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Aug 15, 2021, 14 tweets

No security, no protocol has been reported from #Kabul Airport as thousands of #Afghans try to flee the country. More than a thousand passengers tried to board a plane destined to #Istanbul with the capacity of 300 passengers ONLY. #Afghanistan

#VIDEO After hours of mayhem at Kabul Airport, US special forces arrived at the scene in an attempt to restore order. Prez Biden has recently announced that an additional 1000 troops will be deployed to Kabul. #Afghanistan #Kabul #Taliban

One of the last evac choppers takes off from the #US embassy in Kabul, leaving behind a $796M embassy. The #US has recently asked Taliban to spare its embassy if they capture the capital, #Kabul, prior to full evacuation of the embassy and all of its mission staff. #Afghanistan

Monday August 16: The sound of gunshots can be heard in distance as thousands of #Afghans rush to the terminal of #Kabul airport hoping to catch one of the last flights departing from #Afghanistan.

VIDEO: A group of #Afghans running after an all-geared up #US C-17 airlifter set to take off from #Kabul Airport. It is not yet clear where this plane is one of the last #USAF evac flights departing from #Kabul, #Afghanistan.

An #Afghan fighter jet escaping #Taliban take over was shot down by #Uzbek Air Defences after violating air space. RIA. #Uzbekistan is currently hosting large number of Afghan government officials, security forces and civil servants who fled #Afghanistan.

Russia's embassy in #Kabul said on Monday that #Afghan President @ashrafghani had fled the country with four cars and a helicopter full of cash and had to leave some money behind as it would not all fit in, RIA news agency. #Afghanistan #Russia

BREAKING: The head of #US Central Command met face-to-face with senior #Taliban leaders to urge their fighters not to interfere with the #US military’s evacuation operations at the airport in #kabulairport, a defense official says.- AP

Prez @JoeBiden is expected to address the media on Afghanistan at 3:45 PM ET. - @POTUS
#USA #Afghanistan

The #UK indicates that sanctions on #Afghanistan are possible after the Taliban takeover. @AJEnglish

Rep. @IlhanMN calls for a full evac operation to assist the #Afghan citizens fleeing for their lives. "It has also, for me, been personally painful. I know what it's like to be the child in the family scrambling for safety in a war-torn country." she adds. #Afghanistan

"I stand squarely stand behind my decision on #Afghanistan" @JoeBiden states as he is currently addressing the world on #Afghanistan.

"I will not make the same mistakes in the past, fighting in war that is not in the interest of our nation" -@JoeBiden. #Afghanistan

"I am the fifth President to preside the #Afghanistan war. I'll not pass this to the next president" says Prez. @JoeBiden during his address in East Room as he wraps up his speech with zero questions. #Afghanistan #US

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