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May 13th 2021
Today would like to share about
Sri Brahmapureeswarar Kovil, near Trichy,
Tamil Nadu
Main Deity : Sri Brahmapureeswarar (Bhagwan Brahma).
Ambal (Consort) : Brahma Nayagi
Holy Water : Brahma Theertham.
Sthal Vruksham : Magizha (Spanish cherry) tree.
Prominence of the Shrine : This is yet another spectacular Dravidian architectural marvel, the Brahmapureeswar Kovil. Not known to many, this kovil is tucked away on the outskirts of the Trichy city at a serene village near Tirupattur. After a 30 km drive from Trichy,
take left and a 6 km drive through the beautiful village side would take you to the Brahmapureeswarar Kovil. An Early morning visit is recommended for a great #spiritual ambience. The main deity worshiped here is the Bhagwan Brahmapureeswarar, an avatar of Mahadev Shiva.
Read 21 tweets
Oct 22nd 2020
1. Sri Brahmapureeswarar #Temple , near #Trichy
Main Deity : Sri Brahmapureeswarar (Bhagwan Brahma) Consort: Brahma Nayagi
Sthal Theerth : Brahma Theertha.
Sthala Vriksh : Magizha (Spanish cherry) tree.
@sattology @harshasherni @Itishree001
2. Prominence of the Shrine : This is yet another spectacular Dravidian #architectural marvel, the Brahmapureeswar Temple. Not known to many, this temple is tucked away on the outskirts of the #Trichy city at a serene village near #Tirupattur.
@RajiIndustani @SriRamya21
3. An Early morning visit is recommended for a great #spiritual ambience. The main deity worshiped here is Bhagwan Brahmapureeswarar, an avatar of Mahadev Shiva.
Shri Brahma, the creator among the Trimurtis [Trident- Brahma, Vishnu & Mahesh] appears
@Vaidyvoice @Tanvangi17
Read 20 tweets
Jul 13th 2020
#Thread #DidYouKnow
Sri Brahmapureeswarar Temple, near Trichy
Main Deity : Sri Brahmapureeswarar (Lord Brahma).
Ambal (Consort) : Brahma Nayagi.
Holy Water : Brahma Theertham.
Temple Tree : Magizha(Spanish cherry)tree.
Prominence of the Shrine : This is yet another spectacular Dravidian #architectural marvel, the Brahmapureeswar Temple. Not known to many, this temple is tucked away on the outskirts of the #Trichy city at a serene village near #Tirupattur. After a 30 km drive from Trichy,
take left and a 6 km drive through the beautiful village side would take you to the #Brahmapureeswarar Temple. An Early morning visit is recommended for a great #spiritual ambience. The main deity worshiped here is the Lord Brahmapureeswarar, an avatar of Lord Shiva.
Read 22 tweets

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