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It’s a new Monday, so time for a new entry into the #BatmanvSuperman references the DC lore series. Today, it’s time for Part 2 of the last scene of the movie Amazing Grace in the 🧵 below! #RestoreTheSnyderVerse #BvSMondayMood Image
Part 1 was all about different DC references out there. And today it’s all going to be about the references (and differences) from the Funeral for a Friend storyline. So much to dissect so this one (my last one) is going to be a long one 😅, so let's get to it! Image
First off, there are several homages in the Metropolis funeral in #BvS to Funeral for a Friend. ImageImageImageImage
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It’s a new Monday, so time for a new entry into the #BatmanvSuperman references the DC lore series. Today, it’s time for the mythical Is She With You/Trinity versus Doomsday scene in the thread below! #RestoreTheSnyderVerse #BvSMondayMood Image
Several classical homages here to comics. Let’s start from one that was part of last week’s thread with Superman lying in space at the beginning of the scene and how it looks like Injustice: Gods Among Us #33. ImageImage
Then we get Batman saved by Wonder Woman as it is common in the Snyderverse. She has a very classical pose from the comics. And there might be several references in here. I really like how it looks like from Trinity #6 (which actually took place after #BvS). ImageImage
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É Canon?

Como todos sabem, a nuvem de poeira deixada pela antiga administração da Warner ainda não foi dispersada.

Tendo isso em mente, e com o retorno de vários atores escolhidos por Zack Snyder aos seus papéis, surge a possibilidade de que a timeline do diretor, ou seja, + Image
+ o SnyderVerse, volte a ser o Canon principal do DCEU. Para isso, é necessário que #ZackSnydersJusticeLeague seja de fato oficializada como o único filme da justiça, certo?

Então, na tarde de hoje, o Kevin Smith, aquele YouTuber, postou que Zack Snyder trará muita justiça aos + Image
+ cinemas em 2023. Com esses indícios, fica fácil imaginar que Liga da Justiça de Zack Snyder seja o filme evento oficializado pela WBD há alguns meses, mas tratem como rumor. E ai, o que acham? Image
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Midweek 🧵 incoming! Last Monday I analyzed Superman/Batman issues #53-#56 and how they are references #BatmanvSuperman. It was a lengthy one, so I left a couple of references out of it. So, here’s a bonus track 🧵 with them! #RestoreTheSnyderVerse
First, Bruce and Clark meeting at a gala just like in #BatmanvSuperman ImageImage
Batman’s classic entrance looking like the one in the Warehouse scene in #BvS. Also, him entering sort of a warehouse in the comic! ImageImage
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It’s a new Monday, so time for a new entry into the #BatmanvSuperman references the DC lore series. Today, it’s time for the scene Dawn of Justice introducing many Justice League characters in the 🧵 below! #RestoreTheSnyderVerse #BvSMondayMood Image
Right off the bat we have Diana Prince folding some clothes and in her bed we see Action Comics #1 (Superman’s first appearance), Detective Comics #27 (Batman’s first appearance) and #31, and Sensation Comics #1 (Wonder Woman first cover appearance). ImageImageImageImage
Then we get Diana scrolling over the news with some interesting headlines. Among them mentions to Stryker’s Island which is first mentioned in Superman Vol.2 #9 in 1987 as an island with a penitentiary in it (curiously same issue Ralli’s diner appears). ImageImageImageImage
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It’s a new Monday, so time for a new entry into the #BatmanvSuperman references the DC lore series. Today, I cover the scene The Manor and references to different Batman comics/media in the 🧵 below! #RestoreTheSnyderVerse #BvSMondayMood Image
Broadly speaking this scene relates to the episode “I am the Night” from Batman: The Animated Series and also comic storyline Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne. ImageImage
So, let’s start from the first of these connections. Many people have pointed out that the dialogue between Bruce and Alfred in the movie resembles closely the one in the animated series, especially when they are talking about Bruce fighting criminals.
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It’s a new Monday, so time for a new entry to #BatmanvSuperman references to the DC world. Today is Part 3 of the Knightmare scene, which is about that Flash cameo and the reference to Crisis on Infinite Earths (CoIE). All the details in the 🧵 below! #RestoreTheSnyderVerse Image
I absolutely love this reference because as you dive deep into it you start seeing more similarities and differences with the story in CoIE and I think this one is also less talked about than references in BvS to Death of Superman, Injustice, or Dark Knight Returns. ImageImage
So, let’s jump into and first look at the main reference which is Flash appearing briefly in front of Bruce Wayne both in #BatmanvSuperman and Crisis on Infinite Earths to warn him about future world dooms. ImageImage
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It’s a new week with a new entry to #BatmanvSuperman references to the DC lore. Today is Part 2 in the Knightmare scene. I take a (small) dive into some similarities and differences in this storyline with Justice League from the New 52 in the 🧵 below! #RestoreTheSnyderVerse Image
The similarities and homages in the Knightmare scene (and in the Snyderverse more broadly) to the New 52 are apparent, especially when we look at the designs of Apokoliptians. For instance, the parademons look very similar in terms of design. ImageImageImage
Additionally, the Omega symbol on Earth also looks very similar in design to some Darkseid’s War moment. And we know from #ZackSnydersJusticeLeague that this JL New 52 run is influential for Cyborg, Darkseid’s design, among other things. ImageImageImage
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#JusticeCon2021, day 2!!! #ZackSnydersJusticeLeague focused!!! Starting with: "Anyone Can Cosplay" A Discussion On Cosplay Accuracy And Acceptance
Spotlight on Gonzalo Guastavino (@WhyNotStuff) #JusticeCon2021
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Looks like its time to dive on this: one thing what bothers me a lot about the white boards is Lex Luthor motivations for seeking the mother boxes and the anti-life equations. [+] #ZackSnydersJusticeLeague #RestoreTheSnyderverse
My problem was: why? Why Luthor wants the Anti-Life? Why Luthor would give it to Darkseid? It just doesnt make sense. Lex would NEVER bend for a God, he hates deities figures. Everything he do on BvS is about that. [+] #ZackSnydersJusticeLeague #RestoreTheSnyderverse
But then, i remember THAT speech from 'Batman v Superman': Lex Luthor talking about Prometheus. #ZackSnydersJusticeLeague #RestoreTheSnyderverse
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Warner really make up the ZSJL numbers inside the GvK ones. Bastards. But AGAIN, we know streaming service build atop of previous numbers, and we all know ZSJL gave a major push for the plataform, GvK took the ride and raise up. #ZackSnydersJusticeLeague #RestoreTheSnyderVerse
When i asked this question months ago, i couldn't imagine that Warnermedia would be soo desperate to hide the success of ZSJL. I didnt thought of the negative outcome of that escalation. [+] #ZackSnydersJusticeLeague #RestoreTheSnyderVerse
But as i said, better be sure who is watching GvK, is watching ZSJL, and who watched both, will watch Mortal Kombat. The thing is, how high will be ZSJL numbers until the Warnermedia 2021 Q1 reunion? #ZackSnydersJusticeLeague #RestoreTheSnyderVerse
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BTW, Batman facing his life choices and his will to live thought the challenge of surviving Slade Wilson's revenge is totally in line with Snyder later want to present on ZSJL 2. #ZackSnydersJusticeLeague #DeathstrokeHBOMax
If he is a new man, reborn with Superman's sacrifice, what happen when the past come to haunt him and say he doesn't deserve this? #ZackSnydersJusticeLeague #DeathstrokeHBOMax
And after defeat Slade and realize yes, he deserve more than death, violence and misery, how do you think the idea of him dying will affect the creation of Knightmare? Again, EVERYTHING ALIGNS. #ZackSnydersJusticeLeague #DeathstrokeHBOMax
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ALSO: Warner Bros - whichever exec is REALLY into scenes - regardless of genre! - where people go "something something every civilization! something legends something myths are real!" while gesturing at 'cave paintings' of cereal mascots or whatever? Let someone else give notes
Because if you show the #GodzillaVsKong , #MortalKombat and #ZackSnydersJusticeLeague trailers all in a row on TV it just looks and sounds like the same movie now.
And I'm not even kidding - I FULLY expect to shortly see some formerly-respected Irish actor holding up a spelunking torch to illuminate a wall of 'primitive runes' and be like:

"Heart... Star... Clover... Horseshoe... ...The Blue Moon."

"They were right. Heaven save us."
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Just about every scene with women in 2017's #JusticeLeague undermines a woman's power, strength, and agency.

#ZackSnydersJusticeLeague fixes that.
Changes to Wonder Woman's opening scene in 2017 diminished her power and strength as a demigod. Image
Imagine thinking you needed to change THIS. Image
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Okay, so the big movie release of the week is #ZackSnydersJusticeLeague.

It’s... fine. Big, messy, sprawling, sweeping, exposition-laden, indulgent, mythic. I reviewed it here for @EscapistMag.

As #ZackSnydersJusticeLeague is a four-hour film, and because I am somebody who has lots of thoughts about regular-length movies anyway, I wrote more about it.

Notably, however you feel about Snyder, the restoration of his vision should be celebrated.…
What’s interesting about Snyder’s work on the DCEU, from “Man of Steel” to The #SnyderCut, is that it exists in conversation with the characters’ history.

In particular, Richard Donner and Richard Lester’s “Superman II” is a cornerstone of the DCEU.…
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¿Por qué la figura del #Superman de #ZackSnyder genera tanta POLÉMICA?

Aquí va un #HILO, analizando la IDEOLOGÍA y la FILOSOFÍA de #Snyder a través de su trilogía que acabará desembocando en la #ZackSnydersJusticeLeague ⬇️⬇️ Image
Aunque #Superman ha sido reinventado en varias ocasiones en películas y cómics, siempre ha mantenido DOS RASGOS fundamentales:

• Superman NO MATA.

• Superman representa el ALTRUISMO y el SACRIFICIO más puro. Image
Si a esa MORAL judeocristanea intachable le sumamos que es prácticamente OMNIPOTENTE...

DIFICULTA sus adaptaciones al cine (o incluso sus revisiones comiqueras posteriores), teniendo que recurrir en demasiadas ocasiones a la #Kryptonita; entre otros factores. Image
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@DCcomicsID 1. Berhubung udah ada kisi-kisi dari netizen, jadi kucoba langsung eksekusi. Di My Telkomsel ada dua pilihan murah yang punya HBO Go yakni Maxstream Gala Plus dan Maxstream HBO Go. Karena selisih harga dua ribu tapi lebih banyak benefitnya Gala Plus, itu yang kubeli. ImageImage
@DCcomicsID @ZackSnyder @HBOAsia 2. Notifikasi berlangganan juga dikirim via sms. Berlangganan Maxstream Gala Plus termasuk Platinum @vidio, VIP @iflixID, langganan Sushiroll dan Genflix. Anehnya nggak ada sms khusus langganan @HBOAsia sudah aktif. 🤔🤔🤔 Image
@DCcomicsID @ZackSnyder @HBOAsia @vidio @iflixID 3. Karena penasaran, langsung kubuka apps HBO Go. Masuk ke berlangganan, dan pilih metode pembayaran yang 'Sambungkan Langganan HBO kamu', pilih @Telkomsel. Image
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THREAD of all the pictures I took at the Dreamscapes of #ZackSnydersJusticeLeague exhibit in Dallas in the @ATTDistrict
#Superman is the first thing you see in the exhibit

Details on the #Superman suit

It’s insane to see in person and honestly so moving and inspiring, a perfect Superman suit

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WB wants to silence Zack if you dont want spoilers do not read these pictures but repost them. Dont let them silence Zack. #ZackSnydersJusticeLeague  #RestoreTheSnyderVerse
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296. #SophieJones (2021) A raw and resonant coming of age story about dealing with grief and overcome pain,it feels very personal. The cinematography is gorgeous and visually stunning with excellent performances by the cast especially the lead who is great.Really good. ⭐⭐⭐1/2 ImageImageImageImage
296. #Moxie (2021) A fun and entertaining coming of age movie that might be a bit flawed, but the performances by the cast is good and it is a bit long however it deals with a lot of important issues and it have a really powerful scene at the end, the direction is strong. ⭐⭐⭐ ImageImageImageImage
297. #TheHitchHiker (1953) A swift thrilling noir film that is visually pleasing with great direction, it is very tense,suspensful and fast paced (yeah it's only 70 min)anchored by a trio of great performances by the cast. The story might not fully fleshed but still fun. ⭐⭐⭐⭐ ImageImageImageImage
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Como, possivelmente, você conseguirá alugar #SnyderCut por R$ 3,90 no Google Filmes.

O usuário @OneLecn deu essa super dica, testamos e não é que deu certo?

A Google Filmes está dando um cupom onde o aluguel de qualquer filme, sai por R$3,90.

Acesse a Play Store, clique nas 3 listras da parte superior esquerda e em seguida "Abrir Play Filmes" (ou você pode abrir diretamente no app Google Filmes). Agora pronto, é só resgatar seu cupom que receberá o aviso que poderá alugar qualquer filme por apenas R$ 3,90.

Detalhe, a promoção expira dia 19 de Março. Favorável, não? Já que o filme será lançado dia 18.

Para quem tem iPhone ou iPad, abra o navegador do dispositivo móvel (como o Safari) e acesse


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As a pop culture fan, I would be remiss if I didn't do a trailer breakdown of my most anticipated movie of 2021 - Zack Snyder's Justice League!
Let's dig in!

*A Thread*


We start off with one of the saddest scenes in #BatmanVSuperman - the death of Superman.

I still get a bit teary eyed watching this, as the lead up to Clark's demise is incredibly emotional.
Here's a shot we didn't get in BvS - the aftermath of what happened to Gotham Harbour as Superman and Zod / Doomsday both meet their end.

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Women who love working with Zack Snyder; thread.

Special thanks to @ChicCattLady2 and @FuriesNah for helping us gather these.

Will add more as we find them. #ZackSnydersJusticeLeague
One of the Amazons of Themyscira speaking on her time with Zack and her love if the costume she wore.
Lena Headey (Gorgo in 300)
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One of #ZackSnyder's undeniable strong points are a very solid sense of composition. Coupled with hard light sources and a bold contrast ratio, the "non action" heavy visuals in the #ZackSnydersJusticeLeague trailer are stunning. (thread)

Pic 1: wonderful left to right movement
The verticals along with @GalGadot's towering presence emphasize her "God" like status. Also, her underlit face and that beautiful kicker (strong rim light on the camera left side of her face and right leg) wonderfully outline her.
Simple composition but so well done. Strong verticals, a diagonal created between Barry and Iris and the explosion as well as the framing...and that explosion of course. Interestingly the explosion is relatively small in the frame, emphasizing the meet cute moment.
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