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Aug 8th 2020
#VPS20 Presidential symposium overview of #COVID19 and thoracic cancers by @marinagarassino. First case in Italy reported 2/20/20 and we've learned a great deal since then about COVID outcomes in patients with cancer. #LCSM @IASLC #WCLC20 Image
#VPS20 The UKCCMP registry noted a high mortality rate in patients with cancer (28%) and 22% of patients had disruption in cancer care. Mortality in the CCC19 registry was reported at 16% but higher (26%) in patients with lung cancer. #LCSM @IASLC #WCLC20 ImageImage
#VPS20 #TERAVOLT is an impressive, global registry led by @marinagarassino @HornLeora including only patients with thoracic cancers and #COVID19. Mortality reported at 35.5% and outcomes vary with PS. TERAVOLT now has over 1000 cases! #LCSM @IASLC #WCLC20 ImageImageImageImage
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May 30th 2020
#ASCO20 Excellent presentation by @HornLeora on the #TERAVOLT initiative - a global registry describing patients with thoracic malignancy and COVID19. #OncoAlert #LCSM Image
#TERAVOLT is such an impressive effort, spearheaded by @marinagarassino. Flurries of emails sent on March 15, 2020 and a protocol approved 5d later with 200 patients presented at #AACR20 and 400 patients at #ASCO20! Driven by passion and a deep collaborative spirit. #OncoAlert Image
#ASCO20 An interesting observation in #TERAVOLT was the association of steroid use and anticoagulation (at #COVID19 diagnosis, not as an intervention) with higher mortality in patients with lung cancer. Months ago, we would not have predicted this. #OncoAlert #LCSM ImageImageImageImage
Read 6 tweets
Apr 28th 2020
#OncoAlert #AACR20 More mature data emerging from China. This review by Dr. Zhang at Tongji in Wuhan discusses patients with cancer and #COVID19. Interesting to contrast these with data from US, Italy, Spain, France, etc - some trends just reflect patient populations served. Image
#OncoAlert #AACR20 In the Liang report from @TheLancetOncol, we saw 1% of #COVID19 patients had cancer. In this Wuhan report from 3 hospitals (1/13/20-2/26/20), it was 2.2% (25% lung, 14% esophageal, 11% breast), 30% stage IV. 60/40 split male/female. 71% community acquired. Image
#OncoAlert #AACR20 In 28 patients with cancer and #COVID19, 36% required mechanical ventilation, 29% mortality with 21% still hospitalized. For those discharged, median hospitalization 18.4 days. For those with severe events, median 7 days from COVID diagnosis to event. ImageImage
Read 5 tweets
Apr 28th 2020
Missed #COVID19nCancer plenary in #AACR20 @AACR?
Here’s a thread to catch up on all the fascinating global research presented by:
@AACR @AACRPres #AntoniRibas #LiZhang @marinagarassino @barlesi #CarlosGomez #LouisVoigt #HongbingCai cc:@OncoAlert @COVID19nCCC @ASCO @ASH_hematology
#1: Chinese Experience by #LiZhang and #HongbingCai

More evidence of increased prevalence of #Cancer among #COVID19, ~2% similar to what we found in our #metanalysis @ASCO_pubs #JCOGO here:…
#LiZhang described 35.7% required mechanical ventilation and significant risk factors for severe outcomes on #multivariate analysis was recent #cancertreatment and #consolidation on CT
Read 12 tweets
Apr 28th 2020
#OncoAlert #AACR20 Global registry of #COVIDー19 in patients with lung cancer led by @marinagarassino and @HornLeora, the #TERAVOLT registry: Thoracic Cancers International COVID-19 Collaboration. An impressive and rapidly executed, global registry. #LCSM ImageImageImage
#OncoAlert #AACR20 This registry included patients with thoracic malignancy and #COVIDー19. Enrolling rapidly and this presentation describes the first 200 patients entered. Comorbidity rate is high, as previously reported. #LCSM ImageImage
#OncoAlert #AACR20 Most patients with #COVIDー19 were receiving treatment (74%), which may reflect the patients seen by participants, though patients in follow up also at risk. Most common symptoms: fever (64%), cough (52%), dyspnea (54%) and fatigue (27%). #LCSM ImageImage
Read 7 tweets

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