Cory Morningstar Profile picture
Independent investigative journalist with artistic & intellectual tendencies, who lives and acts with little regard for conventional rules of behaviour.

Apr 20, 2021, 7 tweets

Do you see it yet? This is a permanent program ushering in digital passports, #surveillance, & a new #data economy, global in scale. #Vaccines are about emerging markets - not health. The bedrock of #4IR #biotechnology going forward.

"#Mask of the Future - World Economic Forum"

"BreathTech-S³ #smart-material sensor & #Bluetooth-connected app. allows users to monitor breathing #data in real-time... #IoT

#CO2 build-up - if air quality [] is reduced, the user will be alerted to find a safe place to take a breath of fresh air,..."

Chatham House Futurescape, 3-D digital model of London, 2021-2035. A jumbotron on left reminds (faceless) citizens to #test. 'VR holidays' which appear in 2060, "are already being rolled out today as a reaction to the restrictions on travel." [April 14, 2021] #4IR #GreatReset

Perhaps some will prefer this model.

"Award-winning ATMOBLUE is the world's first #wearable, #smart air purifier; a patented air filtration system uses industrial grade, replaceable filters, blocking 99.97% of air particulates." #Biometrics

#Masks are the new bottled water.

"Facial #masks worn to protect against particulates, air pollution, bacteria, #viruses ] become ineffective & #dangerous to continue using after the recommended usage time. The effectiveness of the filter decreases over time [], specifically how many breaths a user has taken..."

"wearable sensors allow for accurate & difficult to capture #biological monitoring. #Data-driven AI... lifestyle suggestions & warning indicators."

#Children: "Soft & safe #biometric sensors, specifically designed for little ones, providing parents insightful & actionable data."

Link for above quotes:

"#Biometrics & #Children: A literature review of current technologies – prepared by UNICEF & the #WorldBank"

"Coming soon":…

#IMF, Winter 2020-2021: "shaping a #data economy"

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