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Mar 8th 2021
Happy #InternationalWomenDay! Today #CFWIJ pays tribute to women journalists around the world, who continue to speak truth to power despite being persecuted through #threats, #harassment, and #imprisonment. #IWDwithCFWIJ
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In 2020, #CFWIJ recorded 716 acts of persecution against women journalists across 92 countries. In the first two months of 2021 alone, we have catalogued 157 cases. #IWDwithCFWIJ
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On #InternationalWomenDay, it is only appropriate we begin with @LoujainAlHathloul, who continued to persevere and today walks free, despite all the attempts by the state of #SaudiArabia to silence her. #IWDwithCFWIJ
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Mar 4th 2021
To celebrate the #WomensHistoryMonth we are back with #HerstorywithCFWIJ! Today we celebrate six more amazing women voices in journalism. Some of whom paved the way, and others who are making them proud! (1/8) Image
First, let's go to #Canada and remember #EllaCoraHind! A journalist, an activist, and a suffragist. She was turned down for a position as a journalist #ManitobaFreePress, because of being an inexperienced woman journalist. Ella proved them wrong! #HerstorywithCFWIJ (2/8) Image
Carrying the torch is #Canada's @Kathygannon, a reporter at #AssociatedPress stationed in #Afghanistan and #Pakistan. Kathy has been attacked in her line of work, yet she marches on. Here is what she had to say in celebration of women journalists #HerstorywithCFWIJ (3/8).
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