John Quakes Profile picture
Retired Earth Sciences Researcher, Professor, Analyst, Writer, Trekker and Explorer. 🥾🌎 Invested now in the new #Uranium Bull Market. ⚛️⛏️ 🤠🐂

May 16, 2021, 11 tweets

If you're new to #Uranium & #mining #stocks in general👼 then I hope this thread will help you to understand why this mined commodity⛏️ used for #nuclear reactor fuel⚛️🌞 is famous for delivering extraordinary life-changing returns when it enters, as it is now, a boom cycle🚀...2

2/ #Uranium is a cyclical commodity🔃 that goes through boom & bust cycles based on supply vs demand imbalances⚖️ magnified to extremes by supply security fears😨 as there is no available substitute fuel for #nuclear reactors & production is concentrated in so few countries .../3

3/ Like other commodities, #Uranium rises in value when supply is scarce🏜️ which in turn triggers more production to meet demand⛏️ but because its the most regulated mined metal📚 subject to the greatest environmental scrutiny,🧐 bringing new mines online is costly & slow🐌 .../4

4/ Lengthy time delay to get new #Uranium mines built or idled mines restarted🥱 while #nuclear fuel demand keeps growing🏗️⚛️ produces what can become an extreme supply deficit that keeps pushing uranium prices higher & higher as fuel buyers panic that they won't get fuel😱 .../5

5/ Today the #Uranium #mining sector is in a significant #U3O8 supply deficit due to 10 years of a low commodity price & under-investment in exploration, development & construction of new mines.⛏️ U price is less than half that needed to bring idled and/or new mines online .../6

6/ #COVID19 pandemic has further deepened the #uranium supply deficit due to lengthy mine closures in #Canada & #Kazakhstan with no chance to make up that lost production.⤵️⛏️ Meanwhile, 2 major U mines just closed due to ore depletion & no new mines are being built. 0⃣🏭.../7

7/ Throughout this period of declining mined supply, #Nuclear utilities have relied on drawing down inventory & other #uranium sources called "Secondary Supply" that has helped to meet demand during the #COVID19 crisis, but they're now running on fumes & must restock ASAP⛽️ .../8

8/ Investors aware of fantastic gains that a boom cycle in #Uranium will bring💰⛵️🏝️🍹😎 have seen what's coming for U #mining #stocks🔮🧙‍♂️🚀🌜 so money has been flowing into the tiny U sector since last year, ahead of an inevitable spike in #U3O8 prices & before the herd🦌.../9

9/ What will make this #Uranium boom cycle even more extreme is new global decarbonization #ESG drive🌞 that requires far more #CarbonFree #nuclear energy to meet #NetZero emissions goals🏗️ further supporting & spiking demand higher⚛️⤴️ in midst of a sustained U deficit⏬ .../10

10/ New #uranium mines to meet that #nuclear demand should have been financed, licensed & built yesterday⛏️ to raise U supply to rebalance the market.⚖️ A doubling of the #U3O8 price and another $4-5B investment is needed to get enough new mines built ASAP 💰🏗️🏭 .../11

11/ But building new #Uranium mines takes many years in this heavily regulated sector.🐌 Even if U prices doubled & $10B flowed into this sector💰 it can't speed up the regulatory licensing & mine construction process.🧐📜⛏️ Thus, life-changing returns are imminent once again.🤑

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