Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #events

Most recents (24)

1/🎉 Ready for a ticketing revolution in the #event industry? NFT-based ticketing could be a game-changer, providing transparency, security, and innovation! 🎟️🔐 #NFTTicketing #TicketRevolution
2/😫 Tired of scams, hidden fees, and counterfeiting? #NFT tickets offer a customizable experience, from VIP passes to collectible tickets that could increase in value over time. 💎🚀 #TicketingSolutions #DigitalTickets
3/🌐 Companies like Ticketmaster, YellowHeart, GUTS, and NFT Tix are already exploring the world of #NFT ticketing for events. But what about scalability for massive global events? 🤔 #EventTech #Scalability
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1/6 Interesting work from Dr. William Encinosa and colleagues, with #Black #children disproportionately affected...

#complications #adverse #drug #events #costs #disparities #multisystem #inflammatory
#syndrome #MISC #children #COVID19 #LongCovidKids…
2/6 "Did outcomes vary by the number of organ systems affected in #multisystem #inflammatory #syndrome in #children (MIS-C) in 2021?"
3/6 "In this cross-sectional study of 4107 #MISC #hospitalizations, as the number of #organ #systems affected increased from 2 to 6 or more, mortality increased from 1% to 6%, length of stay doubled from 4 to 8 days,..."
Read 6 tweets
LCFE - Capital Market Visit to the Lagos State Imota Rice Mill for Capital Market sensitisation and integration

#events #sensitization #lagos #abuja #kano #investing #trading
Today the Exchange led a delegation of Registered and Inducted Commodity Brokers to the @lagosagric01 Imota Rice Mill to understand the deep opportunities being harnessed in the Rice Value Chain.
Read 3 tweets
Are there any changes in #brain #structure during the first year following #trauma #exposure? Is there a difference between individuals who develop #chronic #PTSD and those who #recover? A quick thread about our work published today in @molpsychiatry📜🧠🧵…
Reduced #hippocampus and #amygdala volumes have been repeatedly documented in #PTSD patients. But do they reflect a #pretrauma vulnerability trait or #postexposure stress-induced atrophy?
To answer this question, we examined the association between #longitudinal #volumetric #changes of the hippocampus and the amygdala, as well as their #key #subregions, and #PTSD #symptom #trajectories during the first #14months following #trauma exposure. Image
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Yesterday - I was at the Spring Cycle 🚴‍♂️ - it was such a great event ✅ - see comments for details ...

However, there are so many events that happen, like the Granny Smith Festival (held on Saturday) - that are hard to keep track of or sometimes we miss altogether 🤦🏻‍♂️
We live in a state with so many different events - like our New Year’s Eve fireworks, Carols in the Domain, Vivid, Mardi Gras, City2Surf, Royal Easter Show, Parkes Elvis Festival, Griffith Salami Festival (Festa delle Salsicce), Broken Hill’s “Broken Heel” Festival, to name a few
And on weekends, there are many more events hosted by local councils and community groups - such as markets or outdoor cinemas - that we simply don’t know about or miss out on 🤷🏻‍♂️
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IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: BTS STUDIOS and VAGABOND are joining forces to disrupt #hollywood with #WEB3 decentralized technology; taking back control, data & content rights from the middle man to the creator
BTS & Vagabond are building together a new decentralized ownership model from the ground up, giving more rights and ownership to the content creator and their community instead of studios and agencies.
From convoluted contracts to biased pay structures, the cultural engine of Hollywood is well-known and in need of a major change. The transparent & more equitable nature of decentralized technology together with Vagabond BaaS infrastructure will allow that change to happen.
Read 6 tweets
Lobster Daily #520 – Daily Recap – 30 August:
1. «Any cool #crypto #events in Europe remaining this year?»
Link to…
2. «How is the waves debate going?Has anyone managed to find at least something regarding their strategies?»
Link to…
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"#Collectibles market size was estimated at $402B in 2021 and is expected to cross $1T by 2032." -@MarketDecipher

@AmericanaNFT provides an ecosystem for #artists & #creators to interact with #collectors who can then engage with producers and consumers alike.

1/14 🧵
2/@NFTerps, @dozaster, @NPecor, and @musicalnetta of @AmericanaNFT shared insights and alpha around the future of physical collectibles in a digital world at #NFTNYC2022

Vibe? "Buy shit you love."

What is Americana? Let’s peel the🧅
3/Stripping away digital art and using #NFTs for their core value - digital #provenance, #proofofownership & proof of origin. 📜

How does this improve physical collecting?
Read 16 tweets
Let’s dive in to explain what we are about with a couple of highlights:

1. We are excited to share with YOU our pitch presentation that premiered at @Conste11ation’s #Hyd3f22 event on 08/06/2022.

“Considering that people in general but especially the younger generation -the very people who are early adopters of web3 technology- have a very short attention span, I made the decision to create a pitch that people remember regardless of their opinion about it.” Aranka W.
2. In our presentation we have touched on certain points that are problematic and are the pains of our current #funding industry.
⁃PHILANTHROPY (aid dependency, no trust)
⁃CROWDFUNDING (investments = donations)
⁃FUNDING BIAS (DAO; research)
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Nearly all recent in person academic conferences/workshops I heard off (unsurprisingly) turned into #Covid mass spreader events. Trouble is that offline conferences not only increase ableist segregation, but also in this way contribute to chronic disability 🧵#AcademicTwitter 1/7
Every (re)infection significantly increases the chances of #LongCovid, and other long term #chronicillness. And those who already have #LongCovid or another #disability (many academics!!) can often not even consider participating. 2/7
Remember that vaccinations do not protect sufficiently (by a looong way!!) against #LongCovid. And so anyone can suddenly become severely disabled. Long Covid is not being a bit tired, but for many more akin to living one's death. I kid you not. It is torture. 3/7
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🧵Spent an hour this week with a squad building new #Serverless API on #AWS.
My main advises were-
- Break-down the #domain & think of set-piece #microservices
- Identify sync & async parts
- Think #events & event-driven
- Do event storming & develop event-driven thinking
- Identify core & support #microservices
- Perform data modelling for each microservice - queries, indexes...
- Follow #API guidelines
- Remember you're building an intelligent service. Not a proxy to 3rd party
- Make your service's contract with its clients as simple & easy
- Don't build a #monolith microservice
- #Observability - structure logs, metrics, monitoring
- API usage plan for each client & monitor
- Native #serverless service integration
- Reach out to experts for help

They're on separate #AWS a/c, repo, #CDK & #typescript. Happy😀👍
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🧵THREAD on #Hungary, ever-expanding

Impressions by a Hungarian artist living in 🇭🇺, so that you can have a glimpse of how our life is like: #photos, #videos, #music, #food, #events, #culture, #traditions, #architecture, #sports, #people, #tourism, etc.

No politics.

Enjoy! Budapest, 2022.04.26.  Koss...
A May Monday in #Hungary, 2022.05.23:
1: #Dunakanyar #DanubeBend,
2-3: #Budapest, Szt. István (St. Stephen's) Park,
4: Deák Ferenc utca (also called Fashion Street)

#Magyarország #travel ImageImageImageImage
A signature #Hungarian food to try when visiting #Hungary:
lángos (laan-gosh)

Deep-fried bread dough, often eaten with any combination of garlic, sourcream & cheese

(Not for the #health conscious, but I'd also have it occasionally)

#travel #gastronomy
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The first 6 months of #VillaAlbertine, France's new cultural organization in the US that is reinventing artists' residencies – A Thread⤵️
[1/20] Image
Last fall, France brought a new model for a cultural institution to the global table. In order to match the vastness & diversity of a continent-country, but also to adapt to the changing needs of creators, @villa_albertine wanted to achieve two unprecedented goals: [2/20] Image
welcoming its residents WHEREVER they need to go across the US and providing them with all ressources they need for a tailor-made exploratory residency. In brief, it is no longer the resident who adapts to the Villa, but @villa_albertine that adapts to the resident. [3/20] ImageImageImageImage
Read 20 tweets
how would you make discord better for DAOs?

ill kick it off with an initial shopping list

(by no means exhaustive)
Sign in via wallet / SIWE

This is a no-brainer, right? Just keep my session active to avoid constant re-verification.

Shoutout to @wycdd and @signinwitheth

Read 18 tweets

Never judge someone's character based on the words of another. Instead, study the motives behind the words of the person casting the bad judgment.

What is the sole source of Character Assassination?

SSR An Incredible Human Being Image
Jealousy originates from Limitation. A jealous person sees u as having a gift, skill, charisma, talent, or ability that he or she does not have. The mindset of a jealous person is manipulation.

How does a Jealous Person manipulate?

SSR An Incredible Human Being
A Jealous Person controls a group's perception of u (are the Gifted or Self-made gem of Person) by possessing a group's opinion by claiming u are full of fault.

Sometimes what u love to do could even make many people to hate u. U may go thru..

SSR An Incredible Human Being
Read 10 tweets
“We need you to help our workforce shift immediately to digital ways of working."

"Also can you solve the recruitment crisis?"

"And we need a comprehensive overhaul of our approach to mental health. ASAP.”

Sound familiar?
The challenging in learning and development are enormous, but you are not alone.

Join event chair Jay Moore and learning experts from the world’s biggest companies at Learning Futures New York 2022.… A close up of a man looking at the camera. Jay Moore. iVenti
Jay is the Global Learning and Culture Leader for GE Crotonville, having previously held roles with a number of GE businesses which include Healthcare, Corporate, Plastics, Silicones and NBC Universal in the fields of Marketing, Sales, Six Sigma and Global Supply Chain.
Read 7 tweets
Why is hosting an iVentiv event so rewarding?

iVentiv has been fortunate to be hosted by a range of organisations around the world, including @Sony, @Nordea, @HultEFCorporate, @McDonalds, @DowJones, @Novartis, @Shell_UKLtd, @thalesgroup, @VodafoneGroup and @generalelectric. A man speaks to a circle of...
You provide the venue and we bring the experts and the conversations.

Hosting an iVentiv Executive Knowledge Exchange is a great way to showcase your organisation’s work to an audience of senior executives and to draw on their knowledge and expertise.
In 2022, iVentiv will be helping you to learn, connect and develop in New York, London, Copenhagen, Chicago, Amsterdam, California, Paris, Texas, Zurich, Basel, Dubai, and many other locations around the world.
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Time to introduce #2 of #Babai20 picks @EveDo @StoyanAngelov $EVED in the events industry space. #COVID19 undoubtedly impacted this industry 😷 but it's all coming back. Best time to take a position before the market awakens. Thread below 👇 Image
Why another events platform when we got
@Ticketmaster @eventbrite? The existing platforms are ticketing focussed & charge a % fee on tickets sold. @evedotoken $EVED disrupts the space by bringing all-things events into a common ecosystem & charging 0% commission for tickets. Image
The founding team ex-@EA ex-@Google brings a wealth of experience in the events industry. They bootstrapped @EveDo $EVED & survived crypto winter + #COVID19 blow to events space. @Stoyan, the CEO, is a well-respected serial entrepreneur among the startup community in Bulgaria.
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Earlier today we were in downtown #yyc handing out water & gatorade and fruit, when we decided to stop & have a break by the Cat Cafe...when we came upon a senior lady rummaging through the city's garbage bins.

#Yyccc #Calgary #Alberta #Canada #SeniorLiving #seniorcare #Seniors
We thought she was looking for bottles to turn in for money but we were wrong. She was looking for both bottles & she was also taking food out of the bins & putting it in her cart.

As soon as we saw that we went over to offer her our help.

#Help #Community #Compassion #BeKind
We went over, asked if we could get her a cold drink & a snack & asked her if she'd like to join us on our break.

She accepted. We went into the coffee shop across from the Cat Cafe (Forgot Name), grabbed some drinks & snacks and sat down in the shade across the street. #Hope
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Hier mal ein paar #Saarland Folge-Empfehlungen (#events) spätestens für die post-covid Zeit:

- @saarcamp
- @SaarHackathon
- @wwsaar
- @coderdojo_saar
#saarland Folge-Empfehlungen (#freunde):

- @ApfelMuse kann euch glaube ich alle Fragen rund ums #Backen beantworten
- @ChiliConCharme geht mit euch jedes Wochenende wandern bis die Waden krampfen :)
- @kerstinreese, @JochumPeter @Toupietwopi uvm. zum Thema #Bildung
#saarland Folge-Empfehlungen (#entwickler):

- @achimdomma und @sasmar aus Gründen :)
- @thomasdarimont aka. Mr. #Java :) und Meetup-Organisator
- @cubadonis aka. "the stig" ;)
- @smetzdev aka. "The great gatsby" :)

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LONG THREAD: I've been thinking a lot about "hybrid" conferences with some @MeetAtFilament clients and have some thoughts ... #eventprofs #events
First, a hybrid conference shouldn't be an event where the virtual and in-person components happen at the same time. It makes things more complex, requires a ton more work to optimize two different experiences simultaneously, and ... 2/
... because you're trying to broadcast an in-person presentation (more on that format later) to a virtual audience, you'll shrink the in-person experience to one that can be consumed by attendees online. 3/
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#USA is a free democracy, #India is a "partly free" democracy
#FOE Japan is a free democracy, India is a partly free democracy: Compare the ratio of critical/unfavorable articles, to favorable articles, in the top 3 news sources in Japan & India respectively, to find which press is freer! #SciMe 1st data, 2nd Analysis, 3rd Policy/views!🧐🤔
3/demo #Majoritarianism & freedom: Compare treatment of minorities in USA(non-christian), Japan(Korean etc) & India (Muslims): In particular plot over 70yrs th % of minority pop on same graph & compare decadal changes[summarizes it's discrimination(in cntry) & opportunities(ROW)]
Read 93 tweets
New important thread.

Explored: Rockefeller communique on #contacttracing, Verified (UN) guide on #vaccine #communications, insights via #Vaccine Confidence Project, & a Behavioral Insights report. Today> special report from Oct 15 2020 meeting, #WHO, Technical Advisory Group. Image
"On 15 Oct 2020, the WHO Technical Advisory Group (TAG) on Behavioural Insights & Sciences for Health held a special meeting w/ the WHO Department of Immunization, Vaccines & Biologicals to discuss behavioural considerations in relation to COVID-19 #vaccine #acceptance & uptake." Image
The report was developed by members of the WHO Technical Advisory Group on Behav. Insights & Sciences for Health, chaired by Cass Sunstein, largely credited w/ developing/popularizing notion of "nudges" as policy tools.

Technical Advisory Group members:… Image
Read 36 tweets
Meanwhile in #France,
"the peak of this second wave is over"

(according to the President in his Adress to the Nation):
Wait... "the peak is over" doesn´t mean "it´s back to normal"!

Confinement will only fall on December 15,
if there´s less than 5.000 new cases a day.
(today it´s ~9.000).

France is disappointed.🙁

Although they certainly can make it happen.
Meanwhile in #Switzerland:
(excess mortality of the second wave is significant)

Good news: fastest decrease in infections happens in the worst hit areas now.
Read 2817 tweets

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