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Jun 8th 2023
Here are some lesser known facts on the life of Aurangzeb, the greatest emperor of India,
1) After the battle of Raigarh, when the Maratha forces were defeated, Shivaji’s son Rajaram fled away leaving his wives & daughters & Sambhaji ( Shivaji’s other son)…… ImageImageImage
#TheGreatAurangzeb believed on employment based on ability rather than religion. During his reign, the number of Hindu officials in the Mughal administration rose by half, many of them Marathas and Rajputs. This was largely due to a large intake of Marathas, who played a key role……
3) #TheGreatAurangzeb was also the best Veena player of his times. Later , he banned all music from court to reduce the wastage of public money + Image
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Apr 24th 2022
Starting a 'Historical places to visit in India' thread! 😊❤️
Buland Darwaza (Door of victory) at Fatehpur Sikri, UP, India. Built by Emperor Akbar in 1601 to commemorate his victory over Gujarat #india #historicalplaces #BulandDarwaza #sightseeing #Akbar Image
Taj Mahal, Agra, India. Built by Emperor Shah Jahan for his late wife Mumtaz Mahal in 1632. ❤️😊 It took around 22 years to build this magnificent structure. Made of white marble. #TajMahal #Agra #India #ShahJahan #MumtazMahal #historicalplaces Image
Agra Fort, Agra, India 😍 Built by Emperor Akbar in 1565. Fun fact- it is built entirely of red sandstone.😊 #Agra #AgraFort #India #UNESCO #historicalplaces Image
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Nov 12th 2020
Shah Jahan is said to have loved his wife Mumtaz Mahal so much that he built her the greatest monument in history, the Taj Mahal. Now it is considered as the most important symbol of love. However, is the love of Shah Jahan for his wife portrayed in the correct manner?
Firstly, Mumtaz was not the only wife of Shah Jahan. He had several other wives. In fact, he married three others and historians say he loved them also as much as Mumtaz. Secondly, Shah Jahan had made a promise to Mumtaz that he would never marry anyone else after she died.
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May 8th 2020
Youssif Ali, son of Mahammad Cassie Ali and Babe Ali, a Bengali born in Sylhet (now Bangladesh) came to England in the early 1920s. He was the last soldier buried at the Muslim Burial Ground (Brookwood Cemetery) on 12 May 1947...
As a young man, Youssif Ali regularly travelled between India and London aboard merchant ships. After meeting and marrying Ethel Emma Wallace in London during the late 1920s, he no longer travelled. Instead he became a Court interpreter for Indian seaman apprehended for various..
misdemeanours. He also worked as a doorman, dressed in full colonial style regalia with an elaborate turban at the Veeraswamy Restaurant in Piccadilly, London. A job from which he was later sacked when a photograph in a newspaper identified him amongst a crowd surrounding...
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Jan 23rd 2019
The first #Mughal Emperor was Zahir ud din Mohammed #Babur Born in #Ferghana #Uzbekestan he ruled #India from #Delhi from 1st April 1526 to 26th December 1530.
This c1630 painting is from @V_and_A Artist unknown.
@DalrympleWill @India_Atelier @mukhoty @Bagh_eBabur Image
From @RCT this c1603 painting by artist #Mohan is of the 2nd emperor, Nasir ud din Mohd #Humayun, ruled from 26th Dec 1530 to 27th May 1540. Defeated by #Suri dynasty, he recovered the empire, ruling from 22nd Feb 1555 till 27th Jan 1556. Died falling from stairs
Tomb at #Delhi Image
From @hermitage_eng, the portrait by #Manohar c1580 is of the 3rd #Mughal Emperor Jalal ud din Mohammed #Akbar Ruling from #Agra from 27th Jan 1556 to 27th Oct 1605. Died from Dysentery and entombed at #Sikandra near Agra.
@DalrympleWill @mukhoty @India_Atelier @DilliKiRanaiyan Image
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