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Aug 27th 2021
@Scribulatora's post about #Pharmacare is baloney

Here's why:

First, the Hoskin's report that Liberals commissioned, says that there should be a Bill for Pharmacare passed BY January 2022. Bills pass 3 readings in the HoC before going to the Senate, they tabled NOTHING! (1/9)
Also, in the 2019 election, Liberals promised us Pharmacare and incumbent MP Patty Hajdu, just 3 MONTHS later, began walking back this promise in the media. (2/9)

#PromiseMadePromiseBroken #Elxn44 #ThunderBay
Add to that, in incumbent Chrystia Freeland's 2021 Budget, the Liberals allocated NOTHING NEW for Pharmacare!

And no Liberals, them topping up PEIs existing program, amounts to $54/person is NOT Pharmacare. It's a carrot to give you hope.


Read 10 tweets
Dec 15th 2019
I spent the past three days in #ThunderBay. It was a bit of a roller coaster, including moments which filled me with sadness and rage; and, moments of sheer awe and joy. As I head back to SWOnt, I wanted to share some thoughts.

Warning: this won’t be short.

On the flight here, I listening to the @CANADALAND series on Thunder Bay. It paints a horrifying picture of life in so-called “murder city” with the highest homicide & hate crime rate in Canada. The stories of racism and vicious murders of Indigenous people had me in tears. /2
On landing, the feeling of being In The North was immediate. I think it’s the spectacular, rugged backdrop. The majestic Sleeping Giant & ice-covered Lake Superior take your breath away. It's also the distinct sense that life here can be harsh. Colder. Darker. More remote. /3
Read 24 tweets
Nov 18th 2019
I’ll never forget the thrill I felt at the Elders & Traditional Peoples Gathering 2 weeks ago at @TrentUniversity, meeting #Cree actor/artist #MichelleThrush and #Anishinaabe journalist/author @TanyaTalaga, as well as being surrounded by some of the most epic people in my life. ImageImageImageImage
Thrush’s solo performance of #InnerElder wove a beautiful blend of truth, laughter, pain & hope. Got Talaga’s autograph after she spoke about her book, #SevenFallenFeathers, a must-read for folks seeking #truth about how we continue to fail Indigenous youth.
Read 3 tweets
Oct 27th 2019
Reading @TanyaTalaga’s Seven Fallen Feathers (re: deaths of 7 Indigenous youth in #thunderbay) & she immediately calls out #Canada for its audacity to claim having 1 of the best education systems in the world when Indigenous students face a lack of schools & quality education.
Makes me wonder whether Canadian schools and educators deserve such a title when we aren’t properly addressing issues that Indigenous children & youth are experiencing in education. #UNDRIP #unitednations #indigenousrights #indigenousstudents…
Who is benefiting from these rankings? Who’s hurting? How do Ind students fit in the picture of these rankings? Do certain achievements give us a pass on addressing issues in our education system? How many more Ind students need to drop out or end their lives before we wake up?
Read 3 tweets
Sep 29th 2019
🇨🇦#Canada #FridaysForFuture International update #ClimateStrike #'s for #ClimateActionWeek:
🇨🇦1,000,000 people🇨🇦 Thus 1 out of every 6 strikers globally was Canadian🇨🇦 as well as we were 3rd globally for total # of strikes. Thanks to all local organizers & national supporters.
1000 #Calgary AB
15 #Cambridge ON
40 #Campbellton NB
20 #Camrose AB
15 #Canmore AB
15 #Cannington ON
150 #CapAuxMeules QC
300 #Caraquet NB
300 #Chambly QC
200 #ChathamKent ON
65 #Chibougamau QC
400 #Chillwack BC
40 #Clare NS
45 #Clinton ON
500 #Collingwood ON
80 #Compton QC
Read 15 tweets
Nov 2nd 2017
Sitting in #ThunderBay #yqt airport reflecting on time I've spent here. People have shared heartening & devastating truths with me…
I saw the bounty of this land, offered prayer, & reflected on the beauty around me, how it's able to housing such hurt...
I just got out of a cab. The driver asked what I do, I tried to deflect (I'm not shy, but weeks on the road have left me tired)…
Read 21 tweets

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