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Nov 21st 2022
Le HACK peu conventionnel des voyants 🔮(… et des politiques)​ à utiliser MAINTENANT pour rédiger des copy meilleures que celles de ton concurrent 👇​🧵

(Rappel amical : On ne manipule pas les gens.
On les amène à prendre les bonnes décisions.)
En lisant ton texte, le prospect doit avoir l’impression que tu t’adresses uniquement et spécialement à lui.

Il veut se sentir important et considéré.

Mais au fond, il est comme n’importe qui d’autre…
Quand tu t’adresses à lui, utilise des vérités générales, vagues et flatteuses à son égard.

Vagues, pour qu’il puisse compléter avec ses propres expériences.

Je peux t’assurer qu’il te lira jusqu’au bout et t’accordera sa confiance.

C’est “l’effet Forer”.
Je t’explique 👇
Read 7 tweets
Jan 19th 2022
“When you see alliances across international borders between religious right organizations and these authoritarian relationships. … I think the consequences are enormous for all of us. It’s more than just the story of the Fellowship. It’s the story of our democracy.”- Jesse Moss
Here’s an old thread by @kenklippenstein. His reporting covers some of those international alliances mentioned in the quote above.

Read 28 tweets
Jan 4th 2021
@Kevinliptakcnn That's a lie. Cleta is a #KochNetwork #DarkMoney lawyer. Come'on PRESS.... Do better than the he said/she said.

@Kevinliptakcnn "Cleta is also on the Board of Governors of #CouncilForNationalPolicy ". h/t Professor, #ShadowNetwork author & investigative journalist, Anne Nelson,
Read 6 tweets
Dec 3rd 2020
McMorris Rodgers 👉 Americans for Prosperity, National Taxpayers Union, Americans for Tax Reform.

"All orgs were created or supported by the Koch Brothers, who have spent tens of millions of dollars in gifts to these organizations."
Read 4 tweets
Apr 22nd 2020
@politico tRump is parroting the Koch Right Wing group running his administration & today's GOP. The "reopen" agenda is the KOCH agenda. They mobilized a wide network of groups... astrofturf protesters to lobbyists to gain visibility & political credibility.…
@politico Even the Koch appointee, Scott Gottlieb (AEI) is promoting a watered down version of their agenda...
Gee...the MSM always seems to forget to mention that this is an organized assault on our government & the public by the Koch RWing group that brought us trump & run the WH & GOP
@politico MSM won't report the big picture... but, today's GOP, trump, what's occurring is explained in the books below...

#ShadowNetwork (read it!) Anne Nelson

#TheFamily (read it!) Jeff Sharlet…
Read 3 tweets
Sep 16th 2019
THREAD: #TheFamily in Australia

Anyone watching the Netflix series called 'The Family' would have been shocked to learn about the political influence a secret fundamentalist christian sect were able to have on American policy for over 50 years.…
Jeff Sharlet who featured in the series has deeply researched these people, and describes how their leader, Doug Coe, told people they need to “emulate” totalitarian regimes in which children kill or inform on their parents in order to build a new society. #TheFamily in Australia
While this seems a repudiation of Christian principles, those acting for God have different rules to follow than the rest of us. Doug Coe’s son and The Family’s heir apparent, David, explained what it meant to be a divinely chosen leader.

#TheFamily in Australia
Read 42 tweets
Aug 29th 2019
#TheFamily is a new Netflix documentary about a secretive, international network of the Christian Right that has profoundly influenced governments in the US and around the world for decades.

Review: Netflix’s The Family | Political Research Associates…
”A hair-raising story backed up by photos, internal documents, and first-hand experiences” revealed in @JeffSharlet’s books:
Read 4 tweets
Aug 22nd 2019
So. I was born in 1976. I started school in August 1980, just before I turned 5, at home - my older brother had attended an ACE kindergarten, and it was deemed too liberal by my parents (his teacher wore PANTS when she wasn't teaching!) #thread CW: Abuse
I was literally part of the first wave of Christian Right-wing Homeschoolers; my parents had planned to homeschool us illegally, and it became legal that month in Louisiana because a legislator's relative wanted to homeschool.
I learned to read when I was 4. I also was acutely observant and aware - because by that time I'd already survived broken bones in my arm and neck, at least one rape, and an STD. This made me hypervigilant, and also primed me to be skeptical of everything around me.
Read 25 tweets
Aug 22nd 2019
"In the mid-1990s, Ross led a group of investors who bought a large stake in News Communications, a publicly traded media co that owned 23 weekly newspapers in...NY and D.C."…

News Communications Inc. publishes The Hill - was Wilbur Ross involved in this?
"...unbelievable emails in this same evidence pile that...get into communications w/ a US Senator..."


9/19/12 "Resolution - Calling for the release from prison of former Prime Minister of Ukraine Yulia Tymoshenko"…

Read 30 tweets
Aug 21st 2019
OK dear friend I have done a full thread to that in Arabic
I'll try to make it in English
First major similarity is the refusal to be organised with official presence. The founder and up tell now calling it "Al-gama'a"... And they call each other "Brother"..
The founder insisted on not considering the group a party nor a NGO just a unique structure that collects Salfism, Sofi and with good relations to Shiite in same time
The founder issued "The Letters" and "the 20 rules" which has the same importance to the members as Jesus booklet
Read 14 tweets
Aug 9th 2019
"Internally, it is spoken of primarily as a 'recruiting device' with which to draw 'key men' into smaller prayer cells to 'meet Jesus man to man.'

Practically, the Prayer Breakfast has functioned from the very beginning as an unregistered lobbying festival."
"The Prayer Breakfast isn't the only way the Fellowship has infiltrated the highest levels of the U.S. government."
"It’s so different than our popular impression of the Christian right, it's different than the image of the sweaty pulpit pounders... Those are mass movements, this is the opposite of that."
Read 196 tweets
Aug 9th 2019
I’m about 5 minutes into #TheFamily on @netflix and I am already extremely creeped out and completely mortified.

This may be a bit premature, but this might actually be integral to understanding evangelical devotion to @realDonaldTrump, and the @GOP as an organization.
One episode down and it’s not getting any better. The implications of this organization on our government and on governments all over the world are astounding. I’m struggling with the sensation of hearing GOP rhetoric being parroted through this massive conspiracy. #TheFamily
One thing is for sure, I have to get my hands on @JeffSharlet’s books.

There is a massive part of me that desperately wants to believe this is fiction, but this feeling of dread deep in my bones says otherwise.

Where have I heard the name Doug Coe before?

Read 24 tweets

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