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May 22nd 2023
De komende week en het hele pinksterweekend zal ik twitteren over mijn deelname met @hollander_team aan de @Stg_Roparun 🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏽🏃‍♂️🚐

Doneren kan tot het moment dat we maandag op de #Coolsingel staan⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ #PalliatieveZorg… ImageImageImage
Etappe 0.

Vandaag met @hollander_team vertrokken van #Aalsmeer naar Holten. Fijn om met alle teamleden weer op pad te zijn.

Zaterdag start team A vanaf @VLVTwenthe en is de eerste wissel in Vragender. Met Team B ga ik vervolgens naar #Arnhem waar een geweldige doorkomst is! ImageImageImageImage
Op het startterrein zijn inmiddels de eerste teams vertrokken voor hun #RopaRun2023 . De sfeer zit er goed in @Stg_Roparun @hollander_team @VLVTwenthe…
Read 25 tweets
Oct 30th 2019
*ATTENTION PLEASE*#AI #digitalhealth #tweeps Today @IndraJoshi10 and I at @NHSX are launching our new "Artificial Intelligence: How to get it right report" with help from A LOT of people across the digital health ecosystem… 1/ 14
The report goes into detail on our plans for the NHS AI lab but, more importantly, the research that sits beneath that - particularly the work on governance: ethics and regulation with invaluable input from @reformthinktank @oxfordethicslab @turinginst @FutureAdvocacy 2/14
We (@IndraJoshi10 & me) hope that the report makes it clear WHY we think #AI is important for health and care & HOW we can make sure it is utilised in the 'right' way - not just for the sake of it - within safe & ethical boundaries 3/14
Read 14 tweets
Sep 11th 2019
Happy to be back in Sweden for my 2nd #BiologyofSperm meeting & hearing fascinating stories on evolution of sperm, gamete interactions, reproductive organs and strategies by fellow #spermnerds
#BoS2019 #BoS15
Started strong yesterday with Sabine Koelle showing us the very first live imaging movies of sperm behavior in human reproductive tracts, all the way to the fertilization site, and even sperm filmed live swimming inside the testes! What a cool talk!
Next @lross_evoento told us about (incomplete) paternal genome silencing in fascinating mealybugs. @emwhitti brought us to the amazing world of Post-Ejaculatory Modifications w/ impressive proteomics data from 1000s of #drosophila reproductive tract dissections. #BoS2019 #BoS15
Read 28 tweets
Mar 27th 2019
OK #hospmed19, I had told myself I wasn't going to make another #tweetorial until next week to give myself a break, but I can't help but be motivated by all the amazing #tweeps at this meeting. Long story short, here's a #medthread on #PSORIASIS!

#MedEd #FOAMed PC:@dermnetnz
More and more, we are recognizing psoriasis to be a systemic disease. Aside from the psoriatic #arthritis we all know and love, there is more convincing evidence that psoriasis is linked with #cardiovascular disease and risk. As such, #multidisciplinary care is important!

There are many different variants of psoriasis. The most classic is plaque psoriasis, described commonly as "salmon colored plaques with micaceous scale."

Q: Ever notice how psoriasis doesn't really get impetiginized/superinfected but eczema does? Why do you think that is?

Read 17 tweets

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