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May 21, 2021, 17 tweets



Quite the thread; so tags first.
#Bitcoin #BTC $BTC #Tether #USDT $USDT #Coinbase $COIN #USDC $USDC #Binance $BUSD #BUSD @Bitfinexed @BennettTomlin @LucaLand97 @Tr0llyTr0llFace @TESLAcharts

Where to start with this one. I guess first some background information on one of the biggest frauds of the Dot-Com bubble in Germany: Infomatec.

This was a company that was basically pumping its shareprice with "ad-hoc announcements", meaning literally just lying.

Now, after reading some articles today on Bitfinex's CEO, i thought i'd have a go at trying to find out more about this guy. A quick google came up with a reddit post people probably have seen before, attached below. I've also reattached the linkedin profile that link leads to.

Rather then trying to figure out where the guy is now, i thought maybe his past gives more away. Since there are 3 companies listed aside from Bitfinex, i tried looking for all 3.

The first and third company were a wash. But the second one - Tuxia - gave a hit.

A Trademark.

What is of interest here, is that it lists the party name and address. It's notable that the trademark expired because of lack of response by 2002 - the reason for that will become obvious soon.

What is of interest here, is that it lists the party name and address:

So it turns out the full name is Tuxia Deutschland GmbH (or Tuxia Germany GmbH). And it lists an address.

So i went looking for the adress. A healthcentre pops up:

Now, i haven't called them to ask how long they've been in that building. But, their main site lists that they've been operating since 1998.

I'll make no call on whether or not Tuxia ever actually occupied the building; but with this stuff i'll track down every lead i can.

It's noticeable, atleast.

So i searched on, only this time with the full company name. And here's where the plot thickens.

Because *the first article* that comes up from 2001 is this one:


I may not have bought/sold a business, but i *do* know you don't do that sight unseen. Even more interesting that the financial details of a deal with a MASSIVE fraud weren't disclosed at the time.

So the search is on!

Now - i did find supposed former employees of this company.

I'm not gonna Dox them - i've got more style then Tether employees - But enough to say i could track one of them down and he's listed as working at Tuxia until 2003.

So i looked at the company strictly. The registrar:

That gives us a timeline. I haven't found articles past that date. i did find more.

And it's in these articles that i find something else interesting. Because it took quite a while before i found out what this company actually did.

Turns out, embedded linux applications.

...But hang on.....

.....Where have i seen that before....


So what he's listed as Co-founder of a company that did business with frauds that was only incorporated for 1.3 years half a world away i hear you say.

That doesn't prove anythi....


So. Maybe the #German regulators wanna have a little chat with the Bitfinex's CEO along with the US. I don't know what the expiry date is for fraud, but i'm pretty sure they'll want atleast an interview.

Oh... And maybe, the #Chinese wanna have a lil chat with him as well:

And a word of warning to future frauds:

It's always the ego that brings you down. Can't help but brag about past achievements.

I don't have to know what Jan (or Jean)'s real name is. All i need to know is what he's done.

Then we find somebody who did the same, name be damned.

I couldn't find a website, or personnel photos. So i'm no closer to finding out "who" he is.

But... I *do* know which gentlemen to ask.

If *they* can be found.
@PalisadesRadio @goldsilver_pros @GoldTelegraph_ @TheEarlyStage @WallStreetSilv @ThHappyHawaiian @crasl7 #fintwit

Welp. This atleast confirms that he's real.

And it also confirms he had dealings with Infomatec.

The internet doesn't forget. How would y'all like to see a younger Jean Louis?
#Bitfinex #Tether #USDT $USDT #Coinbase $COIN #USDC $USDC #Binance #BUSD $BUSD #Huobi $HUSD #HUSD.

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