISI because he, as a good and great judge, ruled against the ISI inspired #DHARNA of the proven terrorist TLP (witness the kidnapping, 2/
2/ torture, and killing of numbers of our police during the recent disturbances engendered by these terrorists on the matter of the expulsion of the French Ambassador) against an elected government, had any #Shame at all, they would apologise and resign their filthy offices, 3/
3/ from the worthless @ArifAlvi to #Selected @ImranKhanPTI to 'Law Minister' @Farogh_NaseemPK to 'Accountability Czar' @ShazadAkbar to a certain Lieutenant General Faiz Hameed. But they will not; because GHQ/ISI have #nikkaNiazi's and his #Hamnawa's back! And because their 4/
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As I have suggested before now, THEY should apologise to NS; STOP protecting #nikkaNiazi aka #Selected @ImranKhanPTI; withdraw to their training areas and barracks and FDLs; make a solemn promise before the people that they will never ever again be a part of any conspiracy to 2/
2/ destabilise elected governments; let the judiciary off the hook so it can revisit the trumped-up cases against the Opposition; promise that THEY will never, ever, whistle-up religious extremists to 'break up' the vote bank of political parties and to let the country go to 3/
3/ fresh, fair polls under the Election Commission of Pakistan that has PROVED it is fair and non-partisan, its Honourable Chairman being selected by #nikkaNiazi himself. It is time adults took over and TRY to revive an almost dead country, poor thing!
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@KlasraRauf @ZahidGishkori My dear Klasra Sahib, Just now saw you programme on Justice Qazi Faez Isa and have come away most disappointed. 1) Surely you know EXACTLY why he is being dragged through the mud? 2) Surely you know that this pathetic excuse of a #Selected 'Govt' has 2/
2/ treated the Judge shamefully by, say, pasting a notice from the FBR on the gate of his house in Judge's colony? Surely you know that people like Shahzad Akbar have been rude and discourteous about him publicly? As to Nawaz Sharif and Family I am afraid you delivered an 3/
3/ unkind cut by saying they always need a 'Judge' to overturn their sentences! I find it curious that you did not mention the terrible language used by Saqib Nisar and Khosa about Nawaz Sharif. Neither did you mention the fact that #Selectednikka @ImranKhanPTI was deemed 4/
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Excellent MUST Read article. 'Such relentless destruction' I should have thought, Minister! The doltishness of the #Shitshow is mindboggling: remember the #Idiot minister trying to justify #Selected #nikkaNiazi's helicoptering 2/…
2/ to and from BaniGala, saying it would only cost Rs. 6.50 a mile😠? I mean this is a huge tragedy with the country staggering from one disaster to another, led by a certified #Idiot and #Dolt who was clearly rigged into power by GHQ/ISI, the election being stolen in the dead 3/
3/ of night, robbing (are you listening, Master, and Future Senator, @YusufMoeed of @USIP fame?) the PMLN of a clear 2/3 majority. I had 4 friends, 2 couples from Penang, staying with me in Havana and we stayed up very late on the night of the 24th watching the results come in 4/
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OKAY! Sir @OfficialDGISPR, and your propagandist, the #IdioticKhurpa @GenAmjadShuaib hear this. I am going to write an Open Letter to Sir #GeneralQamarBajwa in the next few days, which is what it should take, considering the 'Gund' (Dirt) his support has allowed the 2/
2/ #GoofOnHoof (a term known to Army officers such as I who served in places like Khairi Post (across the Chenab; AND the Chenab Tavi, 1966) where the meat was always rotten by the time it got to us!So we got MeatonHoof meaning a live animal. Therefore likening #Selected to it!3/
3/ So, chaps, watch out. It's COMING and the Devil take the HINDMOST!!!!!!!~~!~!~!~!~! Hehehe! Cruel Snigger!!!!!!
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Okay. Three matters have come to my attention over this weekend:
1) The 'friends' from my Army days who I have reported on before now asking me to go easy on the #RIGGERS and the #DISAPPEARERS have today charged me with opposing #SelectedNikka @ImranKhanPTI because he 'kicked 2/
2/ you out of your Ambassadorship' (their words)! Lie! Damned lie! The day it became apparent Election 2018 had been stolen and the PMLN had been #ROBBED (NB: @YusufMoeed) of victory I wrote out my resignation and waited for the political moves to end to see who would form 3/
3/ the next government. In the first week of August as it began to become clear that he was the #Selected one, a person known to #Nikka and myself called out of the blue to ask (we hadn't spoken in years!) what my plans were? I said I would resign the moment it became clear 4/
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I have just heard that NAB has picked up my friend Colonel Sher Khan who had worked as Manager (Admin) in Tethyon in their Islamabad Office. Sher khan is the gentleman son of the legendary mountaineer and Founder of the PAF Skiing School, Naltar, the great gentleman, Group 2/
2/ Captain Shah Khan, a Prince of Hunza. Sher Khan is straight as an arrow and a simple, innocent man. I know this #Selected so-called 'government' is thrashing about arresting people who worked for Tethyon to somehow make the case that would help it wriggle out of paying the 3/
3/ US $6 Billion award granted to Tethyon ny the Arbitrator there should be SOME limit to its #Shameless and #Behayaee. I mean, what in heaven's name does a Manager Admin. have to do with anything at all to do with financial matters? 4/
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What is so mystifying in this case that it is taking so long for the Mother of All Agencies? It was/is an open and shut case. GHQ/ISI wanted the IG to register a case. He balked, his phones werr tsken away, he was dragged from his house by Rangers, taken before the ISI 2/
2/ Sector Commander (a Brigadier), who read the IG the riot act and ordered him to have the case registered. The break-in was to tell everyone GHQ/ISI meant business and would brook no nonsense in their wholehearted support for #Selected #NIKKA! Why is it so difficult to 3/
3/ understand? The 10 days came in when the IG and 50 of his subordinates including SHO Sharafat Bibi applied for leave which sent shockwaves through GHQ/ISI. The big letdown then was when the IG cravenly withdrew his leave and ordered his officers to do so too. Period.
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Just now saw @Shahidmasooddr @ShahidMasooddrr on the Bakery Network. He is an old friend but I was stunned to see him suggest that our Great Generals whose every word is #SelectedOaf @ImranKhanPTI 's command are babes in the woods and that butter wouldn't melt in their mouths. 2/
2/ I mean, it is one thing to do as a lost and confused #ISPR puts out as it flails about trying to find a way for the ISI/Army to get out of the maze they have built around themselves with no markers pointing the way out, it is another to make a complete hash of it! Just 3/
3/ yesterday he was telling us how #Selected has lost the support of the 'Establishment'; today he says the 'Politicians' better sort themselves out because Generals have no voice because they religiously follow the Constitution...BUT...that if they don't, the poor innocent 4/
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Heartfelt condolences! Knew General Rahim as a senior 4 Balochi, met him a few times at Reunions. Knew General Naseer Akhtar well from CCH where he was in the Ist Year FSc and I and his brother Munir Akhtar buddies in the 8th Class. Muzaffar Usmani was my coursemate: 36th PMA 2/
2/ Of all 3 I was closest to General Naseer Akhtar, or 'Naseer Thee' as he was called in School. Munir Akhtar's nickname was 'Mochi' (mine was Chakki for my fat behind!): I lost contact with Mochi in about 1967. He moved to the U.S. if I recall. Gen. Naseer's younger 3/
3/ brother was the lovely man Naeem Akhtar who was Wing Commander Aurangzeb Wing when I joined school. If I recall he was killed in the '65 war in the rank of Captain? If anyone remembers better do tweet please. The memories are flooding back. These were the Officers and 4/
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Just seen this:… Isn't it a crying shame that GHQ/ISI should be using this #Rat @ShkhRasheed aka CheedaTalli as its spokesman? What a poke in the eye for @CMShehbaz and @BBhuttoZardari for this disgrace to even be there when he has been bloody about 2/
2/ both, the Bhuttos AND the Sharifs!! So, was the Army sending a loud message to the political leadership that it ruled the roost and they could all of them Go Climb a Tree?! In any case the political leaders could have asked for a NEUTRAL venue for the dinner: ANY Army mess!!
3/ So, if the COAS said the Army had no role in politics BEFORE Nawaz Sharif aimed his broadside at what every one and Charlie's aunt knows about its meddling in politics AND rigging elections such as we saw in GE 2108 ON LIVE TV, he was lying and everyone should call it out 4/
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@MarianaBaabar Except for allowing my friend, the brave #SalmanTaseer to mount his stupid assault on @CMShehbaz 's Constitutional government, Asif Zardari was a good President who, despite my other friend, @SSEHBAI1 ('Boss' to me)'s weekly announcements that the President 2/
2/ would be gone next Thursday on a stretcher; no, next Monday in an ambulance; no within two weeks to Dubai, lasted out his term. He also shepherded alongside Nawaz Sharif the 18th Constitutional Amendment, giving up his own powers to the Constitution by taking away the 3/
3/ dictatorial power of the President to dissolve the houses of Parliament. The two also got rid of #Mushy. What fun one had to poke our Ghairat Brigades in the eye at the time. I was invited to attend the farewell luncheon that the newly elected PM Nawaz Sharif held in honour 4/
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@AsimSBajwa Can you chaps at least have one story? THIS is absolutely pathetic! C.c. @MarianaBaabar @JehangirJm @NasimZehra @Kashifabbasiary (NOT surprised you did not ask him about his son's Wotsisname's Tweet in which he said the sitting PM, Mr. Nawaz Sharif and the former 2/
2/ President Mr. Asif Ali Zardari should be hanged, Kashif. However a question to you and Nasim: What if, God forbid, a 'Bloody Civilian' had said the same for the COAS? Would you people not have gone stark raving mad?). Great pity that there is not a word out of anyone. This 3/
3/ Bajwa chap and Wotsisname should be arrested only on THIS charge! #KoiSharam #KoiHaya #Selected @ImranKhanPTI #NarcoBanker @shiblifaraz And what about you: #TAtoCzarEmperor @ImtiazGul60 C.c. @SSaleem08 @ZulfiRao1 I mean the chap had the bloody #GALL to ask for hanging !?
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Honestly. I've said this before: Someone: 'People should not be disappeared. If someone commits a crime they should be charged in a Court of Law'. Youthiya/Bootiya: 'You traitor, you are son of whore'! Just like that!!
2/ We must apportion blame however, for we have been abused too. The #Youthiya crassness comes directly from #Selected @ImranKhanPTI WHO started off being rude to his opponents. This was quickly absorbed by @ArifAlvi and his foul mouthed son and the first #Youthiya was spawned 3/
3/ in a dental clinic in Karachi. Then came the large public meetings thanks to #HamidGul; #ShujaPasha, and the #ISI followed by the Islamabad Dharna during which police were thrashed by illiterate yobs, Supreme Court rulings were not heeded, PTV and PM's House were attacked 4/
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I absolutely agree with Imad. Why should NS help his enemies to besmirch (in the literary sense) him in this unfair; cruel; fascist mileau in which there is virtually no recourse to appeal kangaroo court judgments before appellate courts; where there is no Judicial oversight 2/
2/ In which the press is in chains and the Opposition's views are banned from being broadcast; in which one's children are rounded up for no reason and clapped into prison cells. It is right and proper that NS is maintaining a dignified silence whilst waiting for 3/
3/ serious medical procedures delayed because of the Curse of Covid. Add to this the fact that the present #SELECTED #SHITSHOW is mired in its own excreta and is perceptibly sinking into it. Witness the rattled speech of #ImranAhmadKhanNiazi in the NA of yesterday. 4/
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Are you feeling alright #SELECTED @ImranKhanPTI ? This is a serious question. Do see/LISTEN to this clip several times with someone you trust (Begum Sahiba?) and then frankly discuss it with them. This is not a laughing matter, Imran, you really need to take a hard look at 2/
2/ yourself for the country's sake and for your own sake. For no matter how deeply I oppose you and your mindless pursuit of seeing this country into the ground; no matter how I abhor your cruel and vengeful nature; no matter how upset I am with how horribly you have treated 3/
3/ my friends in your prison cells, I would never wish you harm. Which is why I advise you to try and analyse what you said in the clip, and take defensive measures to obviate any chance that you might hurt yourself. This is going to be a long thread, so more later..@AsimSBajwa
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Pakistan, according to official figures, has so far tested 577, 974 people for Covid-19 out of its 210 million population. That makes it 0.275% of the tested population. This number of the tested has been achieved in more than three months. We have to test 1,522,026 more to claim
that we have tested 1% of our population. Given that the number we have achieved the tested number in more than three months, it might take us 9 more months to finish the task. That means we need to wait till March, 2021 to test even 1% of our population.
You can’t Trace, Track, Isolate and Manage the health of the infected until you don’t test.
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In the words of the great orator @javedjabbar45 'one' respectfully and humbly asks this👇man's #Selectors and #Enablers: 'Respected and Most Honourable Sirs: What did we, or our, yes your's too, country do, to be inflicted with THIS most deadly and unforgiving #Virus? I hope 2/
2/ you Gentlemen are aware that the newest forecast of the increase in numbers of that other Virus,Covid19 for Lahore City and Environs is 1.4 Million cases as I write this. You should also know more than us mere mortals that the economy has tanked and as another distraction, 3/
3/ yet another Finance Minister is being sought as if just a change of faces at the Ministry will miraculously retrieve an economy that has been pummelled into destruction through rank stupidity, arrogance, and wooden headedness (Barbara Tuchman's explanation of the term) 4/
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As we get shocked over the official figures of over 3,000 infections, (3, 039 to be exact) and the loss of 88 precious Pakistani lives, let us not forget that we really don’t know how many have been infected due to the policies of the boneheaded Imran regime.
Even today, the nuclear state of Pakistan, under the installed and #Selected regime has only tested 547,030 people out of 210 million population. That is 0.26% of the total populace. In three months, the state, with all its resources and foreign aid has barely managed to test
one fourth or 25% of the 1% population. This meagre amount of the tested is despite the tall claims by the NDMA Chairman and Minister Incharge Asad Umar telling us that we will be testing at least 50,000 people every day. Despite the horrific and exponential rise in the number of
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5/ IMPORTANT NOTE: Governor GM Khar asked for the Army to come in Aid to the Civil Power. The Lahore Corps Commander asked Gul Hassan who is reported to have said: 'No help, let the B#@%$&^$ stew in their own juices'. Mr. Khar himself told me that he then called Gul Hassan. 6/
6/ The ADC asked him to hold on, came back on the line and said, 'Sir, the Chief is with guests'. Not to be put off, the Governor called again, this time being told the C-in-C was at dinner. He tried again, this time the answer being that the General was asleep. He tried again 7/
7/ the next day. Sometimes Gul Hassan was in a meeting, sometimes in the bathroom (what is now called the 'RESTROOM' for some reason), sometimes resting. In the meanwhile ZAB was getting impatient and asked Khar if he should speak to Gul Hassan. The Governor said, 'Please 8/
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Agreed! In any case both these leaders signed the Charter of Democracy! The day BB was assassinated NS's public meeting in another area of RWP was also fired upon. When informed BB asked to be connected to NS by mobile.A few minutes later she was shot! NS visited the hospital 2/
2/ and wept for her. Jialas raised 'NS Zindabad' slogans. Bygones were bygones. When I interviewed him for Dawn News some months later I aked him why the two young leaders were so opposed to each other? NS said clearly, 'OTHER forces spoilt the atmosphere'. When I asked him 3/
3/ what he recalled of their meeting at her flat in London after the COD had been signed his eyes filled with tears: 'I will always remember Bakhtawar and Aseefa receiving me with bouquets'...A lot of water has flowed under the Pakistani bridge. Let us ALL struggle to bring 4/
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